International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation

The International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation (ITGLWF) was a global union federation. In 2005 it had 217 member organizations in 110 countries, representing a combined membership of over 10 million workers.

International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation
Merged intoIndustriALL Global Union
Founded5 June 1970
DissolvedJune 2012
HeadquartersBrussels, Belgium



The ITGLWF was founded in 1970 as a result of the merger of the International Textile and Garment Workers' Federation and the International Shoe and Leather Workers' Federation. These organizations were preceded by much older ones: the International Glove Workers' Union was founded in 1892, the International Secretariat of Shoemakers in 1893, and the International Secretariat of Leather Workers in 1896. The International Federation of Textile Workers' Associations originated in 1894 and the International Tailors' Secretariat in 1896.

The organization held a congress every four years, consisting of delegates from the member organisations. The congress established the broad lines of the ITGLWF's policies and actions.

The organisation's headquarters was located in Brussels, Belgium. There were four regional organisations within the ITGLWF: FITTVCC/ORI, the Americas' regional organisation, based in Venezuela; ITGLWF/ERO, the European regional organisation, based in Belgium; TWARO, the Asian regional organisation, based in Japan; and ARCC, the African Regional Consultative Council, based in South Africa.

The ITGLWF worked closely with the International Trade Union Confederation and the other global union federations.

In 2007, the International Federation Textile-Clothing, a former affiliate of the World Confederation of Labour, merged into the ITGLWF.[1] In June 2012 affiliates of ITGLWF joined the new global federation IndustriALL Global Union.



In 1979, the following unions were affiliated to the federation:[2]

