List of rare flora of the Esperance Plains region
(Redirected from List of endangered flora of the Esperance Plains region)
This is a list of endangered flora of the Esperance Plains region, a biogeographic region in southern Western Australia. It includes all taxa that occur in the region, and that have been classified as "R: Declared Rare Flora - Extant Taxa" or "X: Declared Rare Flora - Presumed Extinct Taxa" under the Department of Environment and Conservation's Declared Rare and Priority Flora List, and are hence gazetted as endangered extant flora under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950.[1]
There are 72 endangered taxa. Acacia prismifolia is presumed extinct. The other 71 are believed extant:[2]
- Acacia awestoniana
- Acacia rhamphophylla
- Acacia trulliformis
- Adenanthos dobagii (Fitzgerald Woollybush)
- Adenanthos ellipticus (Oval-leaf Adenanthos)
- Adenanthos pungens subsp. pungens
- Adenanthos velutinus (Velvet Woollybush)
- Andersonia axilliflora (Giant Andersonia)
- Anigozanthos bicolor subsp. minor
- Banksia anatona
- Banksia brownii (Feather-leaved Banksia)
- Banksia montana
- Banksia pseudoplumosa
- Banksia verticillata (Albany Banksia)
- Beyeria sp. Bandalup Hill
- Boronia clavata
- Caladenia bryceana subsp. bryceana
- Chamelaucium sp. Hamersley
- Chordifex abortivus
- Conostylis lepidospermoides (Sedge Conostylis)
- Conostylis misera (Grass Conostylis)
- Coopernookia georgei (Mauve Coopernookia)
- Darwinia carnea (Mogumber Bell)
- Darwinia collina (Yellow Mountain Bell)
- Darwinia meeboldii (Cranbrook Bell)
- Darwinia oxylepis (Gilliam's Bell)
- Darwinia sp. Stirling Range
- Darwinia squarrosa (Pink Mountain Bell)
- Darwinia wittwerorum
- Daviesia glossosema
- Daviesia megacalyx
- Daviesia obovata
- Daviesia pseudaphylla
- Deyeuxia drummondii (Drummond Grass)
- Drakaea confluens ms
- Dryandra ionthocarpa subsp. ionthocarpa
- Eremophila ciliata (Archer's Eremophila)
- Eremophila denticulata subsp. denticulata ms
- Eremophila subteretifolia ms
- Eucalyptus burdettiana (Burdett Gum)
- Eucalyptus coronata (Crowned Mallee)
- Eucalyptus insularis (Twin Peak Island Mallee)
- Eucalyptus merrickiae (Goblet Mallee)
- Eucalyptus purpurata
- Eucalyptus steedmanii (Steedman's Gum)
- Gastrolobium luteifolium
- Grevillea infundibularis (Fan-leaf Grevillea)
- Grevillea maxwellii
- Hibbertia priceana
- Kunzea similis
- Lambertia echinata subsp. echinata
- Latrobea obovata ms
- Isopogon uncinatus
- Lambertia fairallii (Fairall's Honeysuckle)
- Lepidium aschersonii (Spiny Peppercress)
- Leucopogon gnaphalioides
- Marianthus mollis (Hairy-fruited Billardiera)
- Myoporum cordifolium
- Orthrosanthus muelleri
- Persoonia micranthera (Small-flowered Snottygobble)
- Rhizanthella gardneri (Underground Orchid)
- Ricinocarpos trichophorus
- Scaevola macrophylla
- Sphenotoma drummondii (Mountain Paper-heath)
- Stachystemon vinosus
- Stylidium galioides (Yellow Mountain Triggerplant)
- Thelymitra psammophila (Sandplain Sun Orchid)
- Verticordia carinata
- Verticordia crebra
- Verticordia helichrysantha (Barrens Featherflower)
- Verticordia pityrhops
- Xyris exilis
edit- ^ "Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2006(2)" (PDF). Western Australian Government Gazette. Government of Western Australia. 1 December 2006. pp. 5311–5317. Retrieved 17 January 2007.
- ^ "Florabase". Retrieved 31 January 2007.