With more than 500 films made in Lebanon,[1] this is an incomplete list of Lebanese films in year order. For an A-Z list of films currently on Wikipedia, see Category:Lebanese films.


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Genre Release Production Length
1929 The Adventures of Elias Mabrouk[2][3] Arabic: "مغامرات إلياس مبروك"
French: Les Aventures d'Elias Mubarak
Jordano Pidutti[4] Comedy[5] 1929


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Writer Genre Release Production Length
1931 The Adventures of Abu Abed Arabic: "مغامرات ابو عبد"
French: Les Aventures d'Abu Abed
Jordano Pidutti[4] Rachid Ali Chaaban[6] Comedy[5] 1931 Rachid Ali Chaaban[6]
1936 In the Ruins of Baalbeck[7] Arabic: "بين هياكل بعلبك"
French: Dans les ruines de Baalbek
Karim Bustany
Julio de Lucci
1936 Luminar Films[7]


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Writer Genre Release Production Length
1940 The Rose Seller[6] Arabic: "بياعة الورد"
French:La Vendeuse de rose
Ali Al-Ariss
1946 Planet of the Desert Princess[6] Arabic:"كوكب أميرة الصحراء"
French: Planète de la princesse du désert
Ali Al-Ariss Antoine Haddad, Melvina Amine
Summer in Lebanon Arabic: "صيف في لبنان"
French: L'été au Liban
Salah Badrakan
1947 The Summer Season in Lebanon Arabic: "الإصطياف في لبنان" Bishara Wakim Nour Al Hoda 1947


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Writer Genre Release Production Length
1951 Bride of Lebanon Arabic: "عروس لبنان"
French: La Mariée du liban
Hussein Fawzi Hagar Hamdi Comedy 1951 Noura Productions 1 hr 34 mins
1953 Remorse[8] Arabic: "عذاب الضمير"
French: Remords
Georges Qa'i Ihsan Sadek, Michel Tamer, Lucien Harb Drama 1953 Al-Arz Al-Fania 85 mins
1957 The First Melody[5] Arabic: "اللحن الأول"
French:"Le premier chant"
Mohamed Selmane Najah Salam, Wadih El Safi Musical 1957 Mohamad Ali Al-Sabah
Red Flowers Arabic: "زهور حمراء"
French:"Fleurs Rouge"
Michel Haroun
1958 Towards the Unknown[9] Arabic: إلى أين
French: Vers l'inconnu
Georges Nasser Laura Azar, Shakib Khouri, Mounir Nader, Raouf Rawi, Nazha Younes Drama 1958
For Whom the Sun Rises Arabic: "لمن تشرق الشمس"
French:Pour qui se lève le soleil
Joseph Fahdi Nour El-Hoda, Gilda El-Almaniya
Memories Arabic: "ذكريات"
Georges Qa'i
Rendezvous with Hope Arabic: "موعد مع الأمل"
French:"Rendez-vous ave l'espoir"
Mohamed Selmane Qamar, Taghrid
1959 The Songs of My Love Arabic: "أنغام حبيبي"
French:"Les Chants de mon amour"
Mohamed Selmane
The Judgement of Fate[8] Arabic: "حكم القدر"
French: Jugement du destin
Joseph Ghorayeb Nadia Gamal, Habiba, Joseph Nano, Sylvana Barakat Drama 1959 100 mins
Days of My Life Arabic: "أيّام من عمري"
French: Jours de ma vie
Georges Qa'i Ihsan Sadek 95 mins
Two Hearts, One Body[8] Arabic: "قلبان وجسد"
French: Deux cœurs, un corps
Georges Qa'i Qamar, Michel Tamer, Ihsan Sadek 90 mins
The Rock of Love[8] Arabic: "صخر الحب"
French: Le rocher de l'amour
Rida Myassar


