Text Appearing Before Image: for the worshipof the Chinese general, Cao-bien, who was first Governor, andafterward King, of Annam, and who was so beloved of thepeople that they raised him to the dignity of one of the pro-tector spirits of the country. Later the Chinese became verynumerous in this quarter of the capital and took possession ofthe temple. Some repairs having to be made to the buildingand to the image, they seized this opportunity to substitutethe worship of Ma-vlen, or Phuc-ba, for that of Cao-bien.This Ma-vien was the very general who Invaded Tongking, i-ifCXi C/fT) PLATE XI1 A AND B The White Elephant A. This shows an elephant-supported pagoda inLaihka, a Shan capital which suffered terribly inthe civil war that marked the reign of King Thibaw.A vtry similar pagoda stands in Muong Nan, one ofthe Lao Shan States. B. A pagoda on the back of a kneeling elephant.The stucco has flaked off the hind quarters, but nopagoda is repaired imless it stands for the benefit ofthe country, the state, or the town. Text Appearing After Image:
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