List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest in North Yorkshire

This is a list of the Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. In England the body responsible for designating SSSIs is Natural England, which chooses a site because of its fauna, flora, geological or physiographical features.[1] As of 2006, there are 241 sites designated within this Area of Search.[2] 162 sites have been designated due to their biological interest, 56 due to their geological interest, and 23 for both.

Pen-y-ghent in North Yorkshire

Natural England took over the role of designating and managing SSSIs from English Nature in October 2006 when it was formed from the amalgamation of English Nature, parts of the Countryside Agency and the Rural Development Service. Natural England, like its predecessor, uses the 1974–1996 county system[3] and as such the same approach is followed here, rather than, for example, merging all Yorkshire sites into a single list. Some sites you may expect to find here could therefore be in the Cleveland list.

For other counties, see List of SSSIs by Area of Search. The data in the table is taken from Natural England's website in the form of citation sheets for each SSSI.


Site name Reason for designation Area[A] Grid reference[B] Year in which notified Map[C] Citation[D]
Biological interest Geological interest Hectares Acres
Acaster South Ings  Y 38.3 94.6 SE594437 1988 Map [1]
Angram Bottoms  Y 9.8 24.2 NY891999 1989 Map [2]
Arkengarthdale Gunnerside and Reeth Moors  Y 7,634.7 18,865.4 NY935070 & SD970990 1998 Map [3]
Arkle Beck Meadows, Whaw  Y 8.4 20.8 NY984041 1986 Map [4]
Arnecliff and Park Hole Woods  Y 52.5 129.7 NZ787048 2000 Map [5]
Ashberry and Reins Wood  Y 97.7 241.5 SE565850 1960 Map [6]
Ashes Pasture and Meadows  Y 14.3 34.3 SD776785 1983 Map [7]
Askham Bog  Y  Y 44.7 110.7 SE570480 1961 Map [8]
Askrigg Bottoms  Y  Y 2.8 6.9 SD948903 1984 Map [9]
Attermire  Y 57.5 142.1 SD842637 1955 Map [10]
Aubert Ings  Y 10.6 26.3 SE453538 1984 Map [11]
Austwick and Lawkland Mosses  Y 83.6 206.6 SD762665 1958 Map [12]
Aysgarth  Y 18.3 45.1 SE008886SE021888 1992 Map [13]
Bastow Wood  Y 52.0 128.6 SD990657 1975 Map [14]
Beck Dale Meadow  Y 2.2 5.4 SE767659 2002 Map [15]
Beck Hole  Y 70.5 174.2 NZ825020 1960 Map [16]
Bellerby Fields  Y 2.8 6.9 SE114932 1994 Map [17]
Betton Farm Quarries  Y 2.3 5.6 TA002856 1954 Map [18]
Biller Howe Dale  Y 85.0 210.1 NZ918013 1983 Map [19]
Birkham Wood  Y 28.2 69.6 SE359551 1988 Map [20]
Birks Fell Caves  Y 85.5 211.2 SD935765 1989 Map [21]
Birkwith Caves and Fell  Y  Y 178.4 440.8 SD806766 1988 Map [22]
Bishop Monkton Ings  Y 38.8 95.9 SE344659 1986 Map [23]
Black Keld Catchment  Y 1401.3 3461.2 SE010700 1999 Map [24]
