National Amerindianist American Redman's Party

The National Amerindianist American Redman's Party (or NAARP) was a Native American, socialist[2][3] political party in the United States. It was founded in 1972 in the backdrop of the wider American Indian Movement in Lincoln, Nebraska. The NAARP was active throughout much of the 1970s.

National Amerindianist American Redman's Party
LeaderFrank Wolf
PresidentSteven Penn
ChairpersonAlexis W. Wolf
SecretaryBertram Walker
Secretary-GeneralTapa Machunashi
FounderFrank Wolf
HeadquartersLincoln, Nebraska
Map of the Greater Ameridia Patria, proposed by the NAARP in 1973. Proposed capital of Tecumseh in Green[1]

Ideology and political positions


The party named its ideology "National Amerindianism."[4] It argued against the capitalist and liberal democratic systems, which it considered corrupt and irresponsible, as well as what it termed the 'White Hegemony' present in the US, in favor of a socialist, centralized Native Republic under one party.[5]

The NAARP argued for the eventual decolonization of the entirety of the Americas by demographic resettlement by Asians (who the NAARP refers to under the umbrella of Mongolian) and Native Americans (under the umbrella term of 'Erythrosian ethnicity'), in a process it compared to Israeli settlements.[6] To help achieve this, the NAARP advocated for the creation of a strong army and air force, along with the use of five year plans to industrialize the country.[7] In addition, the NAARP also believed in the formation of an alliance with nations in Asia and natives in South America to help realize this. Part of the decolonization process was the acquirement of reparations from the US.

The NAARP strongly supported Anti-miscegenation laws, by calling for refusal to recognize Native Americans as those who have 'alien strain', though the NAARP did not consider Asian Americans and South Americans to be 'alien'.[8] It considered Native Americans to be racially and politically superior to other groups.[9]

Party platform


The NAARP had a 28-point party platform, which was submitted to the UN on May 18th of May, 1973:[10]

1. The union of the American Indian people in a sovereign nation. The Greater Ameridia Patria.

2. The establishment of an independent government and state under the rule of red men, and the sovereignty of the American Indian in the Dakotas.

3. The creation of a strong central power of state.

4. Only a member of the race can be a citizen. A member of the race shall be an Indian of Erythros blood without alien strain. No other non-Erythros can be a member of the race.

5. The restriction of all alien undesirables and unfavourable elements into the Dakota Nation Patria. We want a nation of people founded and consecrated in one blood.

6. An Indian people and government ruled by the doctrine of socialism as practiced by our ancestry and Erythros ideology. A nation and creed founded in the socialist concept of equality.

7. The cultural and economic greatness of the new state for the prosperity and liberty of the American Indian. An undivided society of fellow intertribal members as its Ameridian citizenry.

8.The concentration of Indian self-rule as a sovereign nation within the decade under the form of government they shall choose to live.

9. The name of the independent nation shall be "The Republic United Tribes of Ameridia" with a capital city of "Tecumseh".

10. The adoption and legislation by the U.S. Congress a 'nationalization policy' for the establishment of American Indian nationhood.

11. The formulation of a "freedom bill" by groups of American Indian legation for political autonomy; for the foundation of a national homeland in America for a sovereign Indian people.

12. The rise of a "Second Indian Territory" in the Dakotas under the mandate of the jurisdiction of the United Nations Trusteeship Council.

13. A formal declaration of Independence and intentions by Indian pro-nationalist and separatist groups presented to the U.S. Congress.

14. A referendum by the American Indian people to the U.S. Government in a national plebiscite to find what majority favor independence.

15. The state ruled under a strong elite leadership of red men. One people dedicated to one political party and system-the Ameridian People's party, shall be the sole party of the Ameridian nation and people.

16. The Navajo and annexed reservations as a southern independent state of Indian autonomy in the South-West.

17. Economic compensation from the United States to the new Republic of Ameridia.

18. The armament of the Ameridian nation to defend its national independence and existence as a sovereign Indian state, The training of a strong army and air force under Ameridian military leadership of officers of an elite corp of soldiers.

19. The resettlement of the American continents by and for the Mongolian and Erythrosian humanity.

20. Ameridian diplomatic and foreign relations with the Asian nations and people of Mother Asia. Our nation guided by an external policy formulated from the principle of race and blood.

21. Unity with the fellow Mongolian nations of the Far East and South America in treaties and alliances of world peace and understanding among the Mongolian peoples.

22. The Ameridia Patria given and guaranteed port rights on the Pacific for trade and intercourse with Asian nations. Ameridia to control the Klamath region and lay its claim to the bay as its natural outlet to the sea.

23. The formulation of a united Pan-American policy of a negro program to seek and return the black element to the African continent.

24. Repayment of reparations from the United States to the Ameridian government and people for economic exploitation and injuries inflicted under American imperialism.

25. A new five-year plan initiated by the new Ameridian government to build and strengthen the economy of the newly created Indian state.

26. The Immediate release of all American Indians in federal, state, and county prisons turned over to the custody of correction institutions in the Ameridian state under a director of the bureau of prisons,

27. The annexation of the Arapaho, Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Crow and Omaha reservations in the United States over to the Ameridian Nation as territorial provinces and protectorates of self-rule under the allegiance to the Ameridia Patria.

28. Membership of the Republic of Ameridia into the United Nations as a member nation.


  1. ^ Nathan White (18 May 1973). S-0271-0001-04. American Indians - Wounded Knee, South Dakota (2) (Report). United Nations. pp. 7–8.
  2. ^ Tóth, György (2019), 'Red' nations: Marxists and the Native American sovereignty movement of the late Cold War, Cold War History, retrieved 11 June 2023
  3. ^ Rosier, Paul (2009). Serving Their Country American Indian Politics and Patriotism in the Twentieth Century. Harvard University Press. p. 224. ISBN 9780674036109.
  4. ^ Bertram Walker (12 July 1973). Correspondence to and from National Amerindianist American Redmans' Party (Report). Rupert and Jeannette Costo papers. p. 2.
  5. ^ Bertram Walker (12 July 1973). Correspondence to and from National Amerindianist American Redmans' Party (Report). Rupert and Jeannette Costo papers. p. 8.
  6. ^ Nathan White (18 May 1973). S-0271-0001-04. American Indians - Wounded Knee, South Dakota (2) (Report). United Nations. p. 4.
  7. ^ Nathan White (18 May 1973). S-0271-0001-04. American Indians - Wounded Knee, South Dakota (2) (Report). United Nations. pp. 10–11.
  8. ^ Nathan White (18 May 1973). S-0271-0001-04. American Indians - Wounded Knee, South Dakota (2) (Report). United Nations. p. 10.
  9. ^ Bertram Walker (12 July 1973). Correspondence to and from National Amerindianist American Redmans' Party (Report). Rupert and Jeannette Costo papers. p. 8.
  10. ^ Nathan White (18 May 1973). S-0271-0001-04. American Indians - Wounded Knee, South Dakota (2) (Report). United Nations. pp. 10–11..