Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// Closeapple RMF set.js
// Functions used by Closeapple for
// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Closeapple
// You may copy and modify this file under your choice of these licenses:
// * GDFL: GNU Free Documentation License, version of your choice
// * CC-BY-SA: Creative Commons Attribution+ShareAlike, version 3.0
//   or later, U.S. or Unported
// * CC-BY-NC: Creative Commons Attribution+NonCommercialOnly, version 3.0
//   or later, U.S. or Unported
// * LGPL: Lesser GNU Public License, version of your choice
// This is a set of regex scripts to use on MediaWiki using TemplateScript
// described at [[Meta:TemplateScript]]. (You don't need to have it loaded
// separately, but you can enable it by going to [[Special:Preferences]] and
// checking in the Gadgets section.)
// Coding notes
// ------------
// This JavaScript uses UTF-8 characters like arrows and lines, and even in a
// few regexes for dashes and things.
// Shame on you if you load it in a non-Unicode editor!
// Maybe JS supports some kind of \u syntax in regexes, but I don't know yet,
// so I haven't done it. 
// Since this is written for JavaScript, it uses the Perl extensions that
// JS supports, like (?:) for non-storing (), +? and *? for shortest
// matches (which are vital in some places!), and, in the future, (?!)
// for negative look-ahead.
// Also, / in a pattern is always written as \/ here.
// regex() is used when affecting the edit summary is undesirable:
// for example, when a regex is likely to match even when when not fixed

//  TODO: Rewrite most ([^whatever]|$) junk to use (?!whatever) instead
//  Wishlist:
//  * [[mnopqr|mnopqrs]] -> [[mnopqr]]s
//  * [[mnopqr]]'s -> [[mnopqr|mnopqr's]] (with weird apostrophes too)
//  * [[link_with_spaces]] -> [[link with spaces]] (but maybe that's bad)
//  Far-off wishlist:
//  * <ref name="whatever"></ref> -> <ref name="whatever"/> (maybe)
//  * [[Abcdef, IL|Abcdef]] -> [[Abcdef, Illinois|Abcdef]]
//  * [[Abcdef, IL|Abcdef, Illinois]] -> [[Abcdef, Illinois]]
/* global $, pathoschild */

//  true to debug; false to not debug
if (!rmfCa_debug) { var rmfCa_debug=
//  true;

 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <pre>
$.ajax('//', { dataType:'script', cache:true }).then(function() {
		/*TODO: It's not working!
			name: 'Standardize',
			scriptUrl: 'meta:User:Pathoschild/standardise.js',
			script: function() { standardize(); }
			name: 'Safe cleanups',
			script: function(editor) {
				// do all the unquestionably appropriate cleanups here
			name: '├ trailing spaces',
			script: rmfCa_removetrailingspaces
			name: '├ <br/> cleaning',
			script: rmfCa_brcleaning
			name: '├ [[_|x]]→[[ |x]]',
			script: rmfCa_wikilinkunderlines
			name: '├ [[ ]] spacing',
			script: 'rmfCa_wikilinkspacing'
			name: '├ safe -- fixes',
			script: rmfCa_obviousdashdash
			name: '├ <ref>. → .<ref>',
			script: rmfCa_moverefpunct
			name: '├ <ref> spacing',
			script: rmfCa_refspacing
			name: '├ =Ref= section',
			script: rmfCa_obviousreferences
			name: '├ HTML typos',
			script: rmfCa_htmltypos
			name: '└ safe Washington',
			script: rmfCa_washington_obvious
			name: 'Looser cleanups',
			script: function(editor) {
			name: '├ Prose -- fixes',
			script: rmfCa_prosedashdash
			name: '├ [[]] → {{date}}',
			script: rmfCa_unlinkfulldates
			name: '├ unsubst {{reflist}}',
			script: rmfCa_unsubstreflist
			name: '└ looser Washington',
			script: rmfCa_washington_loose