Union Country Affiliated membership
Associacion Obrera Textil Argentina 280,000
Federacion Argentina de Trabajadores del Cuero y Afines Argentina 30,000
Federacion Obrera Nacional de la Industria del Vestido Argentina 60,000
Sindicato de Emploeados Textiles de la Industria y Afines Argentina 27,000
Union de Cortadores de Confeccion Medidas y Afines Argentina 3,800
Australian Textile Workers' Union Australia 32,885
Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation Australia 8,648
Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia Australia 30,000
Union of Textile, Clothing and Leather Workers Austria 54,000
Bangladesh Textile Workers' League Bangladesh 42,000
North Bengal Handloom Workers' League Bangladesh 100,000
General Union Belgium 2,511
Union of Clothing Workers and Kindred Trades in Belgium Belgium 16,000
Union of Belgian Textile Workers Belgium 41,000
Syndicat National des Travailleurs du Textile, Habillement et Cuir Benin 350
Sindicato Textil "Texas" Bolivia Unknown
Sindicato Forno Bolivia 600
Sindicato Textil "Estatex" Bolivia 250
Federacao dos Trabalhadores nas Industrias de Fiacao e Tecelagem Brazil 30,000
Federacao dos Trabalhadores nas Industrias de Fiacao e Tecelagem do Estado de São Paulo Brazil 38,000
Federacion de Emploeados Textiles Chile 640
Chinese Federation of Labour Taiwan 75,122
Union de Trabajadores Textiles de Colombia Colombia 16,000
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria del Cuero de Colombia Colombia 800
Sindicato de Celanse Colombiana Colombia 850
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Manhattan de Colombia Colombia 400
Sindicato Nacional de las Industrias Textil, Vestuario y Conexos Colombia 600
Sindicato Textil Sedeco-Coltejer Colombia 11,000
Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores Textiles y de la Confeccion Costa Rica Unknown
Cyprus Industrial and Hotel Employees' Federation Cyprus 1,200
Danish Clothing Workers' Union Denmark 15,900
Danish Shoemakers' Union Denmark 2,650
Danish Textile Workers' Union Denmark 16,195
Saddlemakers' and Upholsterers' Union of Denmark Denmark 1,100
Federacion de Trabajadores de la Industria Textil, Vestuario y Cuero Ecuador 3,520
Textile and Clothing Workers' Union Finland 47,512
National Federation of Textiles France 20,000
General Federation of Hides and Skins and Clothing France 20,000
Leather Union West Germany 54,417
Textile and Clothing Union West Germany 279,885
Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union Ghana 17,500
Northern Carpet Trades Union United Kingdom 2,183
National Union of Dyers, Bleachers and Textile Workers United Kingdom 58,756
National Union of Hosiery and Knitwear Workers United Kingdom 71,626
National Union of Tailors and Garment Workers United Kingdom 112,583
Felt Hatters' and Trimmers' Unions of Great Britain United Kingdom 1,719
National Union of Footwear, Leather and Allied Trades United Kingdom 62,072
Rossendale Union of Boot, Shoe and Slipper Operatives United Kingdom 6,107
Amalgamated Textile Workers' Union United Kingdom 40,000
Amalgamated Society of Textile Workers and Kindred Trades United Kingdom 5,517
Union of Jute, Flax and Kindred Textile Operatives United Kingdom 1,740
Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs United Kingdom 1,000
British Federation of Textile Technicians United Kingdom 4,000
Greek Textiles Federation Greece 10,000
Federation of Greek Leather Workers Greece 5,000
Federacion Nacional de Obreros de la Industria Textil del Vestido y Similares Guatemala 3,220
General Workers' Union Guyana 240
Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores del Vestuari Honduras 650
Cotton Industry Workers' General Union Hong Kong 3,860
Indian National Textile Workers' Federation India 415,836
Hind Mazdoor Sabha India 92,780
Indian National Leather Workers' Federation India 8,155
National Labour Organisation India 180,000
Indonesian Textile and Garment Workers' Union Indonesia 200,000
Irish Transport and General Workers' Union Ireland 20,000
Irish Shoe and Leather Workers' Union Ireland 3,500
National Union of Textile, Garment and Leather Workers Israel 50,000
Italian Federation of Textile and Clothing Workers Italy 120,000
Italian Union of Textile and Clothing Workers Italy 50,000
National Workers' Union of Jamaica Jamaica Unknown
Japan Federation of Textile Workers' Unions Japan 473,177
Kenya Shoe and Leather Workers' Union Kenya 6,000
Kenya Tailors' and Textile Workers' Union Kenya 11,600
Korean National Textile Workers' Union South Korea 144,985
Syndicats des Ouvriers et Ouvrières du Tricot du Liban Lebanon 300
Confédération des Travailleurs Malgaches Madagascar Unknown
Johore State Textile and Garment Workers' Union Malaysia 3,260
General Workers' Union Malta 3,631
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria Textil y Similares Mexico 30,000
Sindicato de Trabajadores y Trabajadores de la Industria de la Costura Ciro Mendoza Mexico 2,520
Sindicato Textiles Rio Blanco Mexico 3,000
Industrial Workers' Union NVV Netherlands 7,520
New Zealand Federation Footwear Trade Industrial Association of Workers New Zealand 4,500
Nigerian Textile, Garment and General Workers' Union Nigeria 24,305
Garment Workers' Union Norway 18,236
All-Pakistan Confederation of Labour Pakistan 77,963
Federacion de Trabajadores de la Industria Textil del Vestuario y Cuero de Panama Panama 680
Federacion de Trabajadores de la Industria Textil del Vestuario y Afines del Paraguay Paraguay 3,200
Federacion de Trabajadores en Tejidos del Peru Peru 18,000
National Union of Cordage, Garment and Textile Workers Philippines 15,000
Rhodesian Tailors' and Garment Workers' Union Rhodesia 3,366
United Textile Workers' Union of Rhodesia Rhodesia 7,781
United Shoe, Leather and Allied Workers' Union Rhodesia 5,145
Pioneer Industries Employees' Union Singapore 3,896
Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation Singapore 3,038
South African Federation of Leather Trade Unions South Africa 30,000
Textile Workers' Industrial Union South Africa 4,976
Garment Workers' Union of South Africa South Africa 7,954
National Union of Clothing Workers South Africa 25,000
Garment Workers' Union of the Western Province South Africa 42,000
Garment Workers' Industrial Union South Africa 11,000
National Union of Textile Workers South Africa 3,500
African Garment Workers' Benefit Fund South Africa 1,000
Knitted Fabric Workers' Union South Africa 60
Textile Workers' Union South Africa 1,000
Saint Lucia Workers' Union St Lucia Unknown
Fédération des Traveilleurs du Textile, du Vêtements et due Cuir de STV Spain 1,000
Federacion del Textil, Confeccion, Cuero y Calzado del Estado Espanol Spain 80,000
Swedish Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Union Sweden 53,573
Sveriges Arbetsledereforbund Sweden 1,791
Swiss Clothing, Leather and Equipment Workers' Union Switzerland 4,370
Union of Textiles, Chemicals and Paper Switzerland 4,000
Syndicat des Travailleurs des Industries, réunies du Togo Togo 3,000
Union of Commercial and Industrial Workers Trinidad and Tobago 4,918
Fédération Générale des Professions Diverses Tunisia 30,000
Textile, Knitting and Clothing Workers' Union of Turkey Turkey 120,000
Turkish Shoe and Leather Workers' Union Turkey 6,000
United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union United States Unknown
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America United States 30,000
International Leather Goods Plastic and Novelty Workers Union United States 38,000
United Shoe Workers of America United States 44,451
United Textile Workers of America United States 20,000
International Ladies Garment Workers Union United States 365,346
Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union United States 485,000
Federation of Leather, Textile, Shoe and Allied Workers Upper Volta 200
Federacion Obrera Nacional de Trabajadores Textiles del Cuero y del Vestuario Uruguay Unknown
Federacion de Trabajadores de la Industria Textil, Confeccion y sus Similares de Venezuela Venezuela 22,000



General Secretaries

1970: Jack Greenhalgh
1971: Charles Ford
1988: Neil Kearney
2009: Patrick Itschert
2011: Klaus Priegnitz


1970: John Newton
1972: Karl Buschmann
1980: Harold Gibson
1984: Karl-Erik Persson
1988: Berthold Keller
1992: David Lambert
1996: Peter Booth
2004: Manfred Schallmeyer
2009: Hisanobu Shimada

See also



  1. ^ "International Federation Textile and Clothing (IFTC-WCL)". Open Yearbook. Union of International Associations. Retrieved 29 November 2019.
  2. ^ Coldrick, Percy; Jones, Philip (1979). The International Directory of the Trade Union Movement. New York: Facts on File. pp. 109–114. ISBN 0871963744.