List of members of the European Parliament (1999–2004)

During the fifth term (1999–2004), there were 626 members of parliament divided among the 15 member states. As part of the 2004 enlargement, the national parliaments of the 10 new member states sent a total of 162 observers to the European Parliament from April 2003. On 1 May 2004, upon the countries' accession, the observers became MEPs until the start of the next term (20 July 2004) elected in the June 2004 elections.

List (by country)

Name National party EP Group Country Constituency
Maria Berger   Social Democratic Party   PES   Austria Austria
Herbert Bösch   Social Democratic Party   PES   Austria Austria
Mercedes Echerer   The Greens–The Green Alternative   G–EFA   Austria Austria
Harald Ettl   Social Democratic Party   PES   Austria Austria
Marialiese Flemming   People's Party   EPP–ED   Austria Austria
Gerhard Hager   Freedom Party   NI   Austria Austria
Wolfgang Ilgenfritz   Freedom Party   NI   Austria Austria
Othmar Karas   People's Party   EPP–ED   Austria Austria
Hans Kronberger   Freedom Party   NI   Austria Austria
Hans-Peter Martin   Social Democratic Party   PES   Austria Austria
Hubert Pirker   People's Party   EPP–ED   Austria Austria
Christa Prets   Social Democratic Party   PES   Austria Austria
Reinhard Rack   People's Party   EPP–ED   Austria Austria
Daniela Raschhofer   Freedom Party   NI   Austria Austria
Paul Rübig   People's Party   EPP–ED   Austria Austria
Karin Scheele   Social Democratic Party   PES   Austria Austria
Agnes Schierhuber   People's Party   EPP–ED   Austria Austria
Peter Sichrovsky   Freedom Party   NI   Austria Austria
Ursula Stenzel   People's Party   EPP–ED   Austria Austria
Hannes Swoboda   Social Democratic Party   PES   Austria Austria
Johannes Voggenhuber   The Greens–The Green Alternative   G–EFA   Austria Austria
Ward Beysen   VLD   NI   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Peter Bossu[1]   SP   PES   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Philippe Busquin[2]   PS   PES   Belgium French-speaking
Willy De Clercq   VLD   ELDR   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Gérard Deprez   MCC   EPP–ED   Belgium French-speaking
Claude Desama[3]   PS   PES   Belgium French-speaking
Karel Dillen[4]   VB   NI   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Daniel Ducarme[5]   PRL   ELDR   Belgium French-speaking
Monica Frassoni   ECOLO   G–EFA   Belgium French-speaking
Mathieu Grosch   CSP   EPP–ED   Belgium German-speaking
Michel Hansenne   PSC   EPP–ED   Belgium French-speaking
Pierre Jonckheer   ECOLO   G–EFA   Belgium French-speaking
Paul Lannoye   ECOLO   G–EFA   Belgium French-speaking
Nelly Maes   VU /   SPIRIT   G–EFA   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Frédérique Ries[6]   PRL   ELDR   Belgium French-speaking
Miet Smet   CVP   EPP–ED   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Bart Staes   VU   G–EFA   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Dirk Sterckx   VLD   ELDR   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Patsy Sörensen   AGALEV   G–EFA   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Freddy Thielemans[7]   PS   PES   Belgium French-speaking
Marianne Thyssen   CVP   EPP–ED   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Johan Van Hecke   CVP   EPP–ED   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Anne Van Lancker   SP   PES   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Luckas Vander Taelen[8]   AGALEV   G–EFA   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Frank Vanhecke[9]   VB   NI   Belgium Dutch-speaking
Ole Andreasen   Left, Liberal Party of Denmark   ELDR   Denmark Denmark
Freddy Blak   Social Democrats   PES   Denmark Denmark
Jens-Peter Bonde   June Movement   EDD   Denmark Denmark
Niels Busk   Left, Liberal Party of Denmark   ELDR   Denmark Denmark
Mogens Camre   People's Party   UEN   Denmark Denmark
Lone Dybkjær   Social Liberal Party   ELDR   Denmark Denmark
Pernille Frahm   Socialist People's Party   EUL-NGL   Denmark Denmark
Bertel Haarder[10]   Left, Liberal Party of Denmark   ELDR   Denmark Denmark
Anne Jensen   Left, Liberal Party of Denmark   ELDR   Denmark Denmark
Ole Krarup   People's Movement against the EU   EUL–NGL   Denmark Denmark
Torben Lund   Social Democrats   PES   Denmark Denmark
Jens Okking[11]   June Movement   EDD   Denmark Denmark
Karin Riis-Jørgensen   Left, Liberal Party of Denmark   ELDR   Denmark Denmark