//  rmfCa_regex_reason: replaces regex with replacement, then adds
//  summary or detail to edit box if there was a match and unsets
//  "minor" flag if edit is major.
//  return values (not used by other functions, so not necessary):
//  * 0 if no match
//  * 1 if match but no changes (from regexes that broadly match things they
//    don't necessarily need to fix)
//  * 2 if match caused some kind of change
function rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, pattern, replacement, detail, summary, major) {
	if (!editor.get().match(pattern)) {
			alert('0 = no match for '+detail);
		return 0;
	var beforetext = editor.get();
	editor.replace(pattern, replacement);
	if (beforetext == editor.get()) {
			alert('1 = matches but doesn\'t change: '+detail);
		return 1;
	rmfCa_setreason(editor, detail, summary, major);
	if (!detail)
		detail = summary;
		alert('2 = fixes: '+detail);
	return 2;
//  rmfCa_setreason: one-stop location to add edit summary
//  detail: detailed description of change; not in edit summary unless
//    change is major AND there is no summary
//  summary: edit summary to append if doesn't already exist
//  major = if string "true" or "major" then unset "minor edit" checkbog
function rmfCa_setreason(editor, detail, summary, major) {
	if ( major == 'true' || major == 'major' ) {
		editor.options({ minor: false });

		if (detail && !summary)
			summary = detail;
	else {
		if (!summary)
			summary = 'minor wikification fixups';

//  Actual regexes start here!

//  Aggressiveness: safe
function rmfCa_removetrailingspaces(editor) {
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /[ \t]+$/mg, '', 'removed trailing spaces');

//  Aggressiveness: safe
function rmfCa_brcleaning(editor) {
		.replace(/<\s*BR\s*(?:\/s*)>/g, '<BR/>')  // if all caps, OK
		.replace(/<\s*(?:bR|[Bb]r)\s*(?:\/\s*)>/g, '<br/>'); // otherwise, lower case!
	// completely surrounded -> no spaces
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\s+(<br\/>)\s+/ig, '$1', 'spacing on both sides of <br/>');
		.replace(/[ \t]+[ \t](<br\/>)/ig, ' $1') // allow only one leading space
		.replace(/(<br\/>)[ \t]+[ \t]/ig, '$1 '); // allow only one trailing space

// moverefpunct: move punctuation to before (a sequence of) references
// Aggressiveness: safe
// Example: <ref>abc</ref>. -> .<ref>abc</ref>
// Scope: always
// Type: Perl/JavaScript (needs (?:) to do non-storing match and *? to select shortest)
// Works even across lines if [^<] matches linefeeds in regex implementation.
// Spacing within ref tags and reference content is passed and not modified.
// /m parameter may or may not be useful - works both ways.
// Does not deal with 
// "!" is not matched because refs show up in table headers and we don't
// want the ref to swap with the header separators.  Examples:
// ! Header A<ref>12</ref>
// ! Header B
// or ! Header A<ref>12</ref> !! Header B
// Note: will not see any <ref> sections with < inside the reference tags or
// with < or > inside the ref content itself.  For example:
// Will be skipped: <ref>12<34>56</ref>
// Will be skipped: <ref<!-- test -->>123456</ref>
// TODO: Possibly match {{dated info}}, {{fact}}, etc. the same way.
function rmfCa_moverefpunct(editor) {
	// TESTING next line
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\s*((?:[.?,:;]|°|&deg;)+)\s*((?:<ref(?:\s[^/<>]*\/|(?:\s[^<>]*?)?\s*>[^<]*<\s*\/\s*ref)\s*>\s*?)+)[ \t]*\1+/ig, '$1$2', 'limit duplicate punctuation to before <ref>', 'punctuation to before <ref>s');
	// already tested
	// old version:
	// rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\s*((?:<ref(?:\s[^/<>]*\/|(?:\s[^<>]*?)?\s*>[^<]*<\s*\/\s*ref)\s*>\s*?)+)\s*((?:[.?!,:;]|°|&deg;)+)/ig, '$2$1', 'move punctuation to before <ref>', 'punctuation to before <ref>s');
	// newer version that isn't supposed to catch \n[:;] but still does
	// TODO: Figure out why \n[:;] still matches!
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\s*((?:<ref(?:\s[^/<>]*\/|(?:\s[^<>]*?)?\s*>[^<]*<\s*\/\s*ref)\s*>\s*?)+)(?:\s*((?:[.?!,]|°|&deg;)+)|[ \t]*([;:]+))/ig, '$2$3$1', 'move punctuation to before <ref>', 'punctuation to before <ref>s');

