Stolz–Cesàro theorem

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In mathematics, the Stolz–Cesàro theorem is a criterion for proving the convergence of a sequence. It is named after mathematicians Otto Stolz and Ernesto Cesàro, who stated and proved it for the first time.

The Stolz–Cesàro theorem can be viewed as a generalization of the Cesàro mean, but also as a l'Hôpital's rule for sequences.

Statement of the theorem for the */∞ case


Let   and   be two sequences of real numbers. Assume that   is a strictly monotone and divergent sequence (i.e. strictly increasing and approaching  , or strictly decreasing and approaching  ) and the following limit exists:


Then, the limit


Statement of the theorem for the 0/0 case


Let   and   be two sequences of real numbers. Assume now that   and   while   is strictly decreasing. If






Proof of the theorem for the */∞ case


Case 1: suppose   strictly increasing and divergent to  , and  . By hypothesis, we have that for all   there exists   such that  


which is to say


Since   is strictly increasing,  , and the following holds


Next we notice that


thus, by applying the above inequality to each of the terms in the square brackets, we obtain


Now, since   as  , there is an   such that   for all  , and we can divide the two inequalities by   for all  


The two sequences (which are only defined for   as there could be an   such that  )


are infinitesimal since   and the numerator is a constant number, hence for all   there exists  , such that




which concludes the proof. The case with   strictly decreasing and divergent to  , and   is similar.

Case 2: we assume   strictly increasing and divergent to  , and  . Proceeding as before, for all   there exists   such that for all  


Again, by applying the above inequality to each of the terms inside the square brackets we obtain




The sequence   defined by


is infinitesimal, thus


combining this inequality with the previous one we conclude


The proofs of the other cases with   strictly increasing or decreasing and approaching   or   respectively and   all proceed in this same way.

Proof of the theorem for the 0/0 case


Case 1: we first consider the case with   and   strictly decreasing. This time, for each  , we can write


and for any     such that for all   we have


The two sequences


are infinitesimal since by hypothesis   as  , thus for all   there are   such that


thus, choosing   appropriately (which is to say, taking the limit with respect to  ) we obtain


which concludes the proof.

Case 2: we assume   and   strictly decreasing. For all   there exists   such that for all  


Therefore, for each  


The sequence


converges to   (keeping   fixed). Hence

  such that  

and, choosing   conveniently, we conclude the proof


Applications and examples


The theorem concerning the ∞/∞ case has a few notable consequences which are useful in the computation of limits.

Arithmetic mean


Let   be a sequence of real numbers which converges to  , define


then   is strictly increasing and diverges to  . We compute




Given any sequence   of real numbers, suppose that


exists (finite or infinite), then


Geometric mean


Let   be a sequence of positive real numbers converging to   and define


again we compute


where we used the fact that the logarithm is continuous. Thus


since the logarithm is both continuous and injective we can conclude that


Given any sequence   of (strictly) positive real numbers, suppose that


exists (finite or infinite), then


Suppose we are given a sequence   and we are asked to compute


defining   and   we obtain


if we apply the property above


This last form is usually the most useful to compute limits

Given any sequence   of (strictly) positive real numbers, suppose that


exists (finite or infinite), then




Example 1


Example 2


where we used the representation of   as the limit of a sequence.



The ∞/∞ case is stated and proved on pages 173—175 of Stolz's 1885 book and also on page 54 of Cesàro's 1888 article.

It appears as Problem 70 in Pólya and Szegő (1925).

The general form




The general form of the Stolz–Cesàro theorem is the following:[2] If   and   are two sequences such that   is monotone and unbounded, then:




Instead of proving the previous statement, we shall prove a slightly different one; first we introduce a notation: let   be any sequence, its partial sum will be denoted by  . The equivalent statement we shall prove is:

Let   be any two sequences of real numbers such that

  •  ,
  •  ,



Proof of the equivalent statement


First we notice that:

  •   holds by definition of limit superior and limit inferior;
  •   holds if and only if   because   for any sequence  .

Therefore we need only to show that  . If   there is nothing to prove, hence we can assume   (it can be either finite or  ). By definition of  , for all   there is a natural number   such that


We can use this inequality so as to write


Because  , we also have   and we can divide by   to get


Since   as  , the sequence


and we obtain


By definition of least upper bound, this precisely means that


and we are done.

Proof of the original statement


Now, take   as in the statement of the general form of the Stolz-Cesàro theorem and define


since   is strictly monotone (we can assume strictly increasing for example),   for all   and since   also  , thus we can apply the theorem we have just proved to   (and their partial sums  )


which is exactly what we wanted to prove.


  • Mureşan, Marian (2008), A Concrete Approach to Classical Analysis, Berlin: Springer, pp. 85–88, ISBN 978-0-387-78932-3.
  • Stolz, Otto (1885), Vorlesungen über allgemeine Arithmetik: nach den Neueren Ansichten, Leipzig: Teubners, pp. 173–175.
  • Cesàro, Ernesto (1888), "Sur la convergence des séries", Nouvelles annales de mathématiques, Series 3, 7: 49–59.
  • Pólya, George; Szegő, Gábor (1925), Aufgaben und Lehrsätze aus der Analysis, vol. I, Berlin: Springer.
  • A. D. R. Choudary, Constantin Niculescu: Real Analysis on Intervals. Springer, 2014, ISBN 9788132221487, pp. 59-62
  • J. Marshall Ash, Allan Berele, Stefan Catoiu: Plausible and Genuine Extensions of L’Hospital's Rule. Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 85, No. 1 (February 2012), pp. 52–60 (JSTOR)


  1. ^ Choudary, A. D. R.; Niculescu, Constantin (2014). Real Analysis on Intervals. Springer India. pp. 59–60. ISBN 978-81-322-2147-0.
  2. ^ l'Hôpital's rule and Stolz-Cesàro theorem at

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