Christian Rovsing   Conservative People's Party   EPP–ED   Denmark Denmark
Ulla Sandbæk   June Movement   EDD   Denmark Denmark
Helle Thorning-Schmidt   Social Democrats   PES   Denmark Denmark
Uma Aaltonen   Green League   G–EFA   Finland Finland
Ulpu Iivari   Social Democratic Party   PES   Finland Finland
Piia-Noora Kauppi   National Coalition Party   EPP–ED   Finland Finland
Eija-Riitta Korhola   National Coalition Party   EPP–ED   Finland Finland
Marjo Matikainen-Kallström   National Coalition Party   EPP–ED   Finland Finland
Riitta Myller   Social Democratic Party   PES   Finland Finland
Reino Paasilinna   Social Democratic Party   PES   Finland Finland
Mikko Pesälä   Centre Party   ELDR   Finland Finland
Samuli Pohjamo   Centre Party   ELDR   Finland Finland
Esko Olavi Seppänen   Left Alliance   EUL–NGL   Finland Finland
Ilkka Suominen   National Coalition Party   EPP–ED   Finland Finland
Astrid Thors   Swedish People's Party   ELDR   Finland Finland
Paavo Väyrynen   Centre Party   ELDR   Finland Finland
Ari Vatanen   National Coalition Party   EPP–ED   Finland Finland
Kyösti Virrankoski   Centre Party   ELDR   Finland Finland
Matti Wuori   Green League   G–EFA   Finland Finland
Alekos Alavanos   Coalition of the Left and Progress   EUL–NGL   Greece Greece
Konstantinos Alyssandrakis   Communist Party   EUL–NGL   Greece Greece
Ioannis Averoff   New Democracy   EPP–ED   Greece Greece
Emmanouil Bakopoulos   Democratic Social Movement   EUL–NGL   Greece Greece
Alexandros Baltas   Socialist Movement   PES   Greece Greece
Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos   New Democracy   EPP–ED   Greece Greece
Petros Efthymiou[12]   Socialist Movement   PES   Greece Greece
Christos Folias   New Democracy   EPP–ED   Greece Greece
Konstantinos Hatzidakis   New Democracy   EPP–ED   Greece Greece
Anna Karamanou   Socialist Movement   PES   Greece Greece
Giorgos Katiforis   Socialist Movement   PES   Greece Greece
Efstratios Korakas   Communist Party   EUL–NGL   Greece Greece
Ioannis Koukiadis   Socialist Movement   PES   Greece Greece
Dimitrios Koulourianos   Democratic Social Movement   EUL–NGL   Greece Greece
Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou   New Democracy   EPP–ED   Greece Greece
Minerva Melpomeni Malliori   Socialist Movement   PES   Greece Greece
Ioannis Marinos   New Democracy   EPP–ED   Greece Greece
Emmanouil Mastorakis   Socialist Movement   PES   Greece Greece
Mihalis Papagiannakis   Coalition of the Left and Progress   EUL–NGL   Greece Greece
Ioannis Patakis   Communist Party   EUL–NGL   Greece Greece
Ioannis Souladakis   Socialist Movement   PES   Greece Greece
Antonios Trakatellis   New Democracy   EPP–ED   Greece Greece
Dimitris Tsatsos   Socialist Movement   PES   Greece Greece
Stavros Xarchakos   New Democracy   EPP–ED   Greece Greece
Christos Zacharakis   New Democracy   EPP–ED   Greece Greece
Myrsini Zorba   Socialist Movement   PES   Greece Greece
Nuala Ahern Green Party   G–EFA   Ireland Leinster
Niall Andrews Fianna Fáil   UEN   Ireland Dublin
Mary Banotti Fine Gael   EPP–ED   Ireland Dublin
Gerry Collins Fianna Fáil   UEN   Ireland Munster
Pat Cox Independent   ELDR   Ireland Munster
Brian Crowley Fianna Fáil   UEN   Ireland Munster
John Cushnahan Fine Gael   EPP–ED   Ireland Munster
Proinsias De Rossa Labour Party   PES   Ireland Dublin
Avril Doyle Fine Gael   EPP–ED   Ireland Leinster
Jim Fitzsimons Fianna Fáil   UEN   Ireland Leinster
Pat "the Cope" Gallagher Fianna Fáil   UEN   Ireland Connacht–Ulster
Liam Hyland Fianna Fáil   UEN   Ireland Leinster
Joe McCartin Fine Gael   EPP–ED   Ireland Connacht–Ulster
Dana Rosemary Scallon Independent   EPP–ED   Ireland Connacht–Ulster
Colette Flesch   Democratic Party   ELDR   Luxembourg Luxembourg
Robert Goebbels   Socialist Workers' Party   PES   Luxembourg Luxembourg
Astrid Lulling   Christian Social People's Party   EPP–ED   Luxembourg Luxembourg
Jacques Poos   Socialist Workers' Party   PES   Luxembourg Luxembourg
Jacques Santer   Christian Social People's Party   EPP–ED   Luxembourg Luxembourg
Claude Turmes   The Greens   G-EFA   Luxembourg Luxembourg

See also



  1. ^ Resigned in 1999
  2. ^ Resigned in 1999
  3. ^ Resigned in 2001
  4. ^ Resigned in 2003
  5. ^ Resigned in 2003
  6. ^ Resigned in 2004
  7. ^ Resigned in 2001
  8. ^ Resigned in 2002
  9. ^ Resigned in 2003
  10. ^ Resigned in 2001
  11. ^ Resigned in 2003
  12. ^ Resigned in 2000