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Genre Release date Production Length
1960 The Deadly Collar Arabic: "العقد القاتل" Ibrahim Takkush 1960
Baalbeck Festival, 1960, The French: Festival de Baalbeck 1960, Le Ahmed El-Toukhi
Birth of the Prophet[10] Arabic: "مولد الرسول"
French: Naissance du prophète
Samira Tewfik
Burning Heart Arabic: "في قلبها نار"
French: Cœur brûlant
Ahmed El-Toukhi Nazha Younes, Najah Salam
The Deadly Necklace Arabic: "العقد القاتل"
French: Le collier meutrier
Ibrahim Takkouche 1960 Takkouche & Falah 90 mins
A Stranger in the House[11] Arabic: "في الدار غريبة"
French: Une étrangère à la maison
Joseph Fahdi Nawal Fahd 1961
The Small Stranger Arabic: "الغريب الصغير"
French: Le petit étranger
Georges Nasser Gaston Chikhani, Shakib Khouri, Suzette Stellwy Drama 1962
I Am Not Guilty Arabic: "لست مذنبة"
French:Je ne suis pas coupable
Ibrahim Takkush 1960
1961 The White Poison Arabic: "السم الأبيض"
French:Le poison blanc
Georges Qa'i Nazha Younes, Ihsan Sadek
The Knight and the Bandit Arabic: "الفارس والشقي" Georges Qa'i
The Temple of Love Arabic: "معبد الحب" Atef Salem Sabah
1962 Abu Salim in the City Arabic: "أبو سليم في المدينة"
French: Abu Salim en ville
Hasib Chams Salah Tizani Comedy
The Broken Wings Arabic: "الأجنحة المتكسرة"
French: Les Ailes brisées
Youssef Maalouf Nidal Al-Ashkar, Philippe Akiki, Pierre Borday Drama 1964
The Devil's Chariot Arabic: "عربة الشيطان"
French: La charrette du diable
Georges Qa'i Nazha Younes, Ihsan Sadek 90 mins
1963 Abu Salim, the Messenger of Romance Arabic: "أبو سليم، رسول الغرام" Youssef Maalouf Salah Tizani Comedy
The Watchful Eye[12] Arabic: "العين الساهرة" Gary Garabedian
A Bedu Girl in Love Arabic: "البدوية العاشقة" Niazi Mostafa Samira Tewfik
Chouchou and the Million Arabic: "شوشو والمليون"
French: Chouchou et le million
Issam Hamawi Chouchou, Elias Rizk, René Helou
A Love Story Arabic: "حكاية غرام"
French: Histoire d'amour
Mohamed Salman Maha Sabry, Moharam Fouad, Wahid Jalal, Julia Daw, Hassan El Mliegy, Said Elmaghrabi
Lebanon at Night Arabic: "لبنان في الليل"
French: Le Liban, la nuit
Mohamed Salman Sabah, Jacqueline, Samira Tewfik, Jean Saadeh
Master Craftsman Lattouf Arabic: "المعلّم لطّوف" Kamel Costandi
Red on the Snow[12] Arabic: "دماء على الثلج"
French: Rouge sur neige
Wiam El-Saidi
Strike of the Promise'[12] Arabic: "ضربة الوعد"
The Wonders of Love Arabic: "يا سلام الحب" Tahsine Kawadri Abdel Salam Al Nabulsy
1964 Joys of Youth Arabic: "أفراح الشباب
French: Les Joies de la jeunesse
Mohamed Salman Sabah, Jacqueline 1964
The Pearl Necklace Arabic: "عقد اللولو"
French: Le collier de perles
Youssef Maalouf Sabah, Duraid Lahham
A Bedouin in Paris Arabic: "بدوية في باريس" Mohamed Salman Samira Tewfik Romance
Antar's Daughter Arabic: "بنت عنتر"
The Idol of the Crowds Arabic: "فاتنة الجماهير"
French: L'Idole des foules
Mohamed Salman Sabah Romance 1964
Beloved of All Arabic: "حبيبة الكل" Rida Myassar Sabah, Fahd Balan Comedy 1964
The Desert Beauty Arabic: "حسناء البادية"
French: La Beauté du désert
Seif Eddine Shawkat Samira Tewfik, Samira Barudi, Nadia Gamal
You Are My Life Arabic: "أنت عمري" Georges Qa'i Jacqueline
The Mountain Singer Arabic: "شادية الجبل"
French: La Chanteuse de montagne
O' Night Arabic: "يا ليل" Gary Garabedian
1965 Abu Salim in Africa Arabic: "ابو سليم في افريقيا"
French: Abu Salim en Afrique
Gary Garabedian Salah Tizani Comedy
Naked and Unashamed Arabic: "عاريات بلا خطيئة"
French: Nues sans péché
Alexandre Costanoff Eghraa 1967
Bitter Honey Arabic: "العسل و المر"
French: Le Miel amer
Rida Meyassar Randa, Jacqueline
The Bank Arabic: "البنك"
French: La Banque
Mohamed Salman Taroub Romance
A Bedouin in Rome Arabic: "بدوية في روما" Mohamed Salman Samira Tewfik Arab Co. for Cinema
In the Service of Love Arabic: "بأمر الحب" Mohamed Salman Romance 1965
Biya el-Khawatim Youssef Chahine Fairuz, Philemone Wehbe, Nasri Shamseddine Musical
Jababira, Al
Jaguar al Saouda, Al
Lahib al Jassad Rida Meyassar Fahd Ballane, Abdel Salam el-Naboulsi, Sammoura, Mayada Drama
Layali al Chark
Millianara, Al
Rahiba, Al
Walidtu min Gadid
1966 Amil al Sirri 99, Al
Siba wa al jamal, Al
Chebab Taht al Chams Samir Nasri
Dalou'a, Al
Gharam fi Istambul
Ghorfa Numero 7, Al
Kahirun, Al
Layali al Helwa
Lika fi Tadmur
Lil nisa' Fakat
Mawal al Akdam al Zahabiya
Mawal Sabah (singer), Nadia Gamal, Wadih el Safi, Wahid Jalal Musical
Rahina, Al
Safar Barlek Henry Barakat Fairuz, Elie Choueiri, Joseph Nassif, Nasri Shamseddine Musical
Shariah al Dabab
Sharidan, Al
Wadi al Mot
1967 The Guard's Daughter Arabic: بنت الحارس
French: La fille du gardien
Henry Barakat Fairuz, Samir Chamas, Elie Choueiri Drama
1968 Phenicia Films 1h 40min
1968 Broken Wings
Farewell to Well Arabic: "وداعاً يا لبنان"
Howard Avedis Marlene Schmidt, Youssef El Ani, Elie Snaifer, Yvette Sursock 1968 Kairouz Film 1h 40m
Hello, Love! Arabic: "أهلاً بالحب"
Mohamed Selmane Najah Salam, Sabah
1969 Hob al Kabir, Al Henry Barakat
We Are All Freedom Fighters[13] Gary Garabedian 1969
Heroes and Women[14] Arabic: "ابطال ونساء"
French: Des heroes et des femmes
Mohamed Selmane Jean Saadeh, André Saadeh, Nabila Ebeid, Madiha Kamel Drama
1969 Fawaz Bros. Films 95 mins


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Genre Release Production Length
1971 Rimal min Dhahab
1971 Aalem El Shohra Muhammad Salman Ferial Karim, Afif Chaya, Samir Chamas
1972 Paris and Love Muhammad Salman Salah Zulfikar, Sabah
1974 Saat el Fahrir Dakkat, Barra ya Isti Mar Heiny Srour
1975 Beyrouth ya Beyrouth Maroun Baghdadi
Kafr Kasem
Majority Is Standing Strong Maroun Baghdadi
1976 Kafarkala Arabic: "كفركلا"
South Is Fine, How About You, The Maroun Baghdadi
1977 Greetings to Kamal Jumblat
1978 Lebanon... Why? Georges Chamchoum Documentary
Most Beautiful of All Mothers, The Maroun Baghdadi
Ninety Maroun Baghdadi
1979 Martyr, The Maroun Baghdadi
Story of a Village and a War, The Maroun Baghdadi
We Are All for the Fatherland Maroun Baghdadi


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Writer Genre Release date Production
1980 Procession, The Maroun Baghdadi Maroun Baghdadi Documentary 1980
Whispers Arabic: "همسات"
French: Murmures
Maroun Baghdadi Nabil Ismail, Nadia Tuéni Maroun Baghdadi Documentary 1980 Fondation Nadia Tuéni
The Last Days of Summer Arabic: "آخر الصيف"
French: La Fin d'été
Marwan Rahbani Ronza, Fadia Tomb, Wahid Jalal, Hekmat Wehbe, Melhem Barakat, Sammy Clark Marwan & Ghadi Rahbani Musical 1980
1981 Beirut, The Encounter Arabic: "بيروت إلى اللقاء"
French: Beyrouth - La rencontre
German: Das Treffen in Beirut
Borhane Alaouié Nadine Acoury, Renée Dick, Haithem El Amine, Najoua Haydar Ahmed Beydoun Drama 1982, 32nd Berlin International Film Festival Ciné Libre, Etablissement Arabe de Production Cinématographique (EAPC)
1982 Little Wars Arabic: "حروب صغيرة"
French: Les petites guerres
Maroun Baghdadi Soraya Khoury, Roger Hawa, Nabil Ismail, Rida Khoury, Rifaat Tarabay Maroun Bagdadi, Kamal Kassar Drama 1982 Cannes Film Festival
The Explosion[15] Arabic: "الإنفجار" Rafic Hajjar Madeleine Tabar, Abd El-Majid Majzoub, Ahmad Zain Rafic Hajjar Drama 1982
Lebanon in Spite of Everything Arabic: "لبنان رغم كل شيء"
French: Le Liban, malgré tout
André Gédéon André Gédéon Documentary 1982
1983 A Country Above Wounds[16] Arabic: "وطن فوق الجراح"
French: Un pays, les plaies, un déplacement
Sobhi Seifeddine Amal Afaish, Akram El-Ahmar Sobhi Seifeddine Drama 1987
1984 Leila and the Wolves Arabic: "ليلى والذئاب" Heiny Srour Nabila Zeitouni Heiny Srour Documentary 1984 British Film Institute (BFI)
Leila Films
Ministère Nationale et de la Culture Française
NCO & Novib
1985 Deflowered Afif J. Arabi A J Arabi Drama (short) DXM
Suspended Life, A[17] Arabic: "غزل البنات"
French: Adolescente, sucre d'amour
Jocelyne Saab Jacques Weber, Hala Bassam, Juliet Berto, Youssef Housni Gérard Brach, Jocelyn Saab Drama 1985 Aleph Production
1986 Entre Nous Afif J. Arabi A J Arabi Experimental DXM
Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon[18] Jean Khalil Chamoun, Mai Masri Jean Khalil Chamoun, Mai Masri Documentary 1987 Nour Productions
Theater in Lebanon French: Le Théâtre au Liban Jean Daoud Documentary
1987 Adam and Eve Afif J. Arabi Assad Fouladkar Drama (short) DXM
The Veiled Man French:Homme voilé, L Maroun Baghdadi Bernard Giraudeau, Michel Piccoli, Laure Marsac Maroun Bagdadi, Didier Decoin
The Land of Honey and Incense French: Liban, le pays du miel et de l'encens Maroun Baghdadi Documentary 1987
Our Night Arabic:"ليلنا"
French: Notre nuit
Yasmine Khlat Documentary 1987 Middle East Communication Center
Institute du Monde Arabe
Centre Audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir
Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA)
The Shadow Hisham Bizri Short (12 min) Hisham Bizri Muquarnas Cinema
Phantasmagoria Hisham Bizri Short (12 min) Hisham Bizri Muquarnas Cinema
The Sun Hisham Bizri Short Muquarnas Cinema
1988 Beirut: The Last Home Movie Jennifer Fox Jennifer Fox, John Mullen Documentary 1987 Zohe Film Production
Valley Filmworks
The Third of May Hisham Bizri Short (20 min) Hisham Bizri Muquarnas Cinema
1989 The Professional Afif J. Arabi A J Arabi Drama (short) DXM
The Ridiculous Man Hisham Bizri Short (22 min) Hisham Bizri Muquarnas Cinema
Where's Maria Afif J. Arabi A j Arabi Drama (short) DXM


