Grynfeltt–Lesshaft hernia

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Grynfeltt–Lesshaft hernia is a herniation of abdominal contents through the back, specifically through the superior lumbar triangle, which is defined by the quadratus lumborum muscle, twelfth rib, and internal oblique muscle.

The superior and inferior lumbar triangles with a cross section at the level of the superior lumbar triangle



Grynfeltt described a hernia through the superior lumbar triangle in 1866 (Grynfeltt, 1866). In 1870, Lesshaft independently reported a similar case (Lesshaft, 1870).

See also



  • Grynfeltt, J.: La Hernie Lombaire. Montpellier Med., 16:329, 1866.
  • Lesshaft, P.: Die Lumbalgegend in Anat. Chirurgischer Hinsicht. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. u. Wissensch., Med. Leipzig, 37:264, 1870.