//  refspacing: clean spaces in and around ref tags
//  Aggressiveness: safe
//  Note: Will not match any <ref> tags with < or > inside the ref tag
//  itself.  For example, will skip <ref<!-- test -->>
function rmfCa_refspacing(editor) {
	//  clean spaces in opening <ref> or standalone <ref/>
	//  Allows (optional) one space between last parameter and /> in case
	//  some people like that form.
	//  Does not yet clean spaces BETWEEN paramaters if that were to happen.
	//  Note: matches tags whether already cleaned or not
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /<ref\s*(\s[^<>]*[^/<>\s]|)\s*?((?:\s?\/)?)\s*>/ig, '<ref$1$2>', '< ref > → <ref>');
	//  Remove spaces between a non-wiki character and <ref
	//  except after ! !- | |- because some people might like table alignment
	//  Only matches if there's a space to clean.
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /(^-?|[^!|-]|[^!|]-)\s+<ref([^<>\w]*|\W[^<>]*)>/ig, '$1<ref$2>', 'rm spaces before <ref>s');
	//  clean spaces in and before closing </ref>
	//  Does not remove newline before </ref> - some people might like that.
	//  Note: matches tags whether already cleaned or not
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /[ \t]<\s*\/\s*ref\s*>/ig, '</ref>', '< / ref > → </ref>');

//  wikilinkspacing: removes extraneous spaces in [[ ]] tags
//  Aggressiveness: safe
function rmfCa_wikilinkspacing(editor) {
	//  Category: eliminate spaces between [[ and any | instead of moving outside
	//  Also has side effect of capitalizing [[Category: correctly.
	//  Note: matches whether already cleaned or not
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[[ \t]*Category[ \t]*:[ \t]*([^\]|]*[^\]|\s][ \t]*)/ig, '[[Category:$1', 'category spacing 1');
	//  Interlanguage: two-letter codes other than WP
	//  eliminate spaces instead of moving outside
	//  TODO: add more three-letter language codes
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[[ \t]*([a-vx-z][a-z]|[a-z][a-oq-z]|simple|ang)[ \t]*:[ \t]/ig, '[[$1:', 'interwiki spacing 1');
	//  Protect special case of "[[Category:Something| ".
	//  Note: Matches based on assumption that "[[Category:Something|" has
	//  already had its spaces cleaned out above.
	//  Note: REQUIRES conversion back later in this fuction.
	//  Note: Turns multiple prefix spaces into a single one.
	//  Note: JavaScript in Firefox 3.5.5 parses this regex to mean something
	//  different if we use the [^]|] as part of this pattern, so we use
	//  [^\]|] instead to mean "anything but ] or |".
	editor.replace(/(\[\[Category:[^\]|]+\|)[ \t]+/g, '$1%%rmfCaSpace%%');
	//  Category/Interlanguage: eliminate spaces just before ]] instead of
	//  moving outside
	//  only matches when there's an actual space before ]]
	//  Note: Depends on initial spacing being eliminated above already.
	//  TODO: add more three-letter language codes
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[[ \t]*(Category|[a-vx-z][a-z]|[a-z][a-oq-z]|simple|ang):([^]]+[^]\s]*)[ \t]+\]\]/ig, '[[$1:$2]]', 'category spacing 2');
	// For other [[ ]], move spaces to outside of brackets
	// only matches when there's an actual space just inside [[ or [[: or ]]
	// Depends on exceptions already being eliminated above.
	// Skips [[+space+: because that acts strangely on Wikipedia.
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /[ \t]*\[\[(:?)[ \t]+([[^ \t:]])/g, ' [[$1$2', 'wikilinks starting with space');
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /[ \t]+\]\][ \t]*/g, ']] ', 'wikilinks ending with space');
	//  Turn protected spaces back into normal spaces.
	editor.replace(/%%rmfCaSpace%%/g, ' ');