Black Scar Quarry  Y 1.1 2.8 NZ231052 1992 Map [25]
Blaiskey Bank Springs  Y 1.4 3.5 SE625887 1989 Map [26]
Bolton Percy Ings  Y 7.1 17.5 SE534401 1991 Map [27]
Boreham Cave  Y 159.4 393.9 SD926732 1986 Map [28]
Botton Head  Y 5.1 12.6 NZ596020 1984 Map [29]
Brants Gill Catchment  Y 493.2 1218.2 SD823733, SD825717 & SD850700 1986 Map [30]
Breighton Meadows  Y 37.4 90.6 SE704330 1986 Map [31]
Bride Stones  Y  Y 120.5 297.7 SE873910 1952 Map [32]
Brimham Rocks  Y 162.7 402.0 SE212647 1958 Map [33]
Brockadale  Y 58.3 144.0 SE503174 1961 Map [34]
Broughton Bank  Y 4.6 11.3 NZ568035 1981 Map [35]
Bull Ings  Y 3.0 7.5 SE753880 1983 Map [36]
Burr Closes, Selby  Y 1.3 3.1 SE596340 1984 Map [37]
Burton Leonard Lime Quarry  Y 3.3 8.2 SE323630 1958 Map [38]
Castle Hill Wood  Y 5.7 11.1 SE585831 1983 Map [39]
Castlebeck and Scar Woods  Y 36.6 90.5 SE947974 1954 Map [40]
Cawthorn Moor  Y 38.3 94.6 SE781923 1990 Map [41]
Caydale  Y 163.6 404.2 SE530870 2004 Map [42]
Cayton, Cornelian and South Bays  Y 169.8 419.5 TA600860 1984 Map [43]
Chris's Pasture  Y 3.8 9.4 SD964890 1991 Map [44]
Church Ings  Y 6.7 16.5 SD594456 1991 Map [45]
Cliff Beck Meadow, Buttertubs  Y 1.5 3.7 SD880967 1986 Map [46]
Cliff Force Cave  Y 70.9 175.4 SD875960 1998 Map [47]
Cliff Ridge  Y 2.6 6.4 NZ575116 1988 Map [48]
Clints Quarry  Y 1.0 2.5 SD967575 1955 Map [49]
Cockerham Meadows, Thorpe  Y 2.5 6.2 SD998616 1987 Map [50]
Cocket Moss  Y 20.0 50.0 SD787618 1955 Map [51]
Cockrah Wood  Y 11.9 29.4 SE970882 1950 Map [52]
Conistone Old Pasture  Y  Y 297.2 734.4 SD990670 1955 Map [53]
Cow Cliff Pasture and Quarry  Y 1.3 3.3 SE856669 1984 Map [54]
Cow Myers  Y 15.2 37.5 SE270730 1983 Map [55]
Cracoe Reef Knolls  Y 141.1 348.6 SD988603, SD996609, SE003608, SE007615, SE015614 & SE026618 1952 Map [56]
Cropton Banks and Howlgate Head Woods  Y 42.2 104.3 SE745875 1985 Map [57]
Dalby Bush Fen  Y 7.4 18.3 SE645715 1988 Map [58]
Deepdale Meadows, Langstrothdale  Y 12.8 31.6 SD889797 1988 Map [59]
Derwent Ings  Y 662.4 1,636.9 SE703466SE703347 1975 Map [60]
Dow Cave System  Y 79.4 196.2 SD989735 1987 Map [61]
Duncombe Park  Y 117.8 291.2 SE607828 1985 Map [62]
East Heslerton Brow  Y 40.7 100.6 SE926757 1954 Map [63]
East Keswick Fitts  Y 12.0 29.6 SE352460 1989 Map [64]
East Nidderdale Moors (Flamstone Pin - High Ruckles)  Y 10,776.9 26,619.1 SE112854SE177665 1996 Map [65]
Eller's Wood and Sand Dale  Y 8.9 21.9 SE856848 1983 Map [66]
Ellerburn Bank  Y 2.9 7.2 SE853848 1983 Map [67]
Eskamhorn Meadows  Y 13.7 33.8 SE679242 2010 Map [68]
Fairy Call Beck  Y 1.8 4.5 SE711903 1992 Map [69]
Far Mains and Far Limekiln Close Meadows  Y 2.1 5.1 SD992628 1986 Map [70]
Farndale  Y 157.3 388.8 SE670963 1987 Map [71]
