List of abbreviations for market segments

(Redirected from Terms for market segments)

Some market segments are referred to by acronyms and initials:

List of abbreviations for market segments


Customer segments

  • DINKY – Double income no kids
  • SOHO – Small office, home office
  • VSB – Very small business
  • SMB – Small medium business / SME – Small and medium enterprise
  • VALS – Values attitude and life-styles
  • LOHAS – Lifestyles of health and sustainability
  • LOVOS – Lifestyle of voluntary simplicity
  • OINKY - One income no kids yet
  • SAM – Segmented addressable market
  • VLE – Very large enterprise
  • Kippers- ((kids in parents pockets eroding retirement savings))

Market/product segments

  • BPO – Business process outsourcing
  • Comms – Communications sector
  • DIY – Do It yourself market
  • FMCG – Fast-moving consumer goods
  • FSS – Financial services sector
  • HoReCa – Hotel, restaurant, café
  • H&LS – Health and life sciences
  • ICT – Information & communication technology
  • RPO – Recruitment process outsourcing
  • ECS - Engineering and Construction Services