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Writer Genre Release Production Length
1990 Children of Fire[19] Arabic: "اطفال النار" Mai Masri Mai Masri Documentary 1991
Q.A.R.I. Afif J. Arabi A J Arabi Experimental DXM
Anima Afif J. Arabi/Carlos Atie A J Arabi Experimental 1990 DXM
1991 Terrorism of the Mind Afif J. Arabi Mechline Chalhoub A J Arabi Drama 1991 DXM
Vertov's Valentine Hisham Bizri Hisham Bizri Short (10 min) 1990 Muqarnas Cinema
Out Of Life French: Hors la vie Maroun Bagdadi Hippolyte Girardot, Rafic Ali Ahmad, Hussein Sbeity Maroun Bagdadi, Didier Decoin Drama 15 May 1991 Galatée Films
Cypress Leaves[20] French:Les Feuilles de cyprès Hisham Bizri Hisham Bizri Short (15 min) 1991 Muqarnas Cinema
1992 The Tornado Arabic: "الإعصار" Samir Habshi Fadi Abou Khalil, Philippe Akiki, Chehade El-Hatchiti Samir Habchi Drama 1992
Message from a Dead Man Hisham Bizri Hisham Bizri Short (30 min) 1992 Muqarnas Cinema
1993 Operation Golden Phoenix Jalal Merhi Loren Avedon, James Hong, Nicole Bardawil J. Stephen Maunder, Samir Ghouseine, Kevin Ward Thriller 1994 Film One Productions
Film One
Le Monde Entertainment
1994 Hostage of Time Jean K. Chamoun Documentary 1994 50mins
Proximities Afif J. Arabi A J Arabi Experimental DXM
1994 Time Has Come Arabic: "آن الأوان"
French: Histoire d'un retour
Jean-Claude Codsi Simon Abkarian, Darina Al Joundi, Nati Sourati Jean-Claude Codsi, Talal Haidar Drama 1994 Aflam Films
1995 Credits Included: A Video in Red and Green Jalal Toufic Walid Raad, Jalal Toufic Jalal Toufic Documentary 1995
Once Upon a Time in Beirut Arabic: "كان يا ما كان بيروت"
French: Il était une fois Beyrouth
Jocelyn Saab Emile Accar, Pierre Chammassian, Myrna Maakaron, Michele Tyan Philippe Paringaux, Roland-Pierre Paringaux, Jocelyn Saab Drama 1995 Aleph Producciones S.A.
Balcon Production
1996 Warshots German: Kriegsbilder Heiner Stadler Billy Clarke, Calvin Burke, Claude Channice Harald Göckeritz, Heiner Stadler Drama 1996 Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)
Taxi Service Arabic: "تاكسي سرڤيسز"
French: Taxi Service
Elie Khalifé, Alexandre Monnier Short 1996 Ventura Films
1997 Thank You Natex French: Merci Natex Elie Khalifé Short 1997 Ventura Films
Havi, El
Mitologies Hisham Bizri
1998 Algiers-Beirut, For Memory French: Alger-Beyrouth: Pour mémoire Merzak Allouache Drama 1998 La Sept/Arte
Djinn House Productions
Children of Shatila Arabic: "أطفال شاتيلا"
French:Les Enfants de Chatilla
Mai Masri Mai Masri Documentary 1998
Phantom Beirut Arabic: "أشباح بيروت"
French: Beyrouth fantôme
Ghassan Salhab Carol Abboud, Darina El Joundi Ghassan Salhab Drama 1998 GH Films
Idéa Productions
Optima Film
Wayn Yo! André Chammas Short 1998
West Beyrouth Arabic: "بيروت الغربية"
French: West Beyrouth
Ziad Doueiri Rami Doueiri, Mohamad Chamas, Carmen Lebbos Ziad Doueiri Drama 1998 38 Productions
Centre National de la Cinématographie (CNC)
Ciné Libre
Douri Films
Las Meninas Hisham Bizri Hisham Bizri Short 1998
1999 Around the Pink House Arabic: "البيت الزهري")
French: Autour de la maison rose
Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige Hanane Abboud, Fadi Abi Samra, Asma Andraos Joana Hadjithomas, Khalil Joreige Drama 1999 CCT
Canal (II)
Canal Horizons
Beirut Palermo Beirut Mahmoud Hojeij Rima Kshief, Mohamed Shrief, Zeina Shrief Short film 1999
A Civilized People Arabic: "المتحضرات"
French: Civilisées
Randa Chahal Sabag Jalila Baccar, Carmen Lebbos, Myrna Maakaron Randa Chahal Sabag Drama 1999 Canal+
Ciné Manufacture
Euripide Productions
France 2 Cinéma
Havas Images
Leil Productions
Vega Film
The Cream and the Cogwheel French:Crème et crémaillère Rima Samman Carlos Chahine, Fejria Deliba, Karim Ziadeh, Sari Zyadé Rima Samman Short 1999 Groupe de Recherches et d'Essais Cinematographiques (GREC)
The Shower French:La Douche Michel Kammoun Raymond Hosni Michel Kammoun Short
My Beard Forever Afif J. Arabi Afif J Arabi A J Arabi Drama (short) 1999 DXM


