Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund

The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund Company (SJIF) is a partnership between Saudi Arabia and Jordan, which invests in infrastructure and other promising sectors in Jordan. The company is a (Limited Public Shareholding Company) registered per the Jordan Investment Fund Law number 16 for 2016. It aims to realize economic returns, aligning with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, and create a clear developmental impact in Jordan. The company was formed in 2017 following a legislative and institutional process between Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The main shareholder of the company is the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia, which owns 90% of the company's share capital. The remaining 10% of the share capital is held by 16 Jordanian conventional and Islamic banks.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]


  1. ^ "Jordan News Agency (Petra)". Retrieved 2019-04-16.
  2. ^ "Saudi Arabia, Jordan to invest $705m in Aqaba railway project". 11 February 2019. Retrieved 2019-04-19.
  3. ^ "Saudi wealth fund targets real estate energy projects in Jordan". 28 March 2017.
  4. ^ "SJIF to invest in development projects worth billions of Dollars". Retrieved 2019-12-01.
  5. ^ "Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund showcases achievements and future plans". Retrieved 2019-12-01.
  6. ^ "Saudi Jordanian investment fund reviews achievements plans". 24 April 2019. Retrieved 2019-12-01.
  7. ^ "Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund (SJIF) Overview - infrapppworld". 13 February 2019. Retrieved 2019-12-01.