Talk:One World Radio

(Redirected from Talk:VIBE FM (Romania))
Latest comment: 15 years ago by Jezhotwells in topic Comment in Romanian

Comment in Romanian


Lagardere nu a cumparat niciodata Radio Deea. Vibe Fm nu a emis niciodata din Onesti Bacau! Doi oameni de la Radio Deea Onesti lucreaza acum la Vibe, unul este Dumitru C. Paunescu, omul care a construit si apoi a falimentat reteaua (procesoare Omnia, playere Pioneer in orase sub 60.000 de locuitori toate luate dupa ce in prealabil a devenit vanzator pentru firmele respective) si Camelia Chenciu. Liviu si Dj Andi au lucrat 2 ani pentru Radio Deea Bucuresti, Cristian cateva luni inainte de vanzare.

Radio Deea emite in continuare pe internet in asteptarea scoaterii de catre CNA a unei licente noi pentru Bucuresti.

Va reamintesc ca folosirea brandului "Radio Deea" - marca inregistrata fara acordul proprietarului se pedepseste in Romania.

Official site—Preceding unsigned comment added by Radiodeea (talkcontribs) 14:49, 6 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

There is little point in posting in Riomanian in English Wikipedia. Judging by your user name you may have a conflict of interest with the subject of this article. Jezhotwells (talk) 18:21, 6 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
Google TRanslate version of above comments: Lagardère has never bought Radio Deea. Vibe Fm not delivered any of Onesti Bacau! Two people from Radio Deea Onesti working at Vibe, is one Dumitru C. Paunescu, the man who built a business network, then (Omnia processors, Pioneer players in towns under 60,000 inhabitants all taken after the prior became a salesman for companies concerned) and Camelia Chenciu. Dj Andi si Liviu worked 2 years for Radio Deea Bucharest, Cristian few months before the sale.
Radio Deea issues still on the internet pending removal by a CNA license in November for Bucharest.
We recall that the use of brand Radio Deea - without the trademark owner shall be punished in Romania Jezhotwells (talk) 18:24, 6 August 2009 (UTC)Reply