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Writer Genre Release Production Length
2000 S.L.Film Shady Hanna Fadi Reaidi, Adel Karam, Naim Halawi, Rola Shamiyi Chady Hannah
Naim Halawi
Comedy 2000 90 min
In the Shadows of the City[21] Arabic: "طيف المدينة" Jean Khalil Chamoun Majdi Machmouchi, Christine Choueiri, Sarah Mrad, Ahmed Azzein, Rami Bayram, Ammar Chalak, Ahmed Itani Jean Khalil Chamoun
Mai Masri
Drama 2001 Nour Productions 105 min
2001 Hostage: The Bachar Tapes[22] Walid Raad Walid Raad Experimental
2001 16 min
The Chair[23] French: La Chaise Cynthia Choucair Dany Chamoun, Georges Rached Cynthia Choucair Short 2001 Aimée Boulos 21 min
Frontiers of Dreams and Fears[19] Arabic: "أحلام المنفى" Mai Masri Manar Faraj, Mona Zaaroura Documentary 2001 Nour Productions 56 min
When Maryam Spoke Out Arabic: "لمّا حكيت مريم"
French: Quand Maryam s'est dévoilée
Assad Fouladkar Bernadette Hodeib, Talal El-Jordi, Renée Dick Assad Fouladkar Drama 2001 1h 39min
2002 How I Love You Arabic:"كيف احبك"
French: Comment je t'aime
Akram Zaatari Akram Zaatari Documentary
2002 29 min
Terra Incognita Arabic: "أرض مجهولة"
French: Terra incognita
Ghassan Salhab Carol Abboud, Rabih Mroué Ghassan Salhab Drama 2002 1 hr 59 min
The Wind of Beirut French: Le vent de Beyrouth Fouad Alaywan Carol Abboud Short 2003 18 min
City of Brass Hisham Bizri Misha Kusnatsov, Nicole Wilder, Ellis Foster, Amos Ellis, Richard Wallace Hisham Bizri Short Muqarnas Cinema 23 min
The Encounter French: La Rencontre Hisham Bizri Muriel Romero, Florence Concile, Régis Ansola, Christian Paterne, Ginou Larrouilh, Jean-Claude Attal Hisham Bizri,
adapted from a short story by
Jorge Luis Borges
Short Muqarnas Cinema 28 min
Chabrol in Biarritz French: Chabrol á Biarritz Hisham Bizri Claude Chabrol Hisham Bizri 2002 Muqarnas Cinema 23 min
2003 The Ashes of the Phoenix French: Les Cendres du phénix Romuald Sciora
Valérie Vincent
Mansour Labaky Documentary 2003
The Kite French: Le Cerf-volant Randa Chahal Sabag Flavia Bechara, Liliane Nemri, Ziad Rahbani, Renée Dick Randa Chahal Sabag Drama 2003 Arte France Cinéma
Leil Productions
1h 20min
Elie Feyrouz Cynthia Choucair Elie Darwish Cynthia Choucair Short
2003 14 min
Lady of the Palace French: La Dame du palais Samir Habchi Georges Ghanem
Samir Habchi
Documentary 2004 MISR International Films 58 min
Non métrage libanais French: Non métrage libanais Ghassan Koteit
Wissam Smayra
Elie Haswani, Nadine Labaki, Fouad Alaywan Ghassan Koteit
Wissam Smayra
Short 2003 11 min
Prêt-à-porter Imm Ali French: Prêt-à-porter Imm Ali Dima El Horr Mariam Assaf, Hussein Chehab, Ahmad Farhat Dima El-Horr
Rabih Mroue
Short 2003 27 min
Saving Face Jalal Toufic
Vertices Hisham Bizri Hisham Bizri Short
2003 Muqarnas Cinema 33 min
ZENNAR EL NAR Bahij Hojeij Nidaa Wakim, hassan farhat, Berbadette Hodeib Bahij Hojeij- Rachid El Daif feature long 2003 95 mn
2004 Berlin Beirut Myrna Maakaron Maria Toma, Myrna Maakaron, Philippe Farhat, Rhoda Fromme, Richard Farhat, Sven Philipp Short Film
Fi haza al bayt Akram Zaatari Short Film
In The Battlefields Danielle Arbid Marianne Feghali, Rawia Elchab, Carmen Lebbos Drama

