Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
function add_global_style(css)
  var head, style;
  head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
  if (!head)
  style = document.createElement('style');
  style.type = 'text/css';
  style.innerHTML = css;

function add_link_general(url, action, name, id, node, prev)
  var na = document.createElement('a');
  na.setAttribute('href', url);

  var txt = document.createTextNode(name);

  if (id) = id;

  if (action)
      if (typeof action == "string")
        na.setAttribute("onClick", action);
      else if (typeof action == "function")
        na.onclick = action;

  if (node)
    if (prev)
      node.insertBefore(na, prev);
    return na;

function addexplicitlink(url, name, node, prev)
  return add_link_general(url, null, name, null, node, prev);

function addlink_onclick(action, name, node, prev)
  return add_link_general('#', action, name, null, node, prev);

function pipe(node, txt, prev)
  if (node)
    if (prev)
      node.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(txt ? txt : ' | '), prev);
      node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt ? txt : ' | '));
    return document.createTextNode(' | ');

function makebutton(lbl, action)
  var button = document.createElement('input');
  button.type = 'button';
  button.value = lbl;
  button.setAttribute('onClick', action);
  return button;

// Add links for Logs, Current version, Enable rollback.
// Restore Talk: and non-Talk: links to the footer for pages not in namespaces besides Article: and Talk:.
// Fix the non-Talk: link in namespace Talk:, which normally goes to itself (!)
// Copy the more-informative label for Undelete on the (hidden) left navbar to the Undelete link on the bottom.
// If there's a template providing a default delete reason, display that in a delete link at the bottom, retaining the no-reason delete link.
// If it's a redirect-to-existent-page reason, provide the name of the target page.
// If this page is a redirect to a non-existent page, do the same.
function morelinks()
  // Talk/non-Talk links.  I don't want to speculate on the moon logic that removed them from every namespace *except* 0 and 1.
  // Since they're still present for namespaces 0 and 1, be sure to put them in the same place those appear (after "Watch"), instead of before Protect like I'll do for the others.
  var watch = document.getElementById("ca-cb-watch") || document.getElementById("ca-cb-unwatch");
  if (watch)
      var ns = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');
      var title = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
      // not negative namespaces (Special: and Media:), and don't duplicate in namespaces 0 and 1
      if (ns > 1)
          // I'd use mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces'), except it's not always there in time.  At least not in greasemonkey, where I'm prototyping this so folks can only point and laugh at a *working* illiterate version of it instead of broken ones.
          var ns_title = mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace');
          ns_title = ns_title.replace(/^Project/, 'Wikipedia');  // 4/5, the only ones we localize

          var parent = watch.parentNode;

          // Contributions and Block links
          if (ns == 2 || ns == 3)
              var basetitle = title.replace(/\/.*/, '');
              addexplicitlink("/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent('Special:Contributions/' + basetitle),
                              'Contribs', parent, watch.nextSibling);
              pipe(parent, null, watch.nextSibling);
              addexplicitlink("/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent('Special:Block/' + basetitle),
                              'Block', parent, watch.nextSibling);
              pipe(parent, null, watch.nextSibling);

          var linkname;
          if (ns % 2)
              ns -= 1;
              ns_title = ns_title.replace(/_talk$/, '');
              linkname = ns_title;
              ns += 1;
              ns_title += '_talk';
              linkname = "Talk";

          addexplicitlink("/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent(ns_title + ':' + title),
                          linkname, parent, watch.nextSibling);
          pipe(parent, null, watch.nextSibling);
      else if (ns == 1) // there's still a link in the Talk: namespace... but it's to the *same page*, and titled Talk.  Doesn't anyone ever look at this stuff before deploying it?
          var lk = document.getElementById('ca-cb-talk').firstChild;
          if (lk.nodeName == 'A')
              lk.href = "/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent(title);
              var txt = lk.firstChild;
              if (txt.nodeName == '#text')
                txt.nodeValue = 'Article';

  var enable_rollback_txt = "var head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];"
                            + "var style=document.createElement('style');"
                            + "style.type='text/css';"
                            + "style.innerHTML='.mw-rollback-link { display:inline !important; }';"
                            + "head.appendChild(style);";