//  wikilinkunderlines: remove _ from targets in wikilinks
//  Aggressiveness: intended to be safe
//  IN TESTING - need to determine if it can remove more than one _
//  Removes _ other than at the beginning, end, or next to another _.
//  Designed to work ONLY if visible part of link does not contain _ also.
function rmfCa_wikilinkunderlines(editor) {
	//  Dang - doesn't match more than one _.
	//  rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[\s*([^\]|]*[^\]|_])_([^\]|_][^\]|]*)\s*\|\s*([^\]_]+)\s*\]\]/g, '[[$1 $2|$3]]', 'rm _ from wikilink target');
	//  Dang - the next one doesn't match more than one _ either!
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[\s*([^\]|]*[^\]|_])_(?=[^\]|_][^\]|]*\|[^\]_]+\]\])/g, '[[$1 ', 'rm _ from wikilink target');

//  obviousdashdash: multiple hypens = &mdash; ("safe" matches)
//  Aggressiveness: safe
//  We're actually very limited here because we have to avoid these:
//  Linux command line parameters:
//    space + -- + alphanum
//  C language arithmetic:
//    alphanum/(/)/[/]/*/& + --
//    -- + alphanum/(/)/[/]/*/&
//  Note: Also, some URL might be stupid enough to have two hyphens, so we
//  should exclude any non-space strings with / before the double hypens.
//  It calls commondashdash at the end for completeness.
//  TODO: Could have lots more combinations
function rmfCa_obviousdashdash(editor) {
	// linestart/space + string of non-slash + digit + DASHES + digit
	// avoiding slash to avoid possible idiocy like 1--2 in URLs
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /(^|\s[^\/\s]+)(\d\s?)\s*?--+(\s?)\s*?(\d)/g, '$1$2&mdash;$3$4', 'digit--digit→&mdash;' );
	// pretty safe: stuff in QUOTE or BLOCKQUOTE with no other <>
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /<\s*((?:BLOCK)?QUOTE)\s*>([^<>]*)--([^<>]*)<\s*\/\s*((?:BLOCK)?QUOTE)\s*>/ig, '<$1>$2 &mdash; $3</$4>', '-- → &mdash; in quote');

//  prosedashdash: multiple hypens = &mdash; (when all prose)
//  Aggressiveness: prose; assumes no command lines or programming code
//  This one assumes that there are no command lines or C programming
//  code embedded in the text, so it can be a little more aggressively
//  general.
//  It calls commondashdash at the end for completeness.
//  TODO: Find a more clever way than [^>][^>] to make sure that
//  <!----- something -----> doesn't turn into
//  <!----- something ---&mdash;->
function rmfCa_prosedashdash(editor) {
	// space on the front is spaced dash for sure unless <!-- -->
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\s+--+\s*([^>][^>]|$)/g, ' &mdash; $1');
	// linestart/space + string of non-/ non-! + hyphens is dash
	// Avoiding ! because otherwise <!-- comments --> get mangled!
	// Avoiding > on the end for the same reason.
	// Avoiding slash to avoid possible idiocy like a--b in URLs.
	// Allows one space to survive after the dash.
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /(^|\s[^\/!\s]+)--+(\s?)\s*([^>][^>]|$)/g, '$1&mdash;$2$3', '-- → &mdash;', '-- → &mdash; in prose');