zennar el nar

The Mattress French: Le Matelas Antoine Waked Raymond Hosni, Wissam Smayra Antoine Waked Short
2004 7 mins
2005 After Shave French: Beyrouth après-rasage Hany Tamba Rafic Ali Ahmad, Mahmoud Mabsout, Julia Kassar, Fady Reaidy Hany Tamba Short 2005 Bizibi, VIP Films
Centre National de la Cinématographie
26 min
The Big Fall Antoine Waked Antoine Waked Short
2005 5mins
Bosta French: Bosta l'autobus Philippe Aractingi Rodney El Haddad, Nadine Labaki, Liliane Nemri, Nada abou Farhat Philippe Aractingi Musical 2005 Fantascope Production 2h 22min
Zozo Josef Fares Imad Creidi, Antoinette Turk, Elias Gergi, Carmen Lebbos Josef Fares Drama 2005 Memfis Film
Film i Väst
Sigma Films
1h 45min
From Beyrouth with Love French: Ça sera beau Waël Noureddine Waël Noureddine Short
2005 Bizibi 31 min
Giallo Antoine Waked Serge Jamo, Raia Haidar, Salim Badrane Short
Massacre French: Massaker Monika Borgmann
Lokman Slim
Hermann Theissen
Nina Menkes
Monika Borgmann
Hermann Theissen
Documentary 2005 Zootrope Films 1h 38min
The Final Scene Arabic: "المشهد الأخير" Ghassan Estephan Ammar Shalak, Bernadette Hodeib, Wafaa Tarabay, Khaled El Sayed Joseph Abu Dames Drama 2005
Perfect Day, A Arabic: "يوم آخر"
French: Naoussé
Joana Hadjithomas
Khalil Joreige
Ziad Saad, Julia Kassar, Alexandra Kahwagi Joana Hadjithomas
Khalil Joreige
Drama 2005 Abbout Productions
Twenty Twenty Vision
Filmproduktion GmbH
Mille et Une Productions
1h 28min
Asmahan Arabic: "اسمهان" Hisham Bizri Asmahan, Youssef Wahbi, Mahmoud el-Meliguy Hisham Bizri Short
2005 Muqarnas Cinema 21 min
2006 Boum... Tac Yasmine Al Massri Short
2006 6 min
From My Window, Without a Home...[24] French: De ma fenêtre, sans maison ... Maryanne Zéhil[25] Louise Portal, Renée Thomas, Walid Al Alayli Maryanne Zéhil Drama 2006 Mia Productions 1h 28min
Her Father's Brat Arabic: "غنّوجة بيها" Elie F. Habib Rita Barsona, Peter Semaan, Nadine El Rassi Mona Tayeh Comedy 2006 Roua Productions
The Last Man Arabic: "أطلال"
French: Le Dernier homme
Ghassan Salhab Carlos Chahine, Raymond Hosni, May Sahab Ghassan Salhab Drama 2006 Abbout Productions
Agat Films & Cie
1h 41min
Falafel Arabic: "فلافل" Michel Kammoun Elie Mitri, Michel Hourani, Gabrielle Bou Rached Michel Kammoun Romantic Comedy 2006 Ciné-Sud Promotion
Roy Films SARL
1h 23min
Invisible Children Carol Mansour Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole, Jason Russell Carol Mansour Documentary 2006 55min
What Revolution French: Quelle révolution Lina Khatib Lina Khatib Short
2006 9 min
2007 Fouad's Adventure Gioergo Piconi Alfred Chekiee, Carmelo Picone, Joseph Abi Damaas
Caramel Arabic: "سكر بنات"
French: Caramel
Nadine Labaki Aziza Semaan, Yasmine Elmasri, Joanna Mkarzel, Gisèle Osta, Adel Karam Nadine Labaki, Rodney Haddad Romantic Comedy 2007 Les Films Des Tournelles
Roissy Films
1h 35min
A Lost Man Arabic: "رجل ضائع"
French: Un homme perdu
Danielle Arbid Melvil Poupaud, Alexander Siddig, Darina Al Joundi Danielle Arbid Drama 2007 MK2 Productions 1h 33min
Zone frontalière Christophe Karabache experimental/Documentary
Under the Bombs (Taht el qasef) Philippe Aractingi Nada Abou Farhat, Georges Khabbaz
Khalass Burhan Alaouie Fadi Abi-Khalil, Natasha Ashkar, Refaat Tarabay, Nada Abou Farhat
Leylet eid Rita Barsona, Peter Semaan Family, comedy
Falling From Earth Chadi Zeneddine Rafik Ali Ahmad, Carmen Lebbos, Ammar Shalak, Naya Salamé, Yamen Sukkarieh, Nicole Kamato, Imad Creid
2008 Cedars of Lebanon
Khalik ma'ae Elie F. Habib Ammar Shalak, Nadine Al Rassi, M ajdi Mashmoushi, Hisham Bou Sleiman, Omar Mikati, Khitam Laham, Carla Boutros, Antoine Balaben, Wajih Sakr, Sanaa Habib
Amour d'Enfants Fares Khalil Elie Mitri, Sarah Warde, Fady Hachem, Lisa Guiragossian, Firas El-Hader, Chris El-Jorr Romantic comedy
Melodrama Habibi Hany Tamba Patrick Chesnais, Julia Kassar, Pierre Chammassian, Fadi Reaidy Drama comedy
My Heart Only Beats For Her[26] Arabic: "ما هتفت لي غيرها" Mohamed Soueid Documentary 2008 O3 Productions
Madame Bambino Caroline Milan Fady Charbel, Carine Rizkallah Family, comedy Fady Charbel, Carine Rizkallah Marwa Group, Green production House
Beirut Open City Samir Habchi Khaled El Nabawi, Rodney Haddad, Diamand Abou Abboud, Cyrine Abdelnour Drama
I Want to See Joana Hadjithomas
Khalil Joreige
Catherine Deneuve, Rabih Mroue Drama
The One Man Village(Semaan bil Daya'a) Simon El Habre Feature Documentary Beirut DC
Song for the Deaf Ear Hisham Bizri Avant-garde Short (18 min) Hisham Bizri (Conception) Muqarnas Cinema Hisham Bizri (Editing, Cinematography, Sound)
2009 Every Day Is a Holiday Dima El-Horr Hiam Abbas, Manal Khader, Raïa Haidar Drama
All Birds Whistle Roy Khalil Joseph Abou Khalil, Kamal El Helou, Leila Hakim Roy Khalil
Sandra Khalil
Silina(hala wal malek) Miriame Fares
Antoine Kerbej, Georges Khabbaz
Wadi Khaled Christophe Karabache Documentary film
Charbel: The Movie Arabic: "شربل" Nabil Lebbos Antoine Balabane, Elie Mitri, Julia Kassar, Ghassan Estephan, Khaled El Sayed, Toni Maalouf Drama
2009 1h 44min
Shola Cohen: The Pearl Fouad El Khoury Darine Hamze
Siraj al Wady Drama, Religion
Abu Riad
Beirut, I Love You French: Beyrouth, Je t'aime Mounia akl, Cyril aris Mounia akl, Cyril aris
1958 1958 Ghassan Salhab Aouni Kawas, Zahia Salhab Ghassan Salhab Documentary 9 July 2009 Abbout Productions
Tattooed Eye[27] Arabic: "وشم بالعين"
French: L'arme à l'œil
Youmna Itani Omar Thalgé, Ihab Mohammad, Abdallah Lababidi, Othman El-Eter, Zakaria Mikati Youmna Itani Short
2009 Darkside
Fonds Francophone
Samer Mohdad
30 mins


