What because I said abject failings of successive governments that is not neutral? I didn't say which government / council. I would like to see the evidence of 1 person who thinks that the transport system in Manchester and particularly Boothstown is not in a mess? Edit the article if you want to be neutral but leave the message that things are not good, haven't been good for a long time and there is no 'integrated transport plan' to help/try to make them better!!

I think the fact that you just said "The first person who thinks" says that the article is not neutral.


I took out the bit about people driving kids to school adding to traffic - I think that the reduced traffic is due to people taking time off work to be with their kids or going on holiday, it takes 90 mins to get to Manc, Im 11 miles away from Boothstown when its 8.50 and kids time to go to school!

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