//Lets you know if your current IP has no blocks, is softblocked (only affects IP editors), or hardblocked (affects all except IPBE editors)
//This is very lazily and poorly coded, it'll probably break under any environment but mine, so be warned
$.when( $.ready, mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.util' ) ).then( function() { //this is how its always done cause idk
var NOBLOCK = 0; //its like a worse enum
var SOFTBLOCK = 1;
var HARDBLOCK = 2;
function GetIPBlockStatus(ip, callback) {
//I hate how I do a callback thing here but $.get isnt pausing or whatever so I just have to now cause I'm not looking into it
var resp = $.get( //logic taken from [[User:Suffusion of Yellow/markblocked.js]]
mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ) + '?format=json&action=query',
{list: 'blocks', bklimit: 10, bkip: ip, bkprop: 'flags'},
function(data) {
if (data.batchcomplete === undefined) {
console.log("Response error", data);
var softblocked = false;
for (var blockID in data.query.blocks) {
var block = data.query.blocks[blockID];
if (block.anononly === undefined) {
softblocked = true;
if (softblocked)
//so lazy but eh
var notice = document.createElement("li");
notice.class = "mw-list-item";
notice.style = "color: gray";
notice.innerHTML = "IP Blocked: Unknown";
var up = document.getElementById("pt-userpage");
if (up === null) {
console.log("Not even gonna bother trying to do IPBlock notice visually");
} else {
up.parentElement.insertBefore(notice, up);
function UpdateNotice(state, IP) {
var BlockStatus, BlockColor;
if (state === HARDBLOCK) {
BlockStatus = "Yes";
BlockColor = "red";
} else if (state === SOFTBLOCK) {
BlockStatus = "Anon. Only";
BlockColor = "orange";
} else {
BlockStatus = "No";
BlockColor = "green";
notice.innerHTML = "IP Blocked: <a style='color:inherit' href='/wiki/Special:Contributions/" + IP + "'>" + BlockStatus + "</a>";
notice.style = "color: " + BlockColor;
var lastTime = mw.user.options.get("userjs-aidan9382-ipbn-time"), lastState = mw.user.options.get("userjs-aidan9382-ipbn-state");
if (lastTime === undefined || Date.now() - lastTime > 60000) { //60s
$.get("https://api.ipify.org/", function(IP) {
if (IP == "<nil>") {
notice.innerHTML = "Unable to get IP";
} else {
GetIPBlockStatus(IP, function(state) {
UpdateNotice(state, IP);
var api = new mw.Api();
api.saveOptions({"userjs-aidan9382-ipbn-time": Date.now(), "userjs-aidan9382-ipbn-state": state}).done(console.log);
} else {
$.get("https://api.ipify.org/", function(IP) {
UpdateNotice(parseInt(lastState), IP);