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Writer Genre Release Production Length
2010 The End of a Dream Arabic: نهاية حلم Charles Chlala Fady Tabet, Ward El Khal, Nahla Daoud Drama, Religion January 2010
Dirty Mirror Mirna Mounayar
Kfarmatta, Forbidden Village French: Kfarmatta, village interdit Mirna Mounayar Documentary
Beirut Kamikaze Christophe Karabache Christophe Karabache Experimental
November 2011
Film of welcome and farewells Corine Shawi Documentary
Kamis el Souf Elie Elias Rola Hamada, Gil Chalhoub, Nada Abou Farhat Drama
Evolution8 SARL production (Lebanon)[28]
The Road North Carlos Chahine Carlos Chahine, Camille Figuéréo, Rami Kadeih, Fadi Abi Samra, Matthieu Marie, Abla Khoury Short film (25min) May 25 Carlos Chahine Producers: Paul Saadoun, Samuel Chauvin
Tripoli Quiet Rania Attieh, Daniel Garcia May 25
Tomorrow 6:30 Gilles Tarazi May 25
A Sheherazade Tale Rami Kodeih May 25
Wednesday Talal Khoury May 25
Saint Doumit August Tele Lumiere
Lebanese Film Festival 2010 August
Al Tariq Al Masdoud (Closed Road) August 5
Beyt Byout Sana Atris Documentary
Cinema Days Of Beirut (Festival) September
12 Angry Lebanese Zeina Daccache September
Every Day is a Holiday Dima El-Horr Hiam Abbas, Manal Khader, Raïa Haidar Drama October (Lebanon Release) Worldwide Festivals
What's going on? Jocelyne Saab Ishtar Yasin Gutierrez, Joumana Haddad, Raia Haidar, Jalal Khoury, Nasri Sayegh Drama Musical Fantasy Romance April, October 8, 2010 (Lebanon's release)
Yanoosak Elie Khalife, Alexandre Monnier Zeina Daccache, Siegfried Terpoorten, Alexandra Kahwaji, Rita Brahim, Dana Comedy, Romance October 21 Elie Khalife Taxi Films, About Productions, Post Office
Like A Dream Arabic: متل الحلم Patrick Daou, Christopher Karkafi Farid Reaidy, Christopher Karkafi, Patrick Daou, Pascal Ghanem, Jad Dibo, Ziad Hobeika, Meddy Mrad, Christelle Licha Drama November 4 Christopher Karkafi Christopher Karkafi Record-Breaking (see page)
A History Lesson Hady Zaccak November 18
What Happened? De Gaulle Eid Documentary film November 26
A Film Hisham Bizri Avant-garde Short (9 min) Hisham Bizri (Conception) Muqarnas Cinema
2011 Stray Bullet Arabic: "رصاصة طايشة"
French: Balle Perdue
Georges Hachem Nadine Labaki, Takla Chamaoun, Badih Abou Chakra, Hind Taher, Rodrigue Sleiman, Nazih Youssef, Patricia Nammour, Pauline Haddad, Nasri Sayegh, Lamia Merhi, Joelle Hannah Georges Hachem Drama 2010 Abbout Productions
Visual Eye
1h 15min
Here Comes The Rain[29] Arabic: "شتّي يا دني"
French: Que vienne la pluie
Bahij Hojeij Carmen Lebbos, Hassan Mrad, Julia Kassar, Bernadette Hodeib, Diamond Abou Abboud, Elie Mitri Bahij Hojeij
Paul Baboudjian
Drama 2010 1h 38min
On the Path of the Straw French: Sur les chemins de la paille
Malaki, Scent Of An Angel Khalil Dreifus Zaarour Drama March 31 Khalil Dreifus Zaarour
Sorry Mom Yuri Mrakadi & Emad El Rifai Nadine N. Njeim, Samer El Gharib, Nancy Afiouni, Aziz Abdo, Elie Khayyat, Rana Zayed Thriller June 9 Yuri Mrakadi, Emad El Rifai, Loubna machalah Peribas, Yuri M. Productions and Hannouch holding
Yawman Ma (Someday) Georges Khabbaz Georges Khabbaz, Bernadette Houdeib, Diamond Bou Abboud TvFilm September 7 Claudia Marchelian Will Be Aired On Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation
Where do we go now? Nadine Labaki Nadine Labaki, Leila Hakim, Leila Fouad, Claude Baz Msawbaa, Antoinette Noufaily, Anjo Rihane, Yvonne Maalouf, Adel Karam Comedy, Drama, Musical May 16(Cannes), September 22(Lebanon, France, Worldwide) Nadine Labaki, Rodney Haddad, Jihad Hojeily Les films des tournelles People's Choice Award (Drama) at 2011 Toronto International Film Festival
The Mountain الجبل Ghassan Salhab Fadi Abou Samra Drama November 3 (Lebanon) Abbout Productions
Rue Huvelin Mounir Massri Charbel Kamel, Betty Taoutel, Adel Karam, Robert Cremona, Carmen Bsaibes, Jimmy Keyrouz, Anthony Azeir, Stephanie Haddad, Wael Morcos Drama November 17 Maroun Nassar Ne A Beyrouth, Safina Group
Khallet Warde (خلّة وردة) Adel Serhan Ahmad Zain, Saad Hamdan, Khitam Lahham, Hasan Farhat, Hicham Abou Sleiman, Hossam Al-Sabah, Pauline Haddad, Adnan Aawad, Ouday Raad, Salim Alaa El Dinne, Ayda Assaf, Said Barakat Drama November 24 Mahmoud Gaafoury Beirut International Center Production
Out Loudصوت جريء Samer Daboul Rudy Moarbes, Ali Rhayem, Jad Hadid, Michel Sarkis, Eliane Kerdy, Jean Kabrously Drama December 8 Samer Daboul Phoenix Eye Pictures Festivals
Sector zero Nadim Mishlawi Chawki Azouri, Bernard Khoury, Hazem Saghiyeh Nadim Mishlawi Documentary 2011 Abbout Productions 1h 4min
2012 Cash Flow Sami Koujan Carlos Azar, Nadine N. Njeim, Tony Abou Jawde, Hicham Haddad, Chady Maroun, Joelle Dagher, Shant Kabakian, Teta Latifa, Anthony Najem, Samer Al Achy, Hiam Abou Chedid, Ghassan Estephan, Anthoine Balaban, Pierre Chamoun, Claude Khalil Comedy, Action January 26 Sami Koujan Day Two Pictures
Beirut Hotel Danielle Arbid Darine Hamze, Charles Berling, Fadi Abi Samra, Rodney Haddad, Carole Ammoun Romance August 4(France), TBA (Lebanon) Danielle Arbid Les Films Pelléas, MAIA CINEMA
My Last Valentine in Beirut 3D Salim El Turk Laurraine Kodeih, Shady Hanna, Mohamad Hijazi, Aziz Abdo, Ziad Said, Ghassan Kairallah, Paul Matar February Salim El Turk T-Group Production
Taxi Ballad Daniel Joseph Talal El Jerdi, Karina Log, Mahmoud Mabsout (Fahman), Tarek Tamim, Badih Abu Chakra, Hiam Abou Chedid Drama, Comedy March 8 Daniel Joseph Mina Street and 4 Productions
(A Good Man) إنسان شريف Jean-Claude Codsi Majdy Machmouchy, Caroline Hatem, Chadi Haddad, Rana Hassan, Mahmoud Saiid, Leila Hakim, Bernadette Houdeib, Houssam Sabbah, Aida Sabra, Claudine Sfeir, Mohamed Haidar, Issam Abou Khaled, Salimah Tohmeh, Julien Shmid, Haytham Ismael, Hasan Mohieddine, Salim Ala'el Din March 29
33 Days Jamal Chorja Bassem Moughniyyeh, Nisrine Tafech, Youssef el khal, Darine Hamze, Carmen Lebbos, Pierre Dagher, Kinda Aallouch April 19 Hiyam Abou Chedid
A Play Entitled Sehnsucht Badran Roy Badran Vartan Meguerditchian, Adony Maalouf, Christian Ghazy, Cyril Bassil, Gianni Fau, Ghady Yaghy, Ziad Najjar Experimental, 35mm April 2012 Badran Roy Badran Celine Abiad's "Beiroots Productions A Play Entitled Sehnsucht is also known as the Lebanese Experimental Surrealist Film
تنورة ماكسي Tannoura Maxi Joe Bou Eid Joy Karam, Chady Tineh, Carol Abboud Drama, Romance May 3
3:30 Hussen Ibraheem Jebril Mohamad, Peeka Emna ben Rajib, Ahmad Massad, Abdulellah jawarneh Drama, Western May 18 Ameen Nayfeh Red Sea Institute of Cinematic Arts Jury prize best narrative short in Franco Arab Film festival 2013, Official Selection of Rotterdam Arabic Camera Film Festival 2012
Runaway Marc Kharrat Mirella Zoghbi, Vince Doche, Gabriel Torosyan, Hala Baki, Joseph Tallent, Martin Mikitas, Nada Salloum, Karin Awad, Elie Bahou, Charles Doche, and Angela Ryan Drama, Comedy Elie Ayrouth, Marc Kharrat Alicia Neih
Marcedes Hady Zaccak May 31 Darkside Film&TV Production, Zac Films
Behind The Window Nagham Abboud Ahmad Hajir, Romy Melhem TBA Nagham Abboud Ginger Beirut Productions
At Midnight Philippe Asmar Nadine Al Rassi, Wissam Breidy TBA Hiyam Abou Chedid Marwa Group
الطائر الجريح(The Wounded Bird) Bernadette Houdeib, Antoinette Akiki, Raymond Saliba Melodrama, Musical TBA
La Vallée Des Larmes Maryanne Zéhil Wafaa Tarabay, Walid Alayly, Layla Hakim, Talal Gerdy, Yara Fares 2011/2012
ندم(Regret) Rindala Kodeih Aline Lahoud, Youssef Haddad, Antoine Kerbej, Takla Chamoun, Najla Hachem, Pio Chihane, Paul Sleiman, Khaled El Sayed, Mey Sahhab, Diya Youness, Andre Mouaykel, Makhoul Makhoul, Fady Tabet, May Matta, Linda Matar TV film TBA Gebran Daher Prime Production Will Be Aired On Murr Television
Because They Are Armenians (لأنن أرمن) Samir Habchi Nadine Al Rassi, Youssef Haddad, Pamela El Kik, Dalida Khalil, Mireille Panossian, Maguy Abou Ghousn Drama TBA Claudia Marchelian Marwa Group
عطلة عاطلة(Bad Vacation) Caroline Milan Fady Charbel, Carine Rizkallah, Nazih Youssef, Issam Breidy Comedy TBA
العائد (The Return) Youssef Charaf Dinne Ommar Chalak, Lamitta Frangieh, Wissam Hanna, Toni Issa, Fouad Charaf Dinne, Chawki Matta, Joumana Charaf Dinne, Randa Kaady, Jessy Abdo, Kamil Matta Action, Thriller TBA Nadim Badour Studio Channel
قيصر و سيزار Walid Nassif Pierre Chamoun, Carla Boutros, Saad Hamdan, Layal Daou, Georges Diab, Tarek Tamim TBA Tony Chamoun
فيلم)عبدو و عبدو) Comedy TBA
Asfouri Fouad Alaiwan Majdi Machmouchi, Omar Al-Shammaa Drama TBA Fouad Aleiwan Fouad Aleiwan
39 Seconds Lara Saba Shady Haddad TBA Nibal Arakjy
Too Much Love Will Kill You Christophe Karabache Drama January 2013
Sirocco AKA Shluq Hisham Bizri Avant-garde Short (15 min) Hisham Bizri (Conception) Muqarnas Cinema Hisham Bizri (Producer, Editor, DP)
2013 Bebe Movie Elie F. Habib Youssef Al Khal, Maguy Bou Ghosn, Mirva Kadi, Sultan Deeb, Jessy Abdo, Pierre Jamajian, Pierre Chammassian, Abir Aoun, Saad Al Kadiri Romantic Comedy November 21 Claude Saliba Eagle Films & Green in collaboration with VMP
2013 The Rope Hiba Tawaji Nazeeh Youssef, Maya Yammine short Hiba Tawaji
2014 From A to B Ali F. Mostafa Adventure
Insan Hayawan Chay انسان,حيوان,شيء Abdallah Sfeir Issam Al Achkar, Khitam Laham, Julian Farhat, Tarek Yaakoub, Nader Dernaika Adventure, Thriller January 16 Abdallah Sfeir 3DLEBANON
Neswen Sam Andraos, Hassan Jaber Comedy
A Quintet Roberto Cuzzillo Comedy
The Sea Is Behind Hisham Lasri Malek Akhmiss Drama
She & Politics Rami Kaddoura Yara Fares, Michel Tabet, Nadim Laham, Stephanie Ghafary, Mirvat Hakim, Ayman Timani and Imad Menhem Action May 1 Rami Kaddoura Isaac Belot and the Bass & Brass Band
The Valley Ghassan Salhab Carol Abboud Drama
Vitamin Elie F. Habib Comedy
Void Tarek Korkomaz, Zeina Makki, Jad Beyrouthy, Christelle Ighniades, Salim Habr, Maria Abdel Karim, Naji Bechara Carol Abboud, Latife Moultaka Drama
Yalla Aa'belkon: Single, Married, Divorced Elie Khalifé Romance
2015 For You Arabic: من اجلكم Fr. Charles Sawaya Chadi Haddad, Mirana Neeymeh, Nada Saybeh, Georges Bassil Drama
March 23, 2015 Fr. Charles Sawaya JuntoBox Films
Very Big Shot
Waves '98 Ely Dagher
23 Kilometres Noura Kevorkia
Princess of Rome Hadi Muhammadian Nasser Tahmasb, Hosni Badr Aldin, Sawsan Awwad Zahraa Braytea, Hamed Jafari Animation 2015 Honarpooya Group 1h 15min
Breakfast in Beirut Farah ALHashem Farah ALHashem, Awatif Zaine Farah ALHashem Drama 2015 VioletSkye Films 1h 10min
2016 A Maid for Each Arabic: "مخدومين" Maher Abi Samra Maher Abi Samra Documentary 2016 Orjouane Productions
Les Films d’Ici
1h 7min
Welcome to Lebanon Arabic: "أهلًا بكم في لبنان" Saif Sheikh Najib Wissam Sabbagh, Shireen Abo El-Ezz, Vivianne Antonios Mohamad Al-Saoudi Comedy 2016 Falcon Films 100 mins
What About Tomorrow?
2017 Martyr شهيد Mazen Khaled Carol Abboud,