  // If there's a protect link, add link for Logs and Current version.
  // Always add a link for Enable rollback.
  var protect = document.getElementById("ca-cb-unprotect");
  if (!protect)
    protect = document.getElementById("ca-cb-protect");
  if (protect)
      var parent = protect.parentNode;

      pipe(parent, null, protect);
      addexplicitlink("/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=" + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')),
                      'Logs', parent, protect);

      pipe(parent, null, protect);
      addexplicitlink("/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')),
                      'Curr', parent, protect);

      pipe(parent, null, protect);
      addlink_onclick(enable_rollback_txt, 'Enable rollback', parent, protect);
      var parent = document.getElementById("searchform-footer").parentNode;
      addlink_onclick(enable_rollback_txt, 'Enable rollback', parent);

  var del = document.getElementById("ca-cb-undelete");
  if (!del)
      del = document.getElementById("ca-cb-delete");
      if (del)
          var delete_reason = document.getElementById("delete-reason");
          if (delete_reason)
              delete_reason = delete_reason.firstChild.nodeValue;
              if (delete_reason)
                  if (delete_reason.match(/Redirect.*to\+a\+deleted\+or\+non-existent\+page/))
                      delete_reason = encodeURIComponent("[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Redirect to a deleted or nonexistent page");

                      for (var node = document.getElementById('mw-content-text').firstChild.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling)
                        if (node.tagName == 'OL' && node.firstChild)
                            var n = node.firstChild;
                            if (n.tagName != 'LI' && n.nextSibling)
                              n = n.nextSibling;
                            if (n.tagName == 'LI')
                                delete_reason += ": [[" + n.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue + "]]";
                  else if (delete_reason.match(/Cross.*namespace.+redirect.+from.+mainspace/))
                      delete_reason = encodeURIComponent("[[WP:CSD#R2|R2]]: [[WP:XNR|Cross-namespace redirect]] from mainspace");

                      for (var node = document.getElementById('mw-content-text').firstChild.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling)
                        if (node.tagName == 'OL' && node.firstChild)
                            var n = node.firstChild;
                            if (n.tagName != 'LI' && n.nextSibling)
                              n = n.nextSibling;
                            if (n.tagName == 'LI')
                                delete_reason += " to [[" + n.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue + "]]";
                  else if (delete_reason.match(/^CSD.F5:/))
                    delete_reason = encodeURIComponent('[[WP:CSD#F5|F5]]: Unused non-free media file for more than 7 days');
                    delete_reason = delete_reason.replace("+", "%20", "g");

                  addexplicitlink(del.firstChild.href + "&wpReason=" + delete_reason,
                                  del.parentNode, del.nextSibling);
                  pipe(del.parentNode, ': ', del.nextSibling);
              for (var node = document.getElementById('mw-content-text').firstChild.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling)
                  if (node.tagName == 'OL'
                      && node.firstChild
                      && node.firstChild.nextSibling
                      && node.firstChild.nextSibling.tagName == 'LI'
                      && node.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild
                      && node.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeName == '#text'
                      && node.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue.match(/^redirect *$/i)
                      && node.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nextSibling.tagName == 'A')
                    node = node.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nextSibling;
                  else if (node.tagName == 'DIV'
                           && node.className == 'redirectMsg'
                           && node.firstElementChild
                           && node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling
                           && node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.tagName == 'UL'
                           && node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild
                           && node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.tagName == 'LI'
                           && node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.firstChild
                           && node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.firstChild.tagName == 'A')
                    node = node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.firstChild;

                  if (node.className == 'new')
                    delete_reason = "[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Redirect to a deleted or nonexistent page: [[" + node.firstChild.nodeValue + "]]";
                  else if (node.firstChild.nodeValue.match(/^(Talk|(Draft|User)([_ ]talk)?):/i))
                    delete_reason = "[[WP:CSD#R2|R2]]: [[WP:XNR|Cross-namespace redirect]] from mainspace to [[" + node.firstChild.nodeValue + "]]";

                  addexplicitlink(del.firstChild.href + "&wpReason=" + encodeURIComponent(delete_reason),
                                  del.parentNode, del.nextSibling);
                  pipe(del.parentNode, ': ', del.nextSibling);

  else  // Show number of deleted revisions in undelete link at bottom
      var sidenode = document.getElementById("ca-undelete");
      if (sidenode)
        del.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue = sidenode.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;

