European cucumber

(Redirected from English cucumber)

The European cucumber (also known as English cucumber[1][2]) is a variety of "seedless" cucumber that is longer and slimmer than other varieties.

It does not have a layer of wax on it, and the skin is tender when ripe.[3][4]

These cucumbers may come wrapped in plastic for longer shelf life and better freshness. As a seedless variety, they do not have to be seeded or peeled before consuming.[1][5]

Often used in salads and for pickling,[1][2] European cucumbers can be more expensive and less flavorful than some other types of cucumber.[5]


  1. ^ a b c Alden, Lori. "Cucumbers". Retrieved 22 January 2017.
  2. ^ a b "Hot House Cucumbers". Retrieved 23 January 2017.
  3. ^ "European Cucumbers | English Cucumber | Seedless". Archived from the original on 29 March 2014. Retrieved 5 June 2014.
  4. ^ "Cook's Thesaurus: Cucumbers".
  5. ^ a b Gardener, Geek (27 August 2010). "Growing Cucumber – European Cucumbers". Retrieved 23 January 2017.