Hamza Mekdad

Mazen Khaled Feature / Drama 2018 Biennale College- Cinema

Artrip Production

84 minutes
Lilacs Arabic: "ليلك"
French: Lilas
Mira Shaib Julian Farhat, Aïda Sabra, Shaden Fakih Mira Shaib Short
2017 Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Robert Bosch Stiftung
24 mins
Panoptic[30] Rana Eid Documentary 2017 Abbout Productions
DB Studios
Ginger Beirut Productions
1h 19min
2018 Capernaum Nadine Labaki Drama
Heaven Without People
غداء العيد
Lucien Bourjeily Farah Shaer, Nadim Abou Samra, Samira Sarkis, Jenny Gebara, Laeticia Semaan, Jean Paul Hage, Hussein Hijazi, Wissam Botrous, Ghassan Chemali Drama TBA Lucien Bourjeily Winner of the Special Jury Prize Award - 2017 Dubai International Film Festival
Morine Tony Farjallah Carmen Bsaibes, Mounir Maasri, Hasan Farhat, Ghassan Massoud, Takla Chamoun, Mounir Keserwani, Ouais Moukhallalati, Samara Nohra, Ajia Abou Asli, Housam Al Sabbah, Renée Ghoch, Ali Sammouri, Joseph Abboud, Wafaa Halawi, Basma Baydoun, Pôl Seif, Cloey Nohra, Daniel Abou Shakra, Nay Bou Antoun, Maroun Kassab Drama March 22 Tony Farjallah Religious
The Insult Ziad Doueiri Feature Drama 2018 Rachid Bouchareb, Jean Bréhat, Julie Gayet, Antoun Sehnaoui, Nadia Turincev Ezekiel Films, Tessalit Productions, Rouge International
Prisoner Arabic: "سجين" Ahmad Tahan Aida Sabra, Saad Kaderi, Tony Kanaan Ahmad Tahan Short, Drama, Thriller 2018 17 mins
2019 1982 Oualid Mouaness Nadine Labaki, Rodrigue Sleiman, Mohamad Dalli Oualid Mouaness Drama September 8 100 mins
All the Victory French: Le prix de la victoire Ahmad Ghossein Flavia Bechara, Adel Chahine, Elie Choufani, Issam Bou Khaled Drama October 29 93 mins
Clustifer Karim Araman Nadim Khouri, Rita Ibrahim, Rawad Kansoun Karim Araman Drama September 28 15 mins


