User:CharlieMauriceOrleans/PierLuigi Zoccatelli

PierLuigi Zoccatelli
PierLuigi Zoccatelli
Born30th July 1965
Died24th May 2024 (58 years old)
Occupation(s)Sociologist, essayist, university professor
EmployerSalesian Pontifical University

PierLuigi Zoccatelli was an Italian sociologist and essayist who was born on the 30th July 1965 in Verona and died on the 24th May 2024 in Turin [1].

Il est le vice-directeur du Centre pour l'étude des nouvelles religions (CESNUR), un réseau international de recherche sur les nouveaux mouvements religieux. Il enseigne la sociologie de la religion à l'Université pontificale salésienne.

He was the deputy director of the Centre for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), an international research network focused on new religious movements. He taught religious sociology at the Salesian Pontifical University.



He lived in Turin from 1998, where he got married and had 5 children. Since the 1990s, he had devoted himself to religious studies, particularly religious minorities and the world of new religious movement. He was a member, resident researcher and deputy director to CESNUR, ordinary member of the ESSWE (European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism), a member of the ISA (Italian Sociology Association) and a founding member of the APSOR (Piedmontese Religious Sociology Association). At the University of Turin, he was a member of the “Erik Peterson” Interdepartmental Research Centre for Religious Studies [2] and a member of CRAFT - Contemporary Religions And Faiths in Transition [3], the research centre of the Department of Cultures, Politics and Societies.

Specialised in the study of esotericism, he edited the Italian edition of the complete works of French symbolist Louis Charbonneau-Lassay Louis Charbonneau-Lassay. Whether alone or co-written, he wrote 18 volumes; he provided essays and encyclopedia entries to 30 books; he wrote 44 articles for specialist magazines; and translated or edited around 60 published titles. His writings were published in 12 countries and in 8 languages. He was the assistant editor of the peer-reviewed journal The Journal of CESNUR and a member of the journal Politica hermetica. In 2001, 2006 and 2013, he co-directed the Encyclopedia of religions in Italy with Massimo Introvigne [4].

Since 2013, he held the chair of Sociology of Religious Movements at the Salesian Pontifical University, and since the 2016-2017 academic year, the university entrusted him with teaching sociology of religion Sociology of religion. He is equally titled the course “Esotericism, new religiosity and new religions: a sociologic study” in the Masters program for religious sciences and intercultural mediation [5] at the University of Turin.


  • (with Stefano Salzani), Hermétisme et emblématique du Christ dans la vie et dans l'œuvre de Louis Charbonneau-Lassay (1871-1946), trad. de l'italien par Jean Nicolas, Milan, Archè, 1996.
  • Le lièvre qui rumine. Autour de René Guénon, Louis Charbonneau-Lassay et la Fraternité du Paraclet, avec des documents inédits, Milan, Archè, « Archives », 1999.
  • Édition critique du recueil posthume de René Guénon, Écrits pour Regnabit. Revue universelle du Sacré-Cœur, établi, présenté et annoté par PierLuigi Zoccatelli, Milan, Archè, Turin, « Au bonheur du chercheur », 1999.
  • Havanissimo. L'amateur, Gründ, 2005.
  • avec Massimo Introvigne (dir.), Le religioni in Italia, CESNUR, Leumann (Turin), Elledici, 2006.
  • (with Luigi Berzano, Carlo Genova, Massimo Introvigne and Roberta Ricucci), Cinesi a Torino. La crescita di un arcipelago, il Mulino, Bologne, 2010.
  • (with Massimo Introvigne), La Messa è finita? Pratica cattolica e minoranze religiose nella Sicilia Centrale, Salvatore Sciascia Editore, Caltanissetta - Rome 2010.
  • (con Massimo Introvigne), Enciclopedia delle religioni in Italia, Elledici, Turin 2013.

Notes and references


[[Category:Italian essayists]] [[Category:Italian sociologists]] [[Category:Academic staff of the Salesian Pontifical University]] [[Category:Italian academics]] [[Category:Born in July 1965]] [[Category:Born in Verona]] [[Category:Died in May 2024]] [[Category:Died in Turin]] [[Category:Died at 58 years old]]