Second Portland ministry

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This is a list of members of the Tory government of the United Kingdom in office under the leadership of the Duke of Portland from 1807 to 1809.

Portrait of the Duke of Portland by Thomas Lawrence, 1792. The Duke of Portland was the figurehead of the government, but exercised comparatively little power over his colleagues.
Spencer Perceval served as Chancellor of the Exchequer and succeeded Portland in 1809. He was subsequently assassinated in 1812, the only British Prime Minister to be killed in office.
Portrait of Lord Castlereagh by Thomas Lawrence 1809. Viscount Castlereagh served as Secretary for War until his resignation and duel with his colleague George Canning.

Members of the Cabinet are in bold face.

Office Name Date
First Lord of the Treasury The Duke of Portland 31 March 1807 – 4 October 1809
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Spencer Perceval 26 March 1807
30 March 1807 –
Secretaries to the Treasury Senior Secretary Hon. Henry Wellesley 1 April 1807 – 21 March 1809
Charles Arbuthnot 5 April 1809
Junior Secretary William Huskisson 1 April 1807
Junior Lords of the Treasury William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, Marquess of Titchfield 31 March 1807 – 16 September 1807
Hon. William Eliot 31 March 1807
William Sturges Bourne 31 March 1807 – 16 September 1807
John Foster 16 September 1807
Hon. Richard Ryder 16 September 1807 – 2 December 1807
Hon. William Brodrick 2 December 1807
Snowdon Barne 2 December 1807
Lord President of the Council The Earl Camden 26 March 1807
Lord Chancellor The Lord Eldon 1 April 1807
Home Secretary The Lord Hawkesbury[1] 25 March 1807
Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department Charles Watkin Williams-Wynn continued in office
Hon. Charles Jenkinson November 1807
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs George Canning 25 March 1807
Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Viscount FitzHarris March 1807
Charles Bagot August 1807
President of the Board of Trade
Master of the Mint
The Earl Bathurst 26 March 1807
25 April 1807
Vice-President of the Board of Trade George Rose March 1807
Secretary of State for War and the Colonies Viscount Castlereagh 25 March 1807
Under-Secretary of State for War and the Colonies Edward Cooke 1807
Hon. Charles Stewart 1807
Hon. F. J. Robinson[2] 1809
President of the Board of Control Hon. Robert Saunders-Dundas 6 April 1807
The Earl of Harrowby 17 July 1809
Secretary to the Board of Control George Peter Holford continued in office
First Lord of the Admiralty The Lord Mulgrave 4 April 1807
First Secretary to the Admiralty Hon. William Wellesley-Pole 1807
Civil Lords of the Admiralty Robert Plumer Ward 6 April 1807
The Viscount Palmerston 6 April 1807
James Buller 6 April 1807
Lord Privy Seal The Earl of Westmorland 25 March 1807
Master-General of the Ordnance The Earl of Chatham 4 April 1807
Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance Sir Thomas Trigge continued in office
Treasurer of the Ordnance Joseph Hunt continued in office
Surveyor-General of the Ordnance James Murray Hadden continued in office
Clerk of the Ordnance Hon. William Wellesley-Pole 7 April 1807
Hon. Cropley Ashley-Cooper 29 July 1807
Clerk of the Deliveries of the Ordnance Hon. Cropley Ashley-Cooper 7 April 1807
Thomas Thoroton 29 July 1807
Storekeeper of the Ordnance Mark Singleton 7 April 1807
Treasurer of the Navy George Rose 15 April 1807
Secretary at War Sir James Murray Pulteney 30 March 1807
Lord Granville Leveson-Gower 27 June 1809
Paymaster of the Forces Charles Long April 1807
Lord Charles Henry Somerset April 1807
Postmaster General The Earl of Chichester 1807
The Earl of Sandwich 1807
Surveyor General of Woods, Forests, Parks, and Chases The Lord Glenbervie 1807
Ministers without Portfolio The Duke of Portland 4 October 1809 – 30 October 1809
The Earl of Harrowby November 1809 – June 1812
The Earl Camden 8 April 1812 – June 1812
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland The Duke of Richmond April 1807
Chief Secretary for Ireland Hon. Sir Arthur Wellesley April 1807
Hon. Robert Saunders-Dundas April 1809
Attorney General Sir Vicary Gibbs April 1807
Solicitor General Sir Thomas Plumer April 1807
Judge Advocate General Nathaniel Bond 8 March 1806
Richard Ryder 4 December 1807
Lord Advocate Archibald Colquhoun 1807
Solicitor General for Scotland David Boyle 1807
Attorney General for Ireland William Saurin 15 May 1807
Solicitor General for Ireland Charles Kendal Bushe continued in office
Lord Steward of the Household The Earl of Aylesford continued in office
Treasurer of the Household Viscount Stopford 1807
Comptroller of the Household Lord George Thynne continued in office
Lord Chamberlain of the Household The Earl of Dartmouth continued in office
Vice-Chamberlain of the Household Lord John Thynne continued in office
Master of the Horse The Duke of Montrose 1807
Master of the Buckhounds The Marquess Cornwallis continued in office
Captain of the Gentlemen Pensioners The Lord St John of Bletso continued in office
The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe 2 March 1808
Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard The Earl of Macclesfield continued in office


  • Chris Cook and John Stevenson, British Historical Facts 1760–1830
  • Joseph Haydn and Horace Ockerby, The Book of Dignities


  1. ^ Earl of Liverpool from 1808
  2. ^ vice Stewart[clarification needed]
Preceded by Government of the United Kingdom
Succeeded by