List of Jacobean union tracts

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This is a list of Jacobean union tracts, published or manuscript treatises bearing on the Jacobean debate on the Union.

Scottish authors

Year Author Title Comment
Around 1604 Sir Thomas Craig De Unione Regnorum Britanniae Tractatus Published 1909
1604 John Gordon EnΩtikon or a Sermon of the Union of Great Britain Preached before King James at Whitehall.
1603 John Gordon A Panegyrique of Congratulation for the Concord of the Realmes of Great Britain Written in French, translated by Edward Grimston, published under new titles in 1604.
1605 David Hume of Godscroft De Unione Insulae Britanniae Tractatus Favoured a union of equal partners
1605 manuscript David Hume Tractatus Secundus Not published at the time; printed in the collections of Robert Sibbald and Robert Wodrow.[1]
1604 manuscript outline James Maxwell Britaines Union in Love Emphasis on divine providence.
1604 in Latin Robert Pont De Unione Britanniæ, seu de Regnorum Angliæ et Scotiæ omniumque adjacentum insularum in unam monarchiam consolidatione, deque multiplici ejus unionis utilitate, dialogus[2]
Of the Union of Britayne
John Russell A treatise of the happie and blissed Unioun[3]

English authors

Year Author Title Comment
Anonymous manuscript A Briefe Replication to the Answers of the Objections Against the Union On objections of the House of Commons.
Anonymous manuscript A Discourse against the Union Considers 19 European precedents, finding that only the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth had a serious "statutory union".
Anonymous manuscript A Discourse on the Proposed Union between England and Scotland founded on the opinions of Historians Ancient and Modern Rejects a legal union.
Anonymous manuscript A discourse on the union as being triple-headed Opposed a trade and legal union.
Anonymous manuscript The Divine Providence in the misticall and reall union of England and Scotland
Anonymous manuscript A treatise about the Union of England and Scotland
1604 Anonymous manuscript Pro Unione For the union, anti-Catholic
1604 Anonymous manuscript Rapta Tatio For a legal union.
Anonymous manuscript Union by Concurrency of the Homager State with the Superior Recommends an extra-parliamentary route to fuller union.
1603 Francis Bacon A Brief Discourse touching the Happy Union of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland In favour of a union of fundamental laws.
1604 Francis Bacon Certain Articles or Considerations touching the Union of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland Written for the Union commission.
William Clerk Ancillans Synopsis Supported John Thornborough.
1604 Sir William Cornwallis The Miraculous and Happie Union of England and Scotland Pro-union.
John Dodderidge A breif [sic] consideracion of the Unyon of twoe kingedomes
1605 Alberico Gentili De Unione Regnorum Britanniae Favours perfect union, from a civil law perspective.
1604 John Hayward A Treatise of Union of the Two realmes of England and Scotland Calls for some union of the common law and Scottish law systems.
Sir Henry Savile Historicall Collections
Sir Henry Spelman Of the Union
1604 John Thornborough A Discourse plainely proving the evident Utilitie and urgent necessitie of the desired happie Union of the two famous Kingdomes of England and Scotland Reply to the House of Commons and their opposition to the change of the king's title.
Undated pamphlet John Thornborough The Joiefull and Blessed Reuniting the two mighty and famous Kingdomes, England and Scotland, in their ancient name of Great Brittaine Precedents for aspects of the union.


  1. ^ Lee, Sidney, ed. (1891). "Hume, David (1560?-1630?)" . Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. 28. London: Smith, Elder & Co.
  2. ^ Lee, Sidney, ed. (1896). "Pont, Robert" . Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. 46. London: Smith, Elder & Co.
  3. ^ Bruce R. Galloway & Brian P. Levack, The Jacobean Union: Six Tracts of 1604 (Edinburgh: SHS, 1985), pp. liv-lxi, 75-141