Hausdorff maximal principle

In mathematics, the Hausdorff maximal principle is an alternate and earlier formulation of Zorn's lemma proved by Felix Hausdorff in 1914 (Moore 1982:168). It states that in any partially ordered set, every totally ordered subset is contained in a maximal totally ordered subset, where "maximal" is with respect to set inclusion.

In a partially ordered set, a totally ordered subset is also called a chain. Thus, the maximal principle says every chain in the set extends to a maximal chain.

The Hausdorff maximal principle is one of many statements equivalent to the axiom of choice over ZF (Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory without the axiom of choice). The principle is also called the Hausdorff maximality theorem or the Kuratowski lemma (Kelley 1955:33).



The Hausdorff maximal principle states that, in any partially ordered set  , every chain   (i.e., a totally ordered subset) is contained in a maximal chain   (i.e., a chain that is not contained in a strictly larger chain in  ). In general, there may be several maximal chains containing a given chain.

An equivalent form of the Hausdorff maximal principle is that in every partially ordered set, there exists a maximal chain. (Note if the set is empty, the empty subset is a maximal chain.)

This form follows from the original form since the empty set is a chain. Conversely, to deduce the original form from this form, consider the set   of all chains in   containing a given chain   in  . Then   is partially ordered by set inclusion. Thus, by the maximal principle in the above form,   contains a maximal chain  . Let   be the union of  , which is a chain in   since a union of a totally ordered set of chains is a chain. Since   contains  , it is an element of  . Also, since any chain containing   is contained in   as   is a union,   is in fact a maximal element of  ; i.e., a maximal chain in  .

The proof that the Hausdorff maximal principle is equivalent to Zorn's lemma is somehow similar to this proof. Indeed, first assume Zorn's lemma. Since a union of a totally ordered set of chains is a chain, the hypothesis of Zorn's lemma (every chain has an upper bound) is satisfied for   and thus   contains a maximal element or a maximal chain in  .

Conversely, if the maximal principle holds, then   contains a maximal chain  . By the hypothesis of Zorn's lemma,   has an upper bound   in  . If  , then   is a chain containing   and so by maximality,  ; i.e.,   and so  .  



If A is any collection of sets, the relation "is a proper subset of" is a strict partial order on A. Suppose that A is the collection of all circular regions (interiors of circles) in the plane. One maximal totally ordered sub-collection of A consists of all circular regions with centers at the origin. Another maximal totally ordered sub-collection consists of all circular regions bounded by circles tangent from the right to the y-axis at the origin.

If (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) are two points of the plane  , define (x0, y0) < (x1, y1) if y0 = y1 and x0 < x1. This is a partial ordering of   under which two points are comparable only if they lie on the same horizontal line. The maximal totally ordered sets are horizontal lines in  .



By the Hausdorff maximal principle, we can show every Hilbert space   contains a maximal orthonormal subset   as follows.[1] (This fact can be stated as saying that   as Hilbert spaces.)

Let   be the set of all orthonormal subsets of the given Hilbert space  , which is partially ordered by set inclusion. It is nonempty as it contains the empty set and thus by the maximal principle, it contains a maximal chain  . Let   be the union of  . We shall show it is a maximal orthonormal subset. First, if   are in  , then either   or  . That is, any given two distinct elements in   are contained in some   in   and so they are orthogonal to each other (and of course,   is a subset of the unit sphere in  ). Second, if   for some   in  , then   cannot be in   and so   is a chain strictly larger than  , a contradiction.  

For the purpose of comparison, here is a proof of the same fact by Zorn's lemma. As above, let   be the set of all orthonormal subsets of  . If   is a chain in  , then the union of   is also orthonormal by the same argument as above and so is an upper bound of  . Thus, by Zorn's lemma,   contains a maximal element  . (So, the difference is that the maximal principle gives a maximal chain while Zorn's lemma gives a maximal element directly.)

Proof 1


The idea of the proof is essentially due to Zermelo and is to prove the following weak form of Zorn's lemma, from the axiom of choice.[2][3]

Let   be a nonempty set of subsets of some fixed set, ordered by set inclusion, such that (1) the union of each totally ordered subset of   is in   and (2) each subset of a set in   is in  . Then   has a maximal element.

(Zorn's lemma itself also follows from this weak form.) The maximal principle follows from the above since the set of all chains in   satisfies the above conditions.

By the axiom of choice, we have a function   such that   for the power set   of  .

For each  , let   be the set of all   such that   is in  . If  , then let  . Otherwise, let


Note   is a maximal element if and only if  . Thus, we are done if we can find a   such that  .

Fix a   in  . We call a subset   a tower (over  ) if

  1.   is in  .
  2. The union of each totally ordered subset   is in  , where "totally ordered" is with respect to set inclusion.
  3. For each   in  ,   is in  .

There exists at least one tower; indeed, the set of all sets in   containing   is a tower. Let   be the intersection of all towers, which is again a tower.

Now, we shall show   is totally ordered. We say a set   is comparable in   if for each   in  , either   or  . Let   be the set of all sets in   that are comparable in  . We claim   is a tower. The conditions 1. and 2. are straightforward to check. For 3., let   in   be given and then let   be the set of all   in   such that either   or  .

We claim   is a tower. The conditions 1. and 2. are again straightforward to check. For 3., let   be in  . If  , then since   is comparable in  , either   or  . In the first case,   is in  . In the second case, we have  , which implies either   or  . (This is the moment we needed to collapse a set to an element by the axiom of choice to define  .) Either way, we have   is in  . Similarly, if  , we see   is in  . Hence,   is a tower. Now, since   and   is the intersection of all towers,  , which implies   is comparable in  ; i.e., is in  . This completes the proof of the claim that   is a tower.

Finally, since   is a tower contained in  , we have  , which means   is totally ordered.

Let   be the union of  . By 2.,   is in   and then by 3.,   is in  . Since   is the union of  ,   and thus  .  

Proof 2


Here we are going to use the following application of the Bourbaki–Witt theorem to prove the Hausdorff maximal principle:

Every partially ordered set  , such that every chain has a least upper bound in  , has maximal element. A partially ordered set satisfiying this property is also called chain complete.

Now to the proof: First, let   be the set of all chains in  . We want to show that   has a maximal element. By inclusion of sets   is a partially ordered set. It is left to show, that a chain   in   has a least upper bound.   is clearly an upper bound for  , since it forms again a chain. It is the least upper bound, because each upper bound for   contains  .

By the statement above, we conclude that   has a maximal element. That is exactly the maximal chain we were looking for.  


  1. ^ Rudin 1986, Theorem 4.22.
  2. ^ Halmos 1960, § 16.
  3. ^ Rudin 1986, Appendix


  • Halmos, Paul (1960). Naive set theory. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Company.. Reprinted by Springer-Verlag, New York, 1974. ISBN 0-387-90092-6 (Springer-Verlag edition).
  • John Kelley (1955), General topology, Von Nostrand.
  • Gregory Moore (1982), Zermelo's axiom of choice, Springer.
  • James Munkres (2000), Topology, Pearson.
  • Appendix of Rudin, Walter (1986). Real and Complex Analysis (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics). McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-054234-1.