Farnham Mires  Y 10.2 25.1 SE338605 1954 Map [72]
Feetham Holme  Y 3.2 7.8 SD994977 1984 Map [73]
Filey Brigg  Y 27.9 68.9 TA126816 1985 Map [74]
Foredale  Y 1.6 4.0 SD803700 1990 Map [75]
Forlorn Hope Meadow  Y 1.6 4.0 SE543171 1991 Map [76]
Fothering Holme  Y 10.3 25.5 NY991040 1989 Map [77]
Freeholders Wood  Y 14.0 34.6 SE013889 1988 Map [78]
Fulford Ings  Y 12.7 31.3 SE608491 1991 Map [79]
Giggleswick Scar and Kinsey Cave  Y  Y 40.1 99.1 SD876665SD802657 1958 Map [80]
Gingerfields  Y 6.9 17.0 NZ162025 & NZ167022 1991 Map [81]
Golden Hill Pit  Y 0.7 1.7 SE724827 1990 Map [82]
Gormire  Y 54.0 133.5 SE505834 1954 Map [83]
Gouthwaite Reservoir  Y 147.7 365.0 SE129693 1969 Map [84]
Gowerdale Windy Pits/Peak Scar  Y  Y 4.7 11.6 SE518889, SE526885 & SE529883 1960 Map [85]
Grass Wood  Y 88.0 217.5 SD985655 1955 Map [86]
Grassington Hospital Grounds  Y 5.0 12.4 SE017635 1988 Map [87]
Great Almscliff Crag  Y 7.9 19.4 SE268490 1987 Map [88]
Green Lane Pit  Y 1.1 2.6 SE732837 1988 Map [89]
Greenfield Meadow  Y 15.1 37.3 SD833794 1985 Map [90]
Greenhow Pasture  Y 7.2 17.8 SE118640 1983 Map [91]
Greenhow Quarry  Y 2.7 6.6 SE113639 1992 Map [92]
Gristhorpe Bay and Red Cliff  Y 54.4 134.4 TA085840 1954 Map [93]
Hack Fall Wood  Y 42.4 104.7 SE235772 1989 Map [94]
Hackness Head Quarry  Y 3.0 7.4 SE965904 1954 Map [95]
Hackness Rock Pit  Y 0.1 0.3 SE965907 1992 Map [96]
Hambleton Quarry  Y 12.3 30.3 SE058533 1991 Map [97]
Harker's House Meadows  Y 14.2 35.1 NY860019 1985 Map [98]
Harwood Dale Moor  Y 0.4 1.1 SE961991 1999 Map [99]
Haugh and Gundale Slacks  Y 58.7 145.0 SE797886, SE800880, SE807882, SE804871 & SE802863 1985 Map [100]
Haw Crag Quarry  Y 9.0 23.3 SD913564 1958 Map [101]
Hawkswick Wood  Y 12.0 29.0 SD946714 1975 Map [102]
Hay-a-Park Gravel Pit  Y 44.9 111.0 SE362581 1995 Map [103]
Hayburn Wyke  Y  Y 21.0 51.9 TA012968 1958 Map [104]
Hesley Moss  Y 10.9 27.1 SD783602 1993 Map [105]
Heslington Tillmire  Y 46.7 115.3 SE638475 1990 Map [106]
Hill House Nab  Y 4.0 9.9 SE659993 1984 Map [107]
Hole of Horcum  Y  Y 145.2 358.8 SE845935 1954 Map [108]
Holy Well, Bridge  Y 1.7 4.2 SE028533 1986 Map [109]
Horse Field, Gilling  Y 2.1 5.2 SE626758 1985 Map [110]
Ingleborough  Y  Y 5,230.0 12,923.4 SD760740 1955 Map [111]
Iron Scar and Hundale Point to Scalby Ness  Y  Y 125.3 309.6 TA017964, TA021957TA036908 1984 Map [112]
Jeffry Bog  Y 7.6 18.8 SE760667 & SE761664 1983 Map [113]
Keasden Moor  Y 10.2 25.2 SD725664 1989 Map [114]
Kettlewell Meadows  Y 12.3 30.3 SD960734 1986 Map [115]
Kildale Hall  Y 6.6 16.2 NZ609096 1993 Map [116]
Kilnsey Flush  Y 1.5 3.7 SD972675 1986 Map [117]
Kirk Deighton  Y 4.0 9.9 SE398501 2000 Map [118]
Kirkby Wharfe  Y 21.7 53.7 SE510400 1984 Map [119]