//  commondashdash: multiple hypens = &mdash; (whether safe or prose)
//  Aggressiveness: safe
//  This has the regexes that bother obviousdashdash and prosedashdash
//  (safe and less safe) call, so that we don't have to double-process
//  "safe" things in obviousdashdash that have already been handled by
//  more generalized matches in other dashdash handlers.
function rmfCa_commondashdash(editor) {
	// NOT pretty safe: at least one mdash/ndash in a row of mdash/ndash/hyphens
	// with no inner spaces
	// (We'll be brave and assume anyone who uses the table construct
	// |- + mdash/ndash with no space between deserves what they get.)
	// TODO: Find a way for this to NOT match <!--(dashes)-->
	// Commented out until then.
	//  rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\s*(?:(?:&[mn]dash;|-|–|—)+(?:&[mn]dash;|–|—)+|(?:&[mn]dash;|–|—)+(?:&[mn]dash;|-|–|—)+)\s*/g, ' &mdash;', 'string of dashes → single &mdash;', 'string of dashes → single &mdash;');

//  htmltypos: fix common HTML typos and screwups
//  Aggressiveness: safe
function rmfCa_htmltypos(editor) {
	// forgotten semicolon on HTML entities
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /&([gl]t|[mn]dash|nbsp)(?:[^;];?)([^;]|$)/ig, '&$1;$2', 'missing ; on HTML entity');
	// wrong capitalization on HTML entities
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /&M(?:dash|DASH);/, '&mdash;', '&MDASH→&mdash;' );
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /&N(?:dash|DASH);/, '&ndash;', '&NDASH→&ndash;' );
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /&N(?:bsp|BSP);/, '&nbsp;', '&NBSP→&nbsp;' );

//  unlinkfulldates: remove [[ ]] from full dates
//  UNTESTED but complete
//  Aggressiveness: mostly OK if it's this MediaWiki's house policy
//  Does not recognize any way of marking dates as "supposed to be linked".
//  However, it only unlinks FULL dates, not isolated Year or Month-Day.
//  Note: Only converts month names if English
//  TODO: Make it skip prefix/suffix for when on a date= parameter.
function rmfCa_unlinkfulldates(editor) {
	rmfCa_unlinkfulldates_template(editor, '{{date|', '}}');
function rmfCa_unlinkfulldates_template(editor, prefix, suffix) {
	//  U.S. style: [[January 1]](,)(of) [[2345]] or 2345
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[[ \t]*(J(?:an(?:uary)?|u(?:ne?|ly?))|Feb(?:ruary)?|Ma(?:r(?:ch)?|y)|A(?:pr(?:il)?|ug(?:ust)?)|Sep(?:t(?:ember)?)?|Oct(?:ober)?|(?:Nov|Dec)(?:ember)?)[ \t]+([0-2]?\d|3[01])(?:st|[nr]?d|th)?(?:[ \t]*\]\])?[,\s]+(?:(?:in|of)\s+)?(?:\[\[[ \t]*)?(\d{3,4})[ \t]*\]\]/mig, prefix+'$1 $2, $3'+suffix, 'unlink U.S. dates', '[[MOS:UNLINKDATES]]');
	//  European style: [[1 January]](,)(of) [[2345]] or 2345
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[[ \t]*([0-2]?\d|3[01])(?:st|[nr]?d|th)?[ \t]+(J(?:an(?:uary)?|u(?:ne?|ly?))|Feb(?:ruary)?|Ma(?:r(?:ch)?|y)|A(?:pr(?:il)?|ug(?:ust)?)|Sep(?:t(?:ember)?)?|Oct(?:ober)?|(?:Nov|Dec)(?:ember)?)(?:[ \t]*\]\])?[,\s]+(?:(?:in|of)\s+)?(?:\[\[[ \t]*)?(\d{3,4})[ \t]*\]\]/mig, prefix+'$1 $2 $3'+suffix, 'unlink European dates', '[[MOS:UNLINKDATES]]');
	//  ISO 8601: [[2345-06-07]] or [[2345]]-[[06-07]]
	//  rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[\s*(\d\d\d\d)(?:\s*\]\])?-(?:\[\[\s*)(\d\d?)(?:\s*\]\])?-(?:\[\[\s*)(\d\d?)\s*\]\]/g, prefix+'$1-$2-$3'+suffix, 'unlink ISO dates', '[[MOS:UNLINKDATES]]');
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[[ \t]*(\d{3,4})(?:[ \t]*\]\])?\s*-\s*(?:\[\[[ \t]*)?(0?[2-9]|1[012]?)[ \t]*-[ \t]*([0-2]?\d|3[01])[ \t]*\]\]/mg, prefix+'$1-$2-$3'+suffix, 'unlink ISO-8601 dates', '[[MOS:UNLINKDATES]]');

