File:Rizana assembly manuscript 804 p1.jpg

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English: Page 1 of the Rizana Assembly Manuscript, detailing the assembly attended by emissaries of Charlemagne, and governors of the Istrian seaside towns. The assembly took place in the year 804 in Rizana, close to the City of Koper, today in Slovenia. The document is an important historic source for the history of Charlemagne's policy regarding the Byzantine governed coastland in the Adriatic.
Slovenščina: Prva stran Listine Rižanskega zbora, ki opisuje zbor, na katerem so prisostvovali odposlanci Karla Velikega, in glavarji istrskih mest. Zbor se je zgodil leta 804 v bližini Kopra, v Rižani. Dokument je pomemben zgodovinski vir za raziskovanje zgodovine politike Karla Velikega do bizantinskih obalnih mest na Jadranu.
Deutsch: Seite 1 von Rizana Versammlung Manuskript, welche detailliert der Versammlung, begleitet von abgesandten Karls des Großen, und die Gouverneure der Istrischen Küstenstädte. Die Versammlung erfolgte im Jahr 804 in Rizana, in der nähe heutiges Stadt Koper, Slowenien. Das Dokument ist eine wichtige historische Quelle für die Politische Geschichte Karls des Großen, in Bezug auf die byzantinische geregelt Küstenland in der Adria.
Source Codex Trevisaneus, State archive in Venice, signature IT ASVe 4920 012. Published by A. Petranovic and A. Margetic in the article: Il Placito del Risano; Atti del Centro di ricerche storiche, vol. XIV, Trieste-Rovigno, 1983/84, p. 55-70.
Author Unknown authorUnknown author


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Line of text / Vrstica Original/Latin English Slovenščina
In nomine patris et filii spiritus sancti amen. Cum per jussionem püssimi atque excellentissimi domini Caroli Magni imperatoris et Pipini regis filii eius in Istria nos serui eorum directi fuissemus idest IZZO presbiter atque Cadolao et Aio comites pro causis sanctuarum Dei ecclesiarum dominorum nostrorum seu et de violentia In the name of Holy Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. According to the commandment of the highly sublime and highly pious mister Charles the Great, and his son Pipin, we, his servants, that is Priest IZZO, Counts Cadolao and Aio, have been dispatched to Istriensium because of the charges of the Holy Churches of God, because of the rights of our Lords, but also because of the violence V imenu Očeta in sina in Svetega Duha, Amen. Po zapovedi prepobožnega in prevzvišenega gospoda cesarja Karla Velikega in njegovega sina kralja Pipina so nas, njune služabnike, to je duhovnika Izona, grofa Kadolaja in grofa Ajona, napotili v Istro zaradi obtožb svetih božjih cerkva, (zaradi pravic) naših gospodov, pa tudi zaradi nasilja


populi, pauperorum, orfanorum et viduarum, primis

omnium venientibus nobis in territorio Caprense, loco qui dicitur Riziano, ibique adunatis venerabili viro Fortunato patriarcha atque Theodoro, Leone, Stauratio, Stefano, Laurentio episcopis et reliquis primatibus uel populo provincie Istriensium, tunc elegimus de singulis civitatibus seu castellis homines capitaneos numero centum septua-

against our people, against the poor, orphans and widows. As first of all we have come to the land of Caprense [Koper], to a place called Riziano,

and there we have been joined by the honorable man Patriarch Forunato, bishops Theodoro, Leone, Stauratio, Stefano, Laurentio, and other noblemen, but also the people of the Province of Istriensium. Then we collected one hundred and seventy two

nad ljudstvom, nad ubogimi, sirotami in vdovami. Kot prvi od

vseh smo prišli na koprsko ozemlje, v kraj, ki se imenuje Rižana, in tam so se nam pridružili častiti mož patriarh Fortunat, škofje Teodor, Leon, Stavracij, Štefan in Lavrencij ter ostali prvaki, pa tudi ljudstvo dežele Istranov. Nato smo izbrali iz posameznih mest in kaštelov stodvainsedemdeset


ginta et duos, fecimus eos jurare ad sancta 4 Dei euangelia et

pignora sanctorum ut omnia quicquid scirent de quo nos eos interrogauerimus, dicant veritatem, imprimis de rebus sanctarum Dei ecclesiarum deinde justitia dominorum nostrorum seu et de violentia uel consuetudine populi terre istius. Orfanorum et viduarum, qui absque vllius hominis timore nobis dicerent veritatem.

governors, who, at our request, took an Oath of the four Gospels, and the Relics of the Saints, to speak only truth about all things known to them, about which they are going to be asked, first about the matters of the Holy Churches of God, then on the rights of our Lords, and of injustices and habits of the population of that land, orphans and widows. They should speak the truth without fear of anyone. glavarjev, ki so na našo zahtevo prisegli pri štirih

svetih božjih evangelijih in pri relikvijah svetnikov, da bodo govorili resnico o vsem njim poznanih stvareh, o katerih jih bomo spraševali: najprej o zadevah svetih božjih cerkva, nato o pravicah naših gospodov in o krivicah ter o navadah prebivalstva tiste pokrajine, sirot in vdov. Resnico naj bi nam izpovedali brez strahu pred komerkoli.