Kirkdale Cave  Y 0.3 0.7 SE678856 1960 Map [120]
Kirkham Park & Riverside  Y 41.1 101.5 SE737667 1954 Map [121]
Kisdon Force Woods  Y 38.0 94.0 NY900009 1974 Map [122]
Ladyhills  Y 3.5 8.8 SE912723 1993 Map [123]
Langcliffe Scars and Jubilee, Albert and Victoria Caves  Y 684.9 1692.4 SD845642 1955 Map [124]
Len Pastures, Crackpot  Y 4.0 9.9 SD975968 1989 Map [125]
Leyburn Glebe  Y 2.6 6.5 SE101896 1983 Map [126]
Ling Gill  Y 5.1 12.6 SD801785 1985 Map [127]
Littlebeck Wood  Y 17.3 42.8 NZ881045 1983 Map [128]
Lord's Wood and Pasture  Y 6.4 15.8 SD813647 1990 Map [129]
Lovely Seat - Stainton Moor  Y 10,128.7 25,017.8 SD863933SE114946 1995 Map [130]
Low Gill Moor Wetlands  Y 62.9 155.4 SD962874 1990 Map [131]
Low Pasture  Y 10.5 25.9 SE539893 1987 Map [132]
Lower Swaledale Woods and Grasslands  Y 223.7 552.7 NZ120014 1992 Map [133]
Malham-Arncliffe  Y  Y 4,933.9 12,191.7 SD920676 1955 Map [134]
Malham-Arncliffe (Cool Pasture)  Y 6.2 15.2 SD967677 1995 Map [135]
Mallerstang-Swaledale Head  Y 6,232.3 15,400.0 NY840000 1964 Map [136]
Mar Field Fen  Y 8.9 22.0 SE223819 1988 Map [137]
Marsett Rigg  Y 8.0 19.8 SD900860 1985 Map [138]
Meadow Croft, Skythorns  Y 0.4 0.9 SD979639 1985 Map [139]
Meal Bank Quarry  Y 7.2 17.7 SD698735 1958 Map [140]
Mill Holme Meadow, Thwaite  Y 0.6 1.5 SD897980 1986 Map [141]
Mount Pleasant Quarry  Y 1.0 2.5 SE734670 1954 Map [142]
Muker Meadows  Y 15.6 38.5 SD914978 1988 Map [143]
Nabgate  Y 6.7 16.5 SE866847 1987 Map [144]
Naburn Marsh  Y 13.3 32.9 SE600479 1992 Map [145]
New Close, Calvert Houses  Y 6.6 19.3 SD920987 1986 Map [146]
New House Meadows, Malham  Y 8.8 21.7 SD933643 1990 Map [147]
Newbridge Quarry  Y 7.1 17.5 SE797861 1984 Map [148]
Newby Moor  Y 276.8 684.0 SD717692 1990 Map [149]
Newsome Bridge Quarry  Y 1.6 4.0 SE379511 1970 Map [150]
Newton-le-willows Meadows  Y 4.2 10.5 SE212893 & SE215892 1994 Map [151]
Newtondale  Y  Y 935.5 2,311.1 SE820915 1955 Map [152]
Nine Spring Dale  Y 4.5 11.2 SE868693 1959 Map [153]
Noddle End  Y 9.5 23.5 SE528888 1987 Map [154]
North Bay to South Toll House Cliff  Y 10.4 25.1 TA048893, TA051894, TA046892 & TA048892 1954 Map [155]
North York Moors  Y  Y 44,087.7 108,940.6 SE4996SE7192 & NZ9500NZ6910 1998 Map [156]
Nunnington Cutting and Quarries  Y 5.6 13.8 SE646785 & SE648787 1984 Map [157]
Oughtershaw and Beckermonds  Y 75.9 187.6 SD870810 1985 Map [158]
Ox Close  Y 140.1 346.2 SD982908SD992899 1985 Map [159]
Oxenber and Wharfe Woods  Y 88.4 218.3 SD785685 1955 Map [160]
Pan Beck Fen  Y 2.5 6.1 SD848559 1985 Map [161]
Park Hall Meadows, Healaugh, Richmondshire  Y 6.8 16.8 SE017989 1985 Map [162][4]
Pen Y Ghent Gill  Y  Y 215.6 532.7 SD870740 1986 Map [163]
Pen-y-ghent  Y  Y 1,456.9 3,600.0 SD850740 1955 Map [164]
