Draft:Fractional calculus of sets

The Fractional Calculus of Sets (FCS), first introduced in the article titled "Sets of Fractional Operators and Numerical Estimation of the Order of Convergence of a Family of Fractional Fixed-Point Methods" [1], is a methodology derived from fractional calculus [2]. The primary concept behind FCS is the characterization of fractional calculus elements using sets due to the plethora of fractional operators available.[3][4][5] This methodology originated from the development of the Fractional Newton-Raphson method [6] and subsequent related works [7][8][9] .

Set of Fractional Operators


Fractional calculus, a branch of mathematics dealing with derivatives of non-integer order, emerged nearly simultaneously with traditional calculus. This emergence was partly due to Leibniz's notation for derivatives of integer order:  . Thanks to this notation, L'Hopital was able to inquire in a letter to Leibniz about the interpretation of taking   in a derivative. At that moment, Leibniz couldn't provide a physical or geometric interpretation for this question, so he simply replied to L'Hopital in a letter that "... is an apparent paradox from which, one day, useful consequences will be drawn".

The name "fractional calculus" originates from a historical question, as this branch of mathematical analysis studies derivatives and integrals of a certain order  . Currently, fractional calculus lacks a unified definition of what constitutes a fractional derivative. Consequently, when the explicit form of a fractional derivative is unnecessary, it is typically denoted as follows:


Fractional operators have various representations, but one of their fundamental properties is that they recover the results of traditional calculus as  . Considering a scalar function   and the canonical basis of   denoted by  , the following fractional operator of order   is defined using Einstein notation [10]:


Denoting   as the partial derivative of order   with respect to the  -th component of the vector  , the following set of fractional operators is defined:


with its complement:


Consequently, the following set is defined:


Extension to Vectorial Functions


For a function  , the set is defined as:


where   denotes the  -th component of the function  .

Set of Fractional Operators


The set of fractional operators considering infinite orders is defined as:


where under classic Hadamard product [11] it holds that:


Fractional Matrix Operators


For each operator  , the fractional matrix operator is defined as:


and for each operator  , the following matrix, corresponding to a generalization of the Jacobian matrix [12], can be defined:


where  .

Modified Hadamard Product


Considering that, in general,  , the following modified Hadamard product is defined:


with which the following theorem is obtained:

Theorem: Abelian Group of Fractional Matrix Operators


Let   be a fractional operator such that  . Considering the modified Hadamard product, the following set of fractional matrix operators is defined:


which corresponds to the Abelian group [13] generated by the operator  .



Since the set in equation (1) is defined by applying only the vertical type Hadamard product between its elements, for all   it holds that:


with which it is possible to prove that the set (1) satisfies the following properties of an Abelian group:


Set of Fractional Operators


Let   be the set  . If   and  , then the following multi-index notation can be defined:


Then, considering a function   and the fractional operator:


the following set of fractional operators is defined:


From which the following results are obtained:


As a consequence, considering a function  , the following set of fractional operators is defined:


Set of Fractional Operators


Considering a function   and the following set of fractional operators:


Then, taking a ball  , it is possible to define the following set of fractional operators:


which allows generalizing the expansion in Taylor series of a vector-valued function in multi-index notation. As a consequence, the following result can be obtained:


Fractional Newton-Raphson Method


Let   be a function with a point   such that  . Then, for some   and a fractional operator  , it is possible to define a type of linear approximation of the function   around   as follows:


which can be expressed more compactly as:


where   denotes a square matrix. On the other hand, as   and given that  , the following is inferred:


As a consequence, defining the matrix:


the following fractional iterative method can be defined:


which corresponds to the most general case of the fractional Newton-Raphson method.


  1. ^ Torres-Hernandez, A.; Brambila-Paz, F. (December 29, 2021). "Sets of Fractional Operators and Numerical Estimation of the Order of Convergence of a Family of Fractional Fixed-Point Methods". Fractal and Fractional. 5 (4): 240. doi:10.3390/fractalfract5040240.
  2. ^ Applications of fractional calculus in physics
  3. ^ de Oliveira, Edmundo Capelas; Tenreiro Machado, José António (June 10, 2014). "A Review of Definitions for Fractional Derivatives and Integral". Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2014: e238459. doi:10.1155/2014/238459.
  4. ^ Sales Teodoro, G.; Tenreiro Machado, J.A.; Capelas de Oliveira, E. (July 29, 2019). "A review of definitions of fractional derivatives and other operators". Journal of Computational Physics. 388: 195–208. Bibcode:2019JCoPh.388..195S. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2019.03.008.
  5. ^ Valério, Duarte; Ortigueira, Manuel D.; Lopes, António M. (January 29, 2022). "How Many Fractional Derivatives Are There?". Mathematics. 10 (5): 737. doi:10.3390/math10050737.
  6. ^ Torres-Hernandez, A.; Brambila-Paz, F. (2021). "Fractional Newton-Raphson Method". Applied Mathematics and Sciences an International Journal (Mathsj). 8: 1–13. doi:10.5121/mathsj.2021.8101.
  7. ^ Torres-Hernandez, A.; Brambila-Paz, F.; Montufar-Chaveznava, R. (September 29, 2022). "Acceleration of the order of convergence of a family of fractional fixed-point methods and its implementation in the solution of a nonlinear algebraic system related to hybrid solar receivers". Applied Mathematics and Computation. 429: 127231. arXiv:2109.03152. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2022.127231.
  8. ^ Torres-Hernandez, A. (2022). "Code of a multidimensional fractional quasi-Newton method with an order of convergence at least quadratic using recursive programming". Applied Mathematics and Sciences an International Journal (MathSJ). 9: 17–24. doi:10.5121/mathsj.2022.9103.
  9. ^ Torres-Hernandez, A.; Brambila-Paz, F.; Ramirez-Melendez, R. (2022). "Sets of Fractional Operators and Some of Their Applications". Operator Theory - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications.
  10. ^ Einstein summation for multidimensional arrays
  11. ^ The hadamard product
  12. ^ Jacobians of matrix transformation and functions of matrix arguments
  13. ^ Abelian groups