Et ipsi detulerunt nobis breues per singulas civitates uel castella

et quod tempore Constantini seu Basilii magistri militum fecerunt, continentes quod a parte ecclesiarum non haberent adiutorium nec suas consuetudines. Fortunatus patriarcha dedit responsum dicens: Ego nescio si super me aliquid dicere uultis. Verumtamen vos scitis omnes consuetudines quas a

They brought us minutes of reports from each of the towns, and kastels [fortified villages], which were written in the times of Constantin and military leader Basilius. In them was written, that they don’t get any support from the Church, and not even their regular benefits.

Patriarch Fortunatus responded with the following words: “I don’t know, if you want to say something against me. You all know very well, that you gave me regular tributes,

Oni pa so nam prinesli zapisnike poročil po posameznih mestih in

kaštelih, ki so jih sestavili v času Konstantina in vojaškega poveljnika Bazilija. V njih je bilo zapisano, da od cerkve ne prejemajo niti podpore niti svojih običajnih dajatev. Patriarh Fortunat je na to odgovoril z besedami: "Ne vem, ali hočete kaj reči zoper mene. Vsi dobro veste, da ste mi poklonili vse običajne dajatve,


vestris partibus sancta ecclesia mea ab antiquo tempore usque

nunc dedit, vos michi eas perdonastis propter quod ego ubicumque potui, in vestro fui adiutorio et nunc esse vollo et vos scitis quod multas dationes uel missos in servitium domini Imperatoris propter vos direxi. Nunc autem qualiter vobis placet ita fiat. Omnis populus vnanimiter dixerunt quod antea tunc et nunc et

which my Holy Church was giving to you since the old times. Because of that, I offered assistance wherever I could, and I still want to. You know very well, that I paid numerous taxes, and have sent emissaries to the court’s service of mister Emperor. From now on, let it be as you wish.”

The people responded unanimously: “What was benefited [gifted] to us before or now,

ki vam jih je moja sveta cerkev od starih časov pa do sedaj

dajala. Zaradi tega sem vam bil v pomoč, kjerkoli sem mogel, in tudi sedaj še hočem biti. Dobro veste, da sem za vas plačal številne dajatve, pa tudi poslal poslance v dvorno službo gospoda cesarja. Poslej pa naj bo tako, kakor je vam prav." Vse ljudstvo je enodušno odgovorilo: "Kar se je prej ali sedaj in dostikrat za nas darovalo, tako


plura tempora pro nostro largido, ita sit, quia multa bona

parte habuimus et habere credimus excepto quando missi dominorum nostrorum venerint, antiqua consuetudine vestra familia faciat. Tunc Fortunatus patriarcha dixit: Rogo vos filii nobis dicite veritatem qualem consuetudinem sancta ecclesia mea metropolitana in territorium Istriense inter uos habuit.

let it be also in the future, because we have received a lot of good from you, and we hope for the same in the future. In addition: whenever come the emissaries of our Lords, let your people behave according to the old habits.”

Then Patriarch Fortunatus responded: “I ask you, sons, to tell us the truth. What habits had had my Holy Metropolitan Church among you in the land of Istriensium?

naj bo tudi v prihodnje, kajti mnogo

dobrega smo bili deležni od vas, in upamo, da bomo še. Poleg tega: kadarkoli bodo prišli poslanci naših gospodov, naj se vaši ljudje ravnajo po stari navadi." Tedaj je patriarh Fortunat rekel: "Prosim vas, sinovi, da nam poveste resnico. Kakšno navado je imela moja sveta metropolitska cerkev med vami v istrski deželi?"


Primus omnium primas Pollensis

dixit: Quando patriarcha in nostram civitatem veniebat, et si oportunum erat propter missos dominorum nostrorum aut aliquo placito cum magistro militum Grecorum habere, exiebat Episcopus ciuitatis nostre cum sacerdotibus et clero vestiti planetas cum cruce, cereostados et incenso, psalendo

As first responded the nobleman from Pollensis [Pula]: “Whenever Patriarch came to our town because of the emissaries of our Lords, or because of certain discussions with the Greek military leader, the Bishop of our town went to meet him, along with Priests and other Clergy, dressed in religious clothing, with a Cross, Chandeliers and a Thurible, singing Prvi med vsemi je spregovoril puljski prvak: "Kadar je prišel

patriarh v naše mesto bodisi zaradi odposlancev naših gospodov bodisi zaradi kakega dogovarjanja z grškim vojaškim poveljnikom so mu šli naproti škof našega mesta z duhovniki in ostalo duhovščino, oblečeni v ornat ter s križem, svečniki in kadilnici, prepevaje,


sicuti summo pontifici et judices vna cum populo veniebant

cum signa [et cum magno etiam recipiebant honore. Ingredientem autem ipsum pontificem in domum sancte ecclesie nostre accipiebant statim ipse episcopus claues de sua domo et ponebat eas ad pedes patriarche. Ipse autem patriarcha dabat eas suo.]

like they were going towards the Pope himself. Then came also the judges and people with banners,

[and welcomed him with a great honor. When the Patriarch himself entered our Holy Church, the Bishop himself took the keys of his palace, and placed them to the Patriarch’s feet. The Patriarch then handed them over to his administrator.]

kakor naproti

samemu papežu. Prišli so tudi sodniki in ljudstvo s prapori, [ter ga sprejeli z veliko častjo. Ko pa je sam patriarh vstopil v našo sveto cerkev, je takoj vzel sam škof ključe svoje palače, in jih položil k patriarhovim nogam. Patriarh jih je zatem izročil svojemu skrbniku.]

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