Séamus Ó Néill

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Séamus Ó Néill, (1910-1981), was an Irish writer from Clarkhill(Clárchoill) Castlewellan, County Down, Ireland. Following a primary degree from Queen's University, Belfast, he did historical research under Eoin MacNeill at University College, Dublin. He spent periods as editor of the journals An Iris and Comhar.

The endpiece from Dánta do pháistí (Poems for Children), entitled "Subh Milis" ("Sweet Jam"), a poem dedicated to his mother (subtitle: "Ceann do Mhama"), is his best-known work, and one of the Irish language texts most frequently referenced in English language media [1] [2] [3]:


Bhí subh mhilis
Ar bhaschrann an dorais
Ach mhuch mé an corraí
Ionam a d'éirigh,
Mar smaoinigh mé ar an lá
Nuair a bheas an bhaschrann glan,
Agus an lámh bheag
Ar iarraidh.


There was jam
On the doorhandle
But I suppressed the anger
That arose in me,
Because I thought of the day
when the doorhandle would be clean
And the little hand

Two of his novels, Tonn Tuile and Máire Nic Artáin, dealt with marital breakdown - the first set during The Emergency and the latter in the religiously divided communities of Belfast during the First World War.


  • An Sean-Saighdiúir agus scéalta eile (The veteran and other stories), 1945.
  • An iris/eagarth (An Iris edited), 1945–1946.
  • Colm Cille : drama i gceithre radharcanna (Columcill: a drama in four scenes), 1946.
  • Tonn tuile (Tidal Wave), Novel, Sáirséal agus Dill, 1947.
  • Dánta Poems, pre-1949;
  • Iomramh an Ousel (The Voyage of the Ousel), Poems, pre-1949;
  • Buaidh an Ultaigh (The Ulsterman will Win), Drama, pre-1949;
  • Díolta Faoina Luach (Below-cost Sales), Drama, pre-1949;
  • Ní Chuireann siad Síol (They Sow no Seed), Drama, pre-1949;
  • Dánta do pháistí (Poems for Children), 1949.
  • Súil timpeall (Eye Around), Essay, 1951.
  • Up the Rebels, Oifig an tSoláthair, 1954. Trans. Doiminic Ó Ceallaigh.
  • Ag baint fraochán : agus scéalta eile (Picking Blaeberries and other stories), 1955.
  • Máire Nic Artáin (Maire McCartan), Novel, Cló Morainn, 1959.
  • Iníon Dhún Sobhairce : tragóid trí ghníomh (The King of Dunseverick's Daughter: a tragedy in three acts), 1967.
  • Faill ar an bhFeart : dráma trí ghníomh (Opportunity of a Miracle: a drama in three acts), 1967.
  • An tSiúr Pól : dráma trí ghníomh (Sister Paul: a drama in three acts), c.1973.
  • Rún an Oileáin (The Secret of the Island), pub. c.1975. Staged in the Damer Theatre, Dublin 5–10 June 1961.
  • Iníon rí na Spáinne (The King of Spain's Daughter), 1978.

Critical and bibliographic material


See also