Pikedaw Calamine Caverns  Y  Y 27.1 66.9 SD875640 1958 Map [165]
Pilmoor  Y 45.0 111.2 SE460730 1992 Map [166]
Pry and Bottom Meadows, Mid-mossdale  Y 3.6 8.8 SD833917SD837919 1984 Map [167]
Quarry Moor  Y 7.5 18.8 SE309693 1986 Map [168]
Raincliffe & Forge Valley Woods  Y 95.6 236.2 SE986870 1956 Map [169]
Richmond Meadows  Y 2.9 7.1 NZ169000 & NZ176007 1995 Map [170]
Rievaulx Woods  Y 17.0 42.0 SE578847 1954 Map [171]
Ripon Parks  Y 130.0 321.0 SE310750 1983 Map [172]
River Derwent  Y - - SE678287SE825757 1986 Map [173]
River Ribble (Long Preston Deeps)  Y 168.8 417.2 SD809621SD827570 1987 Map [174]
River Ure Bank, Ripon Parks  Y 1.9 4.6 SE310750SE307757 1988 Map [175]
River Ure Grasslands  Y 18.5 45.8 SE147870SE157862, SE017889 & SD985856 1986 Map [176]
River Wharfe  Y 48.3 119.4 SD940773SD973711 1985 Map [177]
Robin Hood's Bay: Maw Wyke to Beast Cliff  Y  Y 365.2 902.4 NZ941082TA005987 1954–-74 Map [178]
Runswick Bay  Y 9.9 24.4 NZ809169 1984 Map [179]
Ruston Cottage Pasture  Y 17.1 42.3 SE956835 1984 Map [180]
Ryedale Windypits  Y 11.2 27.7 SE576836, SE582829 & SE588828 1960 Map [181]
Salt Lake Quarry  Y 3.6 8.9 SD773785 1975 Map [182]
Scar Closes, Kisdon Side  Y 3.7 9.1 NY893000 1988 Map [183]
Scar End Wood  Y 27.4 67.7 SE785990 1983 Map [184]
School Share Section  Y 2.4 6.0 SD845623 1952 Map [185]
Scoska Wood  Y 68.9 170.3 SD915725 1975 Map [186]
Seato Pastures  Y  Y 9.9 24.5 SD729761 1990 Map [187]
Seive Dale Fen  Y 10.4 26.7 SE855877 1983 Map [188]
Semerwater  Y 101.4 250.6 SD913865 1975 Map [189]
Shaw Beck Gill  Y 29.1 77.9 NZ000037NZ011059 1977 Map [190]
Shaw's Gate Quarry  Y 1.6 3.9 SE524823 1984 Map [191]
Sherburn Willows  Y 5.3 13.1 SE487325 1985 Map [192]
Sked Dale  Y 3.6 8.9 SE969751 1954 Map [193]
Skipwith Common  Y 293.0 724.0 SE655373 1958 Map [194]
Sleightholme Dale  Y 28.7 71.0 SE666885 1986 Map [195]
Snape Hill Quarry  Y 0.6 1.5 SE509787 1984 Map [196]
Snaper Farm Meadows  Y 15.9 39.3 SE597912 1990 Map [197]
South Pennine Moors  Y  Y 20,938 51,738.7 SD920300 1994 Map [198]
Spell Howe Plantation  Y 4.3 10.6 TA064790 1986 Map [199]
Spiker's Hill Quarry  Y 6.4 15.8 SE980862 1991 Map [200]
Spring Wood, Hawnby  Y 42.4 104.7 SE524896 1984 Map [201]
Staithes - Port Mulgrave  Y 62.3 154.1 NZ784189NZ797175 1984 Map [202]
Stephen Ings, Crackpot  Y 3,089 7,630 SD976965 1986 Map [203]
Stonehead Beck (Gill Beck)  Y 0.6 1.4 SD947432 1986 Map [204]
Stonepit and Nova Slacks  Y 12.2 30.1 SE883652 1986 Map [205]
Stran's Gill  Y 7.8 19.3 SD916786 1990 Map [206]
Strensall Common  Y 578.7 1,430.1 SE650600 1965 Map [207]
Strid Wood  Y 58.9 145.6 SE070560 1985 Map [208]
Stump Cross Caves  Y 55.8 137.9 SE092635 1989 Map [209]
Stutton Ings  Y 5.1 12.7 SE485405 1986 Map [210]