//  obviousreflist: references section changes when obviously correctable
//  Scope: Wikipedia - requires {{reflist}} template to exist on wiki
//  Aggressiveness: safe
function rmfCa_obviousreferences(editor) {
	//  "References" or "Sources" section header, followed immediately by
	//  either <references> with parameters or any {{reflist}},
	//  gets the following cleanups:
	//  * "Sources" section name changes to "References"
	//  * equals signs and spaces get balanced on that section header
	//  Parameters to <references> or {{reflist}} are passed through unchanged.
	//  May match even when not making changes.
	editor.replace(/^(=+)([ \t]?)[ \t]*(?:Refe?ren|Sour)ces?[ \t]*=+[ \t]*$\s*(\{\{reflist[^<>}]*\}\}|<\s*references(?:\s+[^\/<>\s][^>]+>))/gim, '$1$2References$2$1\n$3');
	//  "References" or "Sources" section header, followed immediately by
	//  <references> with no parameters, gets the same as above,
	//  plus <references> is turned into {{reflist}}.
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /^(=+)([ \t]?)[ \t]*(?:Refe?ren|Sour)ces?[ \t]*=+[ \t]*$\s*<\s*references[\/\s]*>/gim, '$1$2References$2$1\n{{reflist}}', 'References section fixup');

//  unsubstreflist: turn things like <small><div><references></div></small>
//  and <small><div>{{reflist}}</div></small> into just {{reflist}}
//  Scope: Wikipedia - requires {{reflist}} template to exist on wiki
//  Aggressiveness: slightly; see warning below
//  Warning: This pattern doesn't know how to BALANCE start and ending
//  <div> and <small> tags - it just removes matching ones contiguous
//  before and after references.  So if someone is silly enough to put
//  those tags contiguous to the references on one side but not the other,
//  this pattern will blast the ones contiguous to the references anyway,
//  causing the tags to become unbalanced!
//  Note: If <references> contains parameters, no conversion is done,
//  because the pattern doesn't know how to convert those parameters into
//  {{reflist}} parameters.  An existing {{reflist}} with parameters is
//  still matched, since the parameters don't have to be converted then.
function rmfCa_unsubstreflist(editor) {
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /(?:<(?:div(?:\s+(?:class="(?:\s*references-[-\w])+"|style="(?:[-\w]*column-[-\w]*:[\w\s]*;)\s*"))*|small)>\s*)+(<\s*references[^\/<>]*\/[\s*]>|\{\{reflist[^\}<>]*\}\})(?:\s*<\s*\/\s*(div|small)\s*>)+/ig, '$1', 'unsubst/cleanup {{reflist}}');
	//  optional: run rmfCa_obviousreferences() now that References section
	//  might have gotten cleaned up.

