Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania

46°46′09″N 23°35′12″E / 46.7692686°N 23.5865425°E / 46.7692686; 23.5865425 The Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania (Romanian: Muzeul Etnografic al Transilvaniei; Hungarian: Erdélyi néprajzi múzeum) is situated in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. With a history of almost 100 years, the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania is one of the first and greatest of its kind in Romania. It has two exhibition sections, one of which is to be found in downtown Reduta Palace (21, Memorandumului Street), while the other exhibition section is the open-air Romulus Vuia Park situated on the city's north-west side, in Hoia Forest.

Reduta Palace.
Cizer church in Romulus Vuia Park.



The museum was founded on 16 June 1922.



The museum has a collection of more than 50,000 objects reflecting the occupations, the habits and the life style of the Transylvanian rural population. Part of this collection is to be found in the Reduta Palace while the rest of the objects are in the open-air section.

Reduta Palace


The collection here presented is a representative selection of the items and clothes used in rural everyday life. Besides, Reduta Palace also houses a collection of some 50,000 photographs and some 5,000 diapositives. The library of the museum has some 12,000 scholarly journals and specialized magazines.

The Ethnographic Park "Romulus Vuia"


The Ethnographic Park "Romulus Vuia" is the open-air section of the museum. It opened to the public on 12 April 1929, as the first open-air museum in Romania.

The most ancient objects here exhibited date from 1678. The park's main collection is composed of:


See also


Museums in Cluj :



  • Bodea Gheorghe. Clujul vechi și nou. Cluj-Napoca, 2002
  • Lukács József. Povestea oraşului-comoară. Scurtă istorie a Clujului şi monumentelor sale Cluj-Napoca : Apostrof, 2005.