List of Australian states and territories by gross state product

This is the most recent list of Australian states and territories by gross state product (GSP) and GSP per capita. Also included are the GSP and population growth tables as well as a comparison table showing the surplus/deficit between state final demand (SFD) and GSP for the same financial year. All the data was taken from the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.

States and territories by GSP per capita

  > 100,000
  100,000 - 80,000
  80,000 - 70,000
  70,000 - 60,000
  < 60,000
State or territory GSP per capita
(A$, 2021–22)
GSP per capita growth
GSP per capita as a
ratio to national
  Western Australia 136,577   1.96% 1.632
  Northern Territory 104,506   4.62% 1.249
  Australian Capital Territory 99,969   1.45% 1.195
  New South Wales 81,612   1.63% 0.975
  Queensland 73,030   2.97% 0.873
  Victoria 76,357   5.66% 0.874
  South Australia 68,777   4.50% 0.822
  Tasmania 64,408   3.50% 0.770
  Australia (GDP) 83,678   3.10% 1.000

States and territories by GSP growth and share of national economy

  > 500,000
  500,000 - 300,000
  200,000 - 100,000
  < 100,000
State or territory Share of National Economy
(%, 2021–22)[1]
(million $AUD, 2009–10)
(million $AUD, 2022–23)
Annual Growth Rate
  New South Wales 30.65% 500,555 777,299   1.80%
  Victoria 23.24% 360,958 568,866   5.60%
  Queensland 17.84% 295,005 503,351   4.40%
  Western Australia 17.50% 213,988 445,348   3.10%
  South Australia 5.76% 98,685 142,035   4.70%
  Australian Capital Territory 2.10% 29,917 51,206   1.90%
  Tasmania 1.70% 27,350 40,527   1.70%
  Northern Territory 1.21% 26,435 32,595   4.70%
  Australia (GDP) 100.00% 1,542,946 2,561,227   3.60%

States and territories by population growth

State or territory Population[2]
(June 2010)
(June 2024)
National population share
(%, June 2024)
Annual Growth Rate
Comparison as multiple of
(June 2010 vs. June 2024)
  Victoria 5,461,101 6,929,000 26.07%   1.49% 1.226
  Australian Capital Territory 361,766 436,713 1.68%   1.13% 1.192
  Queensland 4,404,744 5,387,000 20.15%   1.58% 1.175
  Western Australia 2,290,845 2,918,000 10.36%   1.47% 1.162
  New South Wales 7,144,292 8,431,000 31.79%   0.95% 1.143
  South Australia 1,627,322 1,792,000 6.89%   0.95% 1.087
  Northern Territory 255,407 245,980 0.96%   0.07% 1.071
  Tasmania 530,100 540,569 2.10%   1.11% 1.062
  Australia 22,028,695 27,594,000 100.00%   1.27% 1.166

States and territories by comparison between SFD and GSP

State or territory SFD[3]
(million A$, 2019–20)
(million A$, 2018–19)
Surplus / Deficit
  New South Wales 603,043 629,117 26,074
  Victoria 483,407 461,248 −22,159
  Queensland 361,478 367,468 5,990
  Western Australia 203,910 288,225 84,315
  South Australia 118,626 109,843 −8,783
  Australian Capital Territory 54,040 39,956 −14,084
  Tasmania 35,142 31,993 −4,099
  Northern Territory 23,482 24,830 1,348
  Australia (DFD) 1,884,078 1,952,680 68,602

Historical gross state product (since 1989–90)


See also



  1. ^ "Australian National Accounts: State Accounts". Australian Bureau of Statistics. 18 November 2022. Retrieved 21 October 2023.
  2. ^ "3101.0 – Australian Demographic Statistics, Jun 2020". Australian Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved 25 December 2020.
  3. ^ "State Final Demand, 2019–20) Financial Year". Australian Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved 25 December 2020.