File talk:ISO 25010 Maintainability Model.png

Latest comment: 6 years ago by Andrew D Banks

Good piccie - but could do with a Key.

I'm making some some assumptions:

  • CLOC = Comment Lines of Code
  • LLOC = Logical Lines of Code
  • CD = Comment Density
  • NLE = Nesting Level Else-If
  • NUMPAR = Number of Parameters
  • McCC = McCabe Complexity
  • AD = API Documentation.
  • CC = Clone coverage. The percentage of copied and pasted source code parts.
  • NII = Number of incoming invocations
  • NOA = Number of Ancestors (Number of classes, interfaces, enums and annotations from which the class or function is directly or indirectly inherited)
  • CBO = Coupling Between objects

Andrew D Banks (talk) 12:00, 24 July 2018 (UTC)Reply