Year Title Title in Arabic & French Director Cast Writer Genre Release Production Length
2020 Broken Keys مفاتيح مكسرة Jimmy Keyrouz Tarek Yaacoub, Rola Beksmati Jimmy Keyrouz, Ellie Foumbi,Moe Lattouf Drama 2020 Ezekiel Film Production, Ginger Beirut Production 110 mins
Only the Winds Karim Kassem Lyne Ramadan, Fouad Mahouly, Karim Kassem, Zeinab Hind Khadra Karim Kassem Docufiction 2020 Screen Productions 131 mins
We Are From There نحن من هناك Wissam Tanios Milad Khawam, Jamil Khawa, Wissam Tanios Documentary 2020 Abbout Production 82 mins
2021 Miguel's War حرب ميغيل Eliane Raheb Michel (Miguel) Jleilaty Eliane Raheb Documentary June Itar Productions 2h 8mins
Octopus Karim Kassem Fouad Mahouly Karim Kassem Docufiction 2021 Screen Productions 64 mins
Confusion & Jealousy حيرة وغيرة Isaac Belot Yara elle Khawam, Elie Kadamani, Ihab el Siblani, Stephanie Ghafary Ihab el Siblani, Ziad Flouty Romantic Comedy 2021 Lebanese Filmmakers Association, Ihab el Siblani 88 mins
2022 Perfect Strangers أصحاب… ولا أعزّ Wissam Smayra Mona Zaki, Nadine Labaki, Adel Karam, Georges Khabbaz, Diamand Bou Abboud Wissam Smayra, Gabriel Yammine Drama 2022 Netflix 1h 39mins
"Warsha" ورشة Dania Bdeir Hassan Aqqoulm Khansa, Kamal Saleh Dania Bdeir Short 2022 15mins
After the End of the World Nadim Mishlawi Nadim Mishlawi Documentary 2022
Farah فرح Kenton Oxley and Hassiba Freiha Stephanie Atala, Majdi Machmouchi, Nader Abd Alhay, Youssef Boulos, Pierrette Katrib, Janah Fakhoury, Josyane Boulos, Assaad Rechdan and Hassiba Freiha Hassiba Freiha Psychological thriller 2022 Knockout Productions 1h 59 mins
Dirty Difficult Dangerous Wissam Charaf Clara Couturet, Ziad Jallad, Rifaat Tarabay Wissam Charaf, Hala Dabaji, Mariette Désert Drama 2023
2023 Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano Cyril Ariss Documentary 2023
Thiiird Karim Kassem Fouad Mahouly, Mohamad Alayan Karim Kassem, Nadia Hassan Docufiction 2023 Screen Productions 94 mins
La nuit du verre Carlos Chahine Carlos Chahine Drama 2023
Q Jude Chehab Nadim Mishlawi Documentary 2023
Valley of Exile Anna Fahr Maria Hassan, Hala Hosni, Michel Hourani Anna Fahr Drama 2023
2024 Arzé أرزة Mira Shaib Diamand Abou Abboud, Betty Taoutel, Bilal Al Hamwi Louay Khraish, Faissal Sam Shaib Drama Comedy 2024
BJIFF, Tribeca, CIFF
Diaries From Lebanon مثل قصص الحب Myriam El-Hajj Joumana Haddad, Georges Moufarrej, Perla Joe Maalouli Myriam El-Hajj Documentary 2024 Berlinale 110mins

See also



  1. ^ Harabi, Najib. Knowledge Intensive Industries: Four Case Studies of Creative Industries in Arab Countries, World Bank Project, 2009, page 16.
  2. ^ "ADVENTURES OF ELIAS MABROUK". Complete Index to World Film.
  3. ^ "A History of Lebanese Cinema – From the thirties to the end of the sixties". 35mm From Beirut. Archived from the original on 2016-04-03. Retrieved 2019-08-07.
  4. ^ a b Ames, Roy. Arab Filmmakers of the Middle East: A Dictionary, Indian University Press, Bloomington, IN 2010, page 110
  5. ^ a b c Kuhn, Annette and Guy Westwell. A Dictionary of Film Studies, Oxford University Press, London 2012, page 245
  6. ^ a b c d Khatib, Lina. Lebanese Cinema: Imagining the Civil War and Beyond, I. B. Tauris, London 2008, page 22
  7. ^ a b Hillauer, Rebecca. Encyclopedia of Arab Women Filmmakers, The American University in Cairo Press; 1 edition (February 2, 2006), page 132
  8. ^ a b c d Armes, Roy. Arab Filmmakers of the Middle East: A Dictionary, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN 2010, page 137
  9. ^ Ham, Anthony. Middle East, Lonely Planet 2012, page 411
  10. ^ Ames, Roy. Arab Filmmakers of the Middle East: A Dictionary, Indiana University Press 2010, page 137
  11. ^ Ames, Roy. Arab Filmmakers of the Middle East: A Dictionary, Indiana University Press 2010, page 185
  12. ^ a b c Ames, Roy. Arab Filmmakers of the Middle East: A Dictionary, Indiana University Press 2010, page 172
  13. ^ Ames, Roy. Arab Filmmakers of the Middle East: A Dictionary, Indian University Press, Bloomington, IN 2010, page 86
  14. ^ Ames, Roy. Arab Filmmakers of the Middle East: A Dictionary, Indian University Press, Bloomington, IN 2010, page 166
  15. ^ Ames, Roy. Arab Filmmakers of the Middle East: A Dictionary, Indiana University Press 2010, page 167
  16. ^ Ames, Roy. Arab Filmmakers of the Middle East: A Dictionary, Indiana University Press 2010, page 117
  18. ^ ""Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon" "".
  19. ^ a b "Frontiers of Dreams and Fears". Variety. 21 November 2001.
  20. ^ Ames, Roy. Arab Filmmakers of the Middle East: A Dictionary, Indian University Press, Bloomington, IN 2010, page 74
  21. ^ "Oeuvres | La Cinémathèque québécoise". collections.cinematheque.qc.ca. Retrieved 2016-03-10.
  22. ^ "Hostage: The Bachar tapes (English Version)". Video Data Bank (VDB).
  23. ^ "Cinemed.tm.fr - Festival international Cinéma Méditerranéen Montpellier |". www.cinemed.tm.fr. Archived from the original on 2016-03-11. Retrieved 2016-03-10.
  24. ^ "lesproductionsmia.com". lesproductionsmia.com. Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2007-04-30.
  25. ^ "lesproductionsmia.com". lesproductionsmia.com. Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2007-04-30.
  26. ^ "My Heart Beats Only For Her". Abu Dhabi Film Festival.
  27. ^ "Oeuvres | 'Tattooed Eye' ou l'engrenage infernal de Bab el-Tebbaneh". AgendaCulturel.com. Retrieved 2018-06-12.
  28. ^ Evolution8 SARL (2011-02-19), Kamis el souf, archived from the original on 2021-12-15, retrieved 2016-06-12{{citation}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  29. ^ http://www.chattiyadini.org/. Retrieved 2020-03-03. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  30. ^ ""Dubai: Arab World Women Directors: Rana Eid, 'Panoptic'"". 8 December 2017.