Belinski–Zakharov transform

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The Belinski–Zakharov (inverse) transform is a nonlinear transformation that generates new exact solutions of the vacuum Einstein's field equation. It was developed by Vladimir Belinski and Vladimir Zakharov in 1978.[1] The Belinski–Zakharov transform is a generalization of the inverse scattering transform. The solutions produced by this transform are called gravitational solitons (gravisolitons). Despite the term 'soliton' being used to describe gravitational solitons, their behavior is very different from other (classical) solitons.[2] In particular, gravitational solitons do not preserve their amplitude and shape in time, and up to June 2012 their general interpretation remains unknown. What is known however, is that most black holes (and particularly the Schwarzschild metric and the Kerr metric) are special cases of gravitational solitons.



The Belinski–Zakharov transform works for spacetime intervals of the form


where we use Einstein's summation convention for  . It is assumed that both the function   and the matrix   depend on the coordinates   and   only. Despite being a specific form of the spacetime interval that depends only on two variables, it includes a great number of interesting solutions as special cases, such as the Schwarzschild metric, the Kerr metric, Einstein–Rosen metric, and many others.

In this case, Einstein's vacuum equation   decomposes into two sets of equations for the matrix   and the function  . Using light-cone coordinates  , the first equation for the matrix   is


where   is the square root of the determinant of  , namely


The second set of equations is


Taking the trace of the matrix equation for   reveals that in fact   satisfies the wave equation


The Lax pair


Consider the linear operators   defined by


where   is an auxiliary complex spectral parameter. A simple computation shows that since   satisfies the wave equation,  . This pair of operators commute, this is the Lax pair.

The gist behind the inverse scattering transform is rewriting the nonlinear Einstein equation as an overdetermined linear system of equation for a new matrix function  . Consider the Belinski–Zakharov equations:


By operating on the left-hand side of the first equation with   and on the left-hand side of the second equation with   and subtracting the results, the left-hand side vanishes as a result of the commutativity of   and  . As for the right-hand side, a short computation shows that indeed it vanishes as well precisely when   satisfies the nonlinear matrix Einstein equation.

This means that the overdetermined linear Belinski–Zakharov equations are solvable simultaneously exactly when   solves the nonlinear matrix equation . Actually, one can easily restore   from the matrix-valued function   by a simple limiting process. Taking the limit   in the Belinski-Zakharov equations and multiplying by   from the right gives


Thus a solution of the nonlinear   equation is obtained from a solution of the linear Belinski–Zakharov equation by a simple evaluation



  1. ^ Belinskii, V.; Zakharov, V. (1978). "Integration of the Einstein Equations by Means of the Inverse Scattering Problem Technique and Construction of Exact Soliton Solutions". Sov. Phys. JETP. 48 (6): 985–994. ISSN 0038-5646.
  2. ^ Belinski, V.; Verdaguer, E. (2001). Gravitational Solitons. Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics.