Skorokhod's representation theorem

In mathematics and statistics, Skorokhod's representation theorem is a result that shows that a weakly convergent sequence of probability measures whose limit measure is sufficiently well-behaved can be represented as the distribution/law of a pointwise convergent sequence of random variables defined on a common probability space. It is named for the Ukrainian mathematician A. V. Skorokhod.



Let   be a sequence of probability measures on a metric space   such that   converges weakly to some probability measure   on   as  . Suppose also that the support of   is separable. Then there exist  -valued random variables   defined on a common probability space   such that the law of   is   for all   (including  ) and such that   converges to  ,  -almost surely.

See also



  • Billingsley, Patrick (1999). Convergence of Probability Measures. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-19745-9. (see p. 7 for weak convergence, p. 24 for convergence in distribution and p. 70 for Skorokhod's theorem)