//  washington_obvious: disambig obvious meanings of [[Washington]]
function rmfCa_washington_obvious(editor) {
	//  State of [[Washington]]
	//  Warning: Assumes [[Washington]] is an old link to the state; could nail
	//  "state of [[Washington]], D.C." or "state of [[Washington]]'s mind"
	//  in a sentence if Washington was improperly linked to begin with.
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /([Ss])tate(s?) of \[\[Washington\]\]/g, '$1tate$2 of [[Washington (U.S. state)|Washington]]', 'state of [[Washington (U.S. state)]]', 'disambig [[Washington (U.S. state)]]');
	//  Governor of [[Washington]]
	//  Same as previous one, basically, but not much chance of false positives.
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /([Gg])overnor(s?) of \[\[Washington\]\]/g, '$1overnor$2 of [[Washington (U.S. state)|Washington]]', 'governor of [[Washington (U.S. state)]]', 'disambig [[Washington (U.S. state)]]');
	//  [[Washington|State of Wa(sh(ington))]]
	//  rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[Washington\s*\|\s*([Ss]tate of W[Aa](?:sh(?:ington))\.?)/ig, '[[Washington (U.S. state)|$1', 'Washington|State of $1', 'disambig [[Washington (U.S. state)]]');
	//  [[Washington|something containing "state"]]
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[Washington\s*\|\s*([^]]*state)/ig,  '[[Washington (U.S. state)|$1', 'Washington|state', 'disambig [[Washington (U.S. state)]]');
	//  [[Washington]] state
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[Washington\]\] ([Ss])tate\b/g, '[[Washington (U.S. state)|Washington $1tate]]', '[[Washington state]]', 'disambig [[Washington state]]');
	//  [[Washington|WA]] or [[Washington|Wa.]] or [[Washtington|Wa(sh). State]]
	// (but not "[[Washington|Wash.]]" by itself)
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[Washington\s*\|\s*(W(?:[Aa](?:\.?|(?:sh(?:ington))\.? [Ss]tate))(\s+[^]]+)?)\s*\]\]/g, '[[Washington (U.S. state)|$1]]', 'disambig [[Washington (U.S. state)]] abbreviation', 'disambig [[Washington (U.S. state)]]');
	//  [[Seattle]], [[Washington]] (a U.S. city not requiring state name)
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[\s*Seattle(?:,? ?(?:WA|Washington)?(?:\|\s*Seattle\s*)?)?\]\]\s*(,|\sin)\s*\[\[Washington\]\]/g, '[[Seattle]]$1 [[Washington (U.S. state)|Washington]]', 'disambig [[Seattle]], [[Washington (U.S. state)]]');
	//  [[Something, Washington|Something]],/in [[Washington]] besides Seattle
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /\[\[\s*([^]]+), W(?:A|ashington)\|\s*\1\s*\]\]\s*(,|\sin)\s*\[\[Washington\]\]/g, '[[$1, Washington|$1]]$2 [[Washington (U.S. state)|Washington]]', 'X,/in [[Washington (U.S. state)]]', 'disambig [[Washington (U.S. state)]]');
	//  some western state "&"/"and"/"or" some direction in [[Washington]]
	//  Working: tested on [[Oregon Penutian languages]]
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /((?:(?:Alask|British Columbi|Montan)a|Idaho|Oregon|Utah)(?:\]\])?,?\s+(?:&|and|or)\s+(?:(?:[Nn]or|[Ss]ou)th-?)?(?:(?:[Ee]a|[Ww]e)st)?ern)\s+\[\[Washington\]\]/g, '$1 [[Washington (U.S. state)|Washington]]', 'state and E/N/S/W Washington', 'disambig [[Washington (U.S. state)]]');

//  washington_loose: disambiguations with less reliability
function rmfCa_washington_loose(editor) {
	// fix parameters like
	// |*state=Washington -> |*state=[[Washington (U.S. state)|Washington]]
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /(\|\s*\w+\s*[Ss]tate\d*\s*=\s*)(?:Washington|\[\[Washington\]\])(\s|\|)/g, '$1[[Washington (U.S. state)|Washington]]$2', 'Washington in state parameter', 'disambig [[Washington (U.S. state)]] in parameters');
	//  Washington D.C.: Ambassador of/embassy in [[Washington]]
	rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /([Aa]mbassador\s+(?:in|of|to)|(?:[Cc]onsulate|[Ee]mbassy)\s+in)\s+\[\[Washington\]\]/g, '$1 [[Washington, D.C.|Washington]]', 'ambassador/consulate/embassy in [[Washington, D.C.]]', 'disambig [[Washington, D.C.]]');
	//  { { TOCStates } } using [[Washington]] as a title
	//  Failing: Can't seem to get newline to work before ==
	//  rmfCa_regex_reason(editor, /(\{\{TOCStates\}\}.*\s)(==+)\s*\[\[\s*Washington\s*\]\]\s*\2/, '$1$2[[Washington (U.S. state)|Washington]]$2', 'TOCStates header means [[Washington (U.S. state)]]', 'disambig [[Washington, D.C.]]');
// </pre>