Itô's lemma

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In mathematics, Itô's lemma or Itô's formula (also called the Itô–Doeblin formula, especially in the French literature) is an identity used in Itô calculus to find the differential of a time-dependent function of a stochastic process. It serves as the stochastic calculus counterpart of the chain rule. It can be heuristically derived by forming the Taylor series expansion of the function up to its second derivatives and retaining terms up to first order in the time increment and second order in the Wiener process increment. The lemma is widely employed in mathematical finance, and its best known application is in the derivation of the Black–Scholes equation for option values.

Kiyoshi Itô published a proof of the formula in 1951.[1]



Suppose we are given the stochastic differential equation   where Bt is a Wiener process and the functions   are deterministic (not stochastic) functions of time. In general, it's not possible to write a solution   directly in terms of   However, we can formally write an integral solution  

This expression lets us easily read off the mean and variance of   (which has no higher moments). First, notice that every   individually has mean 0, so the expected value of   is simply the integral of the drift function:  

Similarly, because the   terms have variance 1 and no correlation with one another, the variance of   is simply the integral of the variance of each infinitesimal step in the random walk:  

However, sometimes we are faced with a stochastic differential equation for a more complex process   in which the process appears on both sides of the differential equation. That is, say   for some functions   and   In this case, we cannot immediately write a formal solution as we did for the simpler case above. Instead, we hope to write the process   as a function of a simpler process   taking the form above. That is, we want to identify three functions   and   such that   and   In practice, Ito's lemma is used in order to find this transformation. Finally, once we have transformed the problem into the simpler type of problem, we can determine the mean and higher moments of the process.



We derive Itô's lemma by expanding a Taylor series and applying the rules of stochastic calculus.

Suppose   is an Itô drift-diffusion process that satisfies the stochastic differential equation


where Bt is a Wiener process.

If f(t,x) is a twice-differentiable scalar function, its expansion in a Taylor series is


Substituting   for  , and therefore   for  , we get


In the limit  , the terms   and   tend to zero faster than  .

  is   (due to the quadratic variation of a Wiener process), so setting   and   terms to zero and substituting   for  , and then collecting the   terms, we obtain


as required.

Geometric intuition

When   is a Gaussian random variable,   is also approximately Gaussian random variable, but its mean   differs from   by a factor proportional to   and the variance of  .

Suppose we know that   are two jointly-Gaussian distributed random variables, and   is nonlinear but has continuous second derivative, then in general, neither of   is Gaussian, and their joint distribution is also not Gaussian. However, since   is Gaussian, we might still find   is Gaussian. This is not true when   is finite, but when   becomes infinitesimal, this becomes true.

The key idea is that   has a deterministic part and a noisy part. When   is nonlinear, the noisy part has a deterministic contribution. If   is convex, then the deterministic contribution is positive (by Jensen's inequality).

To find out how large the contribution is, we write  , where   is a standard Gaussian, then perform Taylor expansion.  We have split it into two parts, a deterministic part, and a random part with mean zero. The random part is non-Gaussian, but the non-Gaussian parts decay faster than the Gaussian part, and at the   limit, only the Gaussian part remains. The deterministic part has the expected  , but also a part contributed by the convexity:  .

To understand why there should be a contribution due to convexity, consider the simplest case of geometric Brownian walk (of the stock market):  . In other words,  . Let  , then  , and   is a Brownian walk. However, although the expectation of   remains constant, the expectation of   grows. Intuitively it is because the downside is limited at zero, but the upside is unlimited. That is, while   is normally distributed,   is log-normally distributed.

Mathematical formulation of Itô's lemma


In the following subsections we discuss versions of Itô's lemma for different types of stochastic processes.

Itô drift-diffusion processes (due to: Kunita–Watanabe)


In its simplest form, Itô's lemma states the following: for an Itô drift-diffusion process


and any twice differentiable scalar function f(t,x) of two real variables t and x, one has


This immediately implies that f(t,Xt) is itself an Itô drift-diffusion process.

In higher dimensions, if   is a vector of Itô processes such that


for a vector   and matrix  , Itô's lemma then states that


where   is the gradient of f w.r.t. X, HX f is the Hessian matrix of f w.r.t. X, and Tr is the trace operator.

Poisson jump processes


We may also define functions on discontinuous stochastic processes.

Let h be the jump intensity. The Poisson process model for jumps is that the probability of one jump in the interval [t, t + Δt] is hΔt plus higher order terms. h could be a constant, a deterministic function of time, or a stochastic process. The survival probability ps(t) is the probability that no jump has occurred in the interval [0, t]. The change in the survival probability is




Let S(t) be a discontinuous stochastic process. Write   for the value of S as we approach t from the left. Write   for the non-infinitesimal change in S(t) as a result of a jump. Then


Let z be the magnitude of the jump and let   be the distribution of z. The expected magnitude of the jump is


Define  , a compensated process and martingale, as




Consider a function   of the jump process dS(t). If S(t) jumps by Δs then g(t) jumps by Δg. Δg is drawn from distribution   which may depend on  , dg and  . The jump part of   is


If   contains drift, diffusion and jump parts, then Itô's Lemma for   is


Itô's lemma for a process which is the sum of a drift-diffusion process and a jump process is just the sum of the Itô's lemma for the individual parts.

