Talk:1982 Thunderbirds Indian Springs diamond crash/Archives/2012/February


Move to Thunderbirds Diamond crash or similar with a little more info. Diamond crash as a title is virtually uselessPetebutt (talk) 11:22, 18 August 2010 (UTC)

is that line abreast o r diamond?

Numbers 1-4, comprising the basic diamond formation, impacted on the desert floor almost simultaneously. While practicing the four-plane line abreast  loop, a climbing side-by-side formation up several thousand feet then rolling over in a slow, backward loop, then down at more than 400 mph, intending to level off at about 100 feet Petebutt (talk) 08:48, 19 August 2010 (UTC)

Speedy Request, Etc

I still think this article was a solid speedy delete, vast sections of it are lifted directly from the Check-Six article. While there may have been some cherry picking it's pretty much a cut and paste of the Check Six with some reordering, right down to the "cooler heads prevailed" editorializing. I respect the review though so have put in a multiple issues tag instead. The many issues in this article.

  • Relies entirely too much on one source, parts of it are lifted verbatim from the Check-Six article which is copyrighted.
  • I'm not sure if Check Six even equalifies as a reliable source and it's virtually the only source.
  • The article needs a rewrite to be more encyclopedic, the Check-Six article is written with an enthusiast's tone and that is reflected here, that shouldn't happen.
  • The editorializing needs to go.
  • The citations need to be redone and formatted. Using ibid. would be helpful.

If I have time I will try to work on it but time is scarce right now. Hopefully someone with good knowledge of the subject can tackle it. --WGFinley (talk) 17:08, 27 October 2010 (UTC)