Swale Lakes  Y 42.5 105.0 SE248985 1986 Map [211]
Swarth Moor  Y 34.1 85.2 SD806695 1958 Map [212]
Swinden Quarry  Y  Y 112.1 276.9 SD980616 1998 Map [213]
Swineley Meadow, Widdale  Y 8.8 21.7 SD802859 1984 Map [214]
Tadcaster Mere  Y 8.7 21.5 SE500430 1987 Map [215]
The Ings, Amotherby  Y 18.0 44.6 SE759752 1994 Map [216]
Thixen Dale and Longdale  Y 89.7 221.5 SE831600, SE843606 & SE845593 1954 Map [217]
Thornton and Twisleton Glens  Y 59.6 147.2 SD695745 & SD705745 1958 Map [218]
Thowker Corner  Y 1.4 3.5 SE081904 1990 Map [219]
Three Dykes  Y 0.6 1.4 SE804683 1962 Map [220]
Thwaite Stones  Y 17.6 43.5 SD895989 1984 Map [221]
Tranmire  Y 11.0 27.2 NZ770120 1985 Map [222]
Tripsdale  Y 1,013 2,503 SE585995 1965 Map [223]
Troutsdale and Rosekirk Dale Fens  Y 13.1 32.3 SE900876 & SE903879 1984 Map [224]
Upper Dunsforth Carrs  Y 10.2 25.1 SE442628 1984 Map [225]
Upper Nidderdale  Y 137.2 347.2 SE102755 1961 Map [226]
Upper Wharfedale  Y  Y 1,123.0 2,773.9 SD965735 1994 Map [227]
Vessey Pasture Dale and Back Dale  Y 26.8 66.2 SE832622 1985 Map [228]
Walden Meadows  Y 12.0 29.7 SE005823 1986 Map [229]
Wanlass Grasslands  Y 67.1 165.8 SE065893 & SE054898 1986 Map [230]
Waterdale  Y 36.3 90.0 SE820617 1954 Map [231]
Wath Quarry  Y 0.1 0.3 SE673750 1991 Map [232]
West End Meadow, Lunds  Y 3.7 9.1 SD792295 1986 Map [233]
West Nidderdale, Barden and Blubberhouses Moors  Y 13,418.9 33,144.8 SE080705SD985580SE170510 1998 Map [234]
Wharram Quarry  Y 6.4 16.0 SE860653 1984 Map [235]
Whernside  Y  Y 3,839.4 9,487.1 SD735802 1958 Map [236]
Whitby-Saltwick  Y 42.4 104.7 NZ901115NZ916109 1985 Map [237]
Whitcliffe Section, Quarry Moor  Y 0.1 0.2 SE307692 1998 Map [238]
Whitfield Gill and Mill Gill  Y 18.7 46.2 SD920932SD908945 1998 Map [239]
Wintringham Marsh  Y 5.7 14.0 SD875734 1975 Map [240]
Yockenthwaite Meadows  Y 11.2 27.7 SD912786 1986 Map [241]


A Data rounded to one decimal place.
B Grid reference is based on the British national grid reference system, also known as OSGB36, and is the system used by the Ordnance Survey.[5]
C Link to maps using the Nature on the Map service provided by English Nature.
D English Nature citation sheets for each SSSI. Retrieved 8 May 2011.


  1. ^ "Notification of SSSIs". Natural England. Archived from the original on 15 May 2012. Retrieved 17 June 2011.
  2. ^ "SSSIs in Cleveland". Natural England. Retrieved 17 June 2011.
  3. ^ "County search of SSSIs". English Nature. Archived from the original on 19 August 2010. Retrieved 17 June 2011.
  4. ^ The grid reference given in the citation is SD012989 but it should be SE017989
  5. ^ "Guide to National Grid". Ordnance Survey. Archived from the original on 27 October 2007. Retrieved 8 May 2011.