Text Appearing Before Image: eturn on our properties. ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES FOR SOUTH AMERICA The accompanying illustration shows one of six standard-gage electric locomotives recently supplied to the RuralTramways, La Croze, South America, by Dick, Kerr &Company. The locomotives are of the central cab typeand are mounted upon Brill No. 27 E-i trucks. Each loco-motive is equipped with four D.K. 7-B., 500-volt, d.c.motors rated at 50 hp each on the one-hour basis. Thetotal tractive effort of the locomotive at full load is 5720lb. at the car wheels at a speed of 13.2 m.p.h. and a totalcurrent intake of 360 amp. The maximum speed is a littleover 20 m.p.h. The diameter of the truck wheels is 34in. and the gear ratio of the motors is 71 115. The motors are operated with a type Q-2, Form A con-troller having five series and three parallel notches. Cur-rent is collected by a single trolley. There is no electricbrake, but each locomotive is fitted with a Christensentype C-3 straight air brake equipment. The locomotive Text Appearing After Image: Electric Locomotive of the Rural Tramways, La Croze personal effort to bring about an honest conception of thedifficulties under which the electric railway companies op-erate. From my experience in the street railway business forthe past 17 years and my experience in the MassachusettsSenate for the past three years, perhaps I am in a betterposition to judge of the temper of the public than someof you who have had only one side of it. Many times wehear the members of the Legislature criticized for thevotes on certain questions which appear to be antagonisticto the public-service corporations, but I can recall manyinstances when such votes were taken where I knew themember was voting against his own convictions, but had measures 30 ft. over the end sills and 7 ft. over the sidesills. The bodies were built at Dick. Kerr & Companysgeneral engineering works at Kilmarnock, the powerequipments at their electrical works at Preston. Theprincipal contractors for the Rural Tramways were J. G
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