Non-continuous semimartingales


Itô's lemma can also be applied to general d-dimensional semimartingales, which need not be continuous. In general, a semimartingale is a càdlàg process, and an additional term needs to be added to the formula to ensure that the jumps of the process are correctly given by Itô's lemma. For any cadlag process Yt, the left limit in t is denoted by Yt−, which is a left-continuous process. The jumps are written as ΔYt = YtYt−. Then, Itô's lemma states that if X = (X1, X2, ..., Xd) is a d-dimensional semimartingale and f is a twice continuously differentiable real valued function on Rd then f(X) is a semimartingale, and


This differs from the formula for continuous semi-martingales by the additional term summing over the jumps of X, which ensures that the jump of the right hand side at time t is Δf(Xt).

Multiple non-continuous jump processes


[citation needed]There is also a version of this for a twice-continuously differentiable in space once in time function f evaluated at (potentially different) non-continuous semi-martingales which may be written as follows:


where   denotes the continuous part of the ith semi-martingale.



Geometric Brownian motion


A process S is said to follow a geometric Brownian motion with constant volatility σ and constant drift μ if it satisfies the stochastic differential equation  , for a Brownian motion B. Applying Itô's lemma with   gives


It follows that


exponentiating gives the expression for S,


The correction term of σ2/2 corresponds to the difference between the median and mean of the log-normal distribution, or equivalently for this distribution, the geometric mean and arithmetic mean, with the median (geometric mean) being lower. This is due to the AM–GM inequality, and corresponds to the logarithm being concave (or convex upwards), so the correction term can accordingly be interpreted as a convexity correction. This is an infinitesimal version of the fact that the annualized return is less than the average return, with the difference proportional to the variance. See geometric moments of the log-normal distribution[broken anchor] for further discussion.

The same factor of σ2/2 appears in the d1 and d2 auxiliary variables of the Black–Scholes formula, and can be interpreted as a consequence of Itô's lemma.

Doléans-Dade exponential


The Doléans-Dade exponential (or stochastic exponential) of a continuous semimartingale X can be defined as the solution to the SDE dY = Y dX with initial condition Y0 = 1. It is sometimes denoted by Ɛ(X). Applying Itô's lemma with f(Y) = log(Y) gives


Exponentiating gives the solution


Black–Scholes formula


Itô's lemma can be used to derive the Black–Scholes equation for an option.[2] Suppose a stock price follows a geometric Brownian motion given by the stochastic differential equation dS = S(σdB + μ dt). Then, if the value of an option at time t is f(t, St), Itô's lemma gives


The term f/S dS represents the change in value in time dt of the trading strategy consisting of holding an amount f/S of the stock. If this trading strategy is followed, and any cash held is assumed to grow at the risk free rate r, then the total value V of this portfolio satisfies the SDE


This strategy replicates the option if V = f(t,S). Combining these equations gives the celebrated Black–Scholes equation


Product rule for Itô processes


Let   be a two-dimensional Ito process with SDE:


Then we can use the multi-dimensional form of Ito's lemma to find an expression for  .

We have   and  .

We set   and observe that   and  

Substituting these values in the multi-dimensional version of the lemma gives us:


This is a generalisation of Leibniz's product rule to Ito processes, which are non-differentiable.

Further, using the second form of the multidimensional version above gives us


so we see that the product   is itself an Itô drift-diffusion process.

Itô's formula for functions with finite quadratic variation


An idea by Hans Föllmer was to extend Itô's formula to functions with finite quadratic variation.[3]

Let   be a real-valued function and   a RCLL function with finite quadratic variation. Then


Infinite-dimensional formulas


There exist a couple of extensions to infinite-dimensional spaces (e.g. Pardoux,[4] Gyöngy-Krylov,[5] Brzezniak-van Neerven-Veraar-Weis[6]).

See also



  1. ^ Itô, Kiyoshi (1951). "On a formula concerning stochastic differentials". Nagoya Math. J. 3: 55–65. doi:10.1017/S0027763000012216.
  2. ^ Malliaris, A. G. (1982). Stochastic Methods in Economics and Finance. New York: North-Holland. pp. 220–223. ISBN 0-444-86201-3.
  3. ^ Föllmer, Hans (1981). "Calcul d'Ito sans probabilités". Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg. 15: 143–144.
  4. ^ Pardoux, Étienne (1974). "Équations aux dérivées partielles stochastiques de type monotone". Séminaire Jean Leray (3).
  5. ^ Gyöngy, István; Krylov, Nikolay Vladim Vladimirovich (1981). "Ito formula in banach spaces". In M. Arató; D. Vermes, D.; A.V. Balakrishnan (eds.). Stochastic Differential Systems. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Vol. 36. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. pp. 69–73. doi:10.1007/BFb0006409. ISBN 3-540-11038-0.
  6. ^ Brzezniak, Zdzislaw; van Neerven, Jan M. A. M.; Veraar, Mark C.; Weis, Lutz (2008). "Ito's formula in UMD Banach spaces and regularity of solutions of the Zakai equation". Journal of Differential Equations. 245 (1): 30–58. arXiv:0804.0302. doi:10.1016/j.jde.2008.03.026.


  • Kiyosi Itô (1944). Stochastic Integral. Proc. Imperial Acad. Tokyo 20, 519–524. This is the paper with the Ito Formula; Online
  • Kiyosi Itô (1951). On stochastic differential equations. Memoirs, American Mathematical Society 4, 1–51. Online
  • Bernt Øksendal (2000). Stochastic Differential Equations. An Introduction with Applications, 5th edition, corrected 2nd printing. Springer. ISBN 3-540-63720-6. Sections 4.1 and 4.2.
  • Philip E Protter (2005). Stochastic Integration and Differential Equations, 2nd edition. Springer. ISBN 3-662-10061-4. Section 2.7.