User:Cooljuno411/life archive/Thoughts

"Rise of a conservative", story

2008-10-3 [October 3, 2008]
Originally posted:

I have a very imaginative story in my head that consists of her dramatic point of views. In short, It all starts out with the republicans electing a "moderate and new wave" republican that appeals to the people, with many new age idea of change from the traditional republican point-of-view. Term-oil heats amongst conservatives in the party.

On the democratic side conflict begins to erupt, division occurs amongst the democrats, torn over the two presidential hopefuls, the wise and traditional reformer Hillary Clinton, and the nieve and contemporary Barrock Obama. Barock Obama wins over the angelic Hillary Clinton in the primaries, with major support from the uninformed youth, causing social movement and unrest in the democratic party, the left wing looses major support from the catholics, working class, and more traditional men and woman, many turn to the new wave republican elected nominee. The newly elected nominee, Barock Obama, makes a fatal error and choice a traditional man as the V.P. selection, leaving the unsatisfied conservatives to unleash their devious first half of their plan, lacing their fingers in the republican party, placing a very right wing woman that appeals to the masses with her strong feminine persona that the honest Hillary glowed of, this new wild card in the game leads to more political reassessment amongst democrats and independents, the democratic party continues to become more divided, costing them the election, the traditionals and the working class betray the party. The moderate and new wave republican is appointed to office, major social reform occurs, many new ideas are enacted, new life rejuvenates the sky.

social unrest begins in states former soviet union and the middle east, a diplomatic conference is called together amongst the leaders of the free world. The reform president is assassinated while in the high stands of a celebrationional parade welcoming the foreign visitors, the politically far right Sarah Palin is placed in charge. Reforms occurs almost immediately, all environmental and liberal progress the new wave president put in place is ratified, traditional conservative values are put back into place, the true third term of Bush begins.

And not mentioned above in my story, the conservatives were the ones responsible for the assignation.


2008-8-5 [August 5, 2008]
Originally posted:

I have my own little ideas of how a government should be ran, I would like to see more of a "socio-capitalism", where you take governmental and social values from both.

In my ideological nation, either a democratically appointed congress or an action based on popular vote would invest tax payers money into corporations owned by the people, and all profit from these people owned businesses would go back to the people. This form of investment would be very similar for one investing into a corporation or business in a capitalistic manor, all the investors get a portion of the profit. I like the phrase "the people's..." or "...of the people", similar to Lao People's Democratic Republic or People's Republic of China, and would like titles such as this to be the names of the people owned businesses. An example of how one of these 'people's business" could be "The people's transit" which [hypothetically] is a public transit corporation formed by an action passed by a congress, all profit would go back to the investors [the people], profit can go back to the people in many different forms, the profit from these businesses can be used as the funding to build public parks and recreation, public services such a socialized [universal] health care, or even as a monthly check in the mail. This would coexist with modern capitalism, allowing people the full right to personal success but would provide greater opportunity for the people.

You are in the lobby of a fertility clinic. A fire erupts. You can only save one of the following, a tray of fertilized embryos on the counter or a child huddled in the corner, which do you choose?

2008-6-3 [June 3, 2008]
Originally posted:

The child knows the phenomenon of life, the embryos don't. That is why i think abortion is alright, you are not taking something away from the fetus that it even nows about, the fetus is not even knowledgeable of it's existence, just like a plant. And if you think abortion is wrong, stop eating/killing plants, in my eyes your are killing something at the same level. And if you are "pro-life" you would be a hypocrite by choosing the child because pro-life groups say "life begins at conception", and you are sacrificing many lives for one by choosing the child.

Intelligent Design

2008-5-1 [May 1, 2008]

Intelligent Design, or a greater being, could possibly be the link between creationism and evolution, which until recently have been like water and oil, they just simply don't mix. I personally believe in evolution as the way man came to be, but i find myself to be rather agnostic in how life and the operations of universe came to be, as we know it. I believe Intelligent Design could be probable as long as it corresponds to the laws and functions of the universe, which i believe the story provided by the bible simply doesn't come into harmony to how the universe, as we know it, operates. I see a greater being plausible as long as he, she, or it is bounded by the laws of space, just as we are.

Genetic Engineering Theory


I believe that life as we know it to be could have possibly been genetically engineered, in a similar fashion to how humans do today. And possibly the organic material used in the engineering process could have been taken from the theoretical creator, which would correspond to the biblical statement that we were "created in the image of our creator". In addition, the ability to evolve, adapt, and natural select could have possibly been included in our genetic coding.

Vivarium Concept


In the same manor that we keep living things in man made, limitedly spaced, ecosystems, such as an Aquarium, it is possible that life as we know it to be was placed in a created or naturally occurring Vivarium. Possibly the whole extent of the universe is our Vivarium, which means it is bound to have an end point. Or possibly we have been placed in a much smaller captive, Earth, and we as humans have proven that it is possible to escape are tank. And possibly earth may not be the only holding place for life, and maybe the seeds of life have been planted on other solar objects, such as other planets, or even other "universes" or "tanks" could exist, which would call for an even greater definition of space.

2008-4-2 [April 2, 2008]

Anthrosexual Pomosexuality

2008-3-30 [March 30, 2008]

Anthrosexuality Pomosexuality is the most destructive word to the mid 19th and 20th century view of sexuality. It releases people from the typical agenda of homosexually and heterosexually that bisexuality attempted to achieve but did not succeed because it simply created another classification. Anthrosexuality Pomosexuality created an agenda that has no agenda. It opens the doors by not separating people into bins of social groups. It took down the walls that divided us and makes the bisexual tunnel between heterosexuality and homosexuality an obsolete tool. It achieves what I have always desired for people, it frees them mentally, socially, and sexually.

Recreational Drugs

2008-3-30 [March 30, 2008]

The most elaborate, dramatic, and interesting conversations I have ever had have occurred while induced. Drugs alter the mind in such a majestic way. You have millions of thoughts rushing through and around you. Your brain is released from the box and is set free to imagine things that you could never achieve sober. You think of things you have never thought of before, you imagine elaborate canvases of art that are only butchered and cropped compared to your sober equivalent. Your sole contemplates the impossible. Your heart feels the unimaginable. The doors open to rooms and places that one can never and will never see sober.