// If a template, wikilink, or external link appears in a diff, make it clickable
function link_links_dim_refs_in_diffs()
  var tds = document.getElementsByTagName('td');

  for (var i = 0; i < tds.length; ++i)
      var classes = tds[i].className.split(' ');

      for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++)
        if (classes[j] == 'diff-context' || classes[j] == 'diff-addedline' || classes[j] == 'diff-deletedline')
            var txt = tds[i].innerHTML;

            if (txt.indexOf("&@<my") < 0)
                txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('<(/?(del|ins)( class="[^""]*")?)>', 'g'), '&@<mybra;$1&@<myket;');
                txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(&lt;ref[^<>]*?(/&gt;|\\bref\\b( *&gt;)?))', 'gi'), '<span style="opacity:0.25; font-size:x-small !important;">$1</span>');
                txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('&@<mybra;', 'g'), '<');
                txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('&@<myket;', 'g'), '>');

            txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(\\[ *)(https?:\\/\\/[^\\] <]+)([\\] ])', 'gi'), '$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$3');
            txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('\\{\\{((?:talk|user|wikipedia|image|mediawiki|template|help|category|portal)(?:[ _]talk)?:[^\\}|<]+)([\\}|])', 'gi'), '{{<a href="$1">$1</a>$2');
            txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('\\{\\{(\\s*(?:tlsp|lts|tl[xps]?)\\s*\\|\\s*|\\s*)([^\\}|<]+)([\\}|])', 'g'), '{{$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$3');
            function enwikilk(match, p1, p2, p3){ return p1 + '<a href="' + p2.replace(/ +/g, '_') + '">' + p2 + '</a>' + p3; };
            txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(\\[\\[:?)([^\\]|<]+)([\\]|])', 'g'), enwikilk);
            txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(\\[\\[[^\\]|]*<SPAN class="[^"]*">:?)([^\\]|<]+)(</SPAN>[\\]|])', 'gi'), enwikilk);
            txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('\\b(url\\s*=\\s*)(https?://[^\\]|{} <>]+?)(\\s*(\\||\\}\\}))', 'gi'), '$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$3');

            tds[i].innerHTML = txt;

function cesarb_fixDiffOverflowTableCell(cell)
  var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'auto';
  cell.insertBefore(div, cell.firstChild);

  while (div.nextSibling)

function cesarb_fixDiffOverflowTable(table)
  var cells = table.getElementsByTagName('td');

  for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
      var cell = cells[i];
      var classes = cell.className.split(' ');

      for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++)
        if (classes[j] == 'diff-context' || classes[j] == 'diff-addedline' || classes[j] == 'diff-deletedline' || classes[j] == 'diff-otitle' || classes[j] == 'diff-ntitle')

function cesarb_fixDiffOverflowLoadListener(evt)
  var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');

  for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++)
      var table = tables[i];
      var classes = table.className.split(' ');

      for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++)
        if (classes[j] == 'diff')
            break loop;

function check_reason_length(node)
  if (node.value.length > node.maxLength
      && (node.maxLength > 0 || node.value.length > 255)) = "background-color:pink";
  else = "background-color:white";

function should_watch(txt)
  return (!txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#(C1|G7|G8|G13|U1)\|/)
          || txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G8\|.*[rR]edirect to a/));

/* In no particular order:
 * 1. Expands the delete dropdownlist to show all its contents instead of just
 *    the currently-selected line.
 * 2. Move the "Additional reasons" input, the watchlist checkbox, and the
 *    delete button above the newly-expanded dropdownlist, so they're always in
 *    the same place.
 * 3. Whenever an item is selected from the dropdownlist, immediately insert it
 *    into the "Additional reasons" input for further editing, then reselect the
 *    first option.
 * 4. Add a button to clear the reason line.
 * 5. If a preset deletion reason, or adding reasons from the dropdownlist,
 *    force the deletion reason above its maximum length, color the input pink
 *    so I know it'll be truncated. */
function expand_delete_dropdown_etc()
  var reasons = document.getElementById('wpDeleteReasonList');
  if (!reasons)

  /* Remove the warnings.  Seeing them 50000 times was enough.  The right way
   * to do it is to put them in a named div, but some busybody is sure to raise
   * a fuss if I edit [[MediaWiki::Confirmdeletetext]].  Life's too short. */
  var delreason = document.getElementById('Deletereason');
  if (delreason)
      var p = delreason.parentNode;      // "You are about to delete [[{{PAGENAME}}]] along with all of its history. Please:"
      var ul = p.previousElementSibling; // "*Confirm...", "*Review...", "*Check...", "*Provide..."
      if (ul.nodeName == 'UL')
          p = ul.previousElementSibling;
          var div = p.previousElementSibling;   // "WARNING: Other pages link to..."  Duh.  *Always* present, because of the user pages that uselessly transclude [[CAT:CSD]].
          if (p.nodeName == 'P')
          if (div && div.nodeName == 'DIV')

  // OOjs considered harmful

  /* Expand the whole list.  We actually create a new one, copy the elements
   * from the old one into there, and hide the old one, to minimize interference
   * from hostile developers. */
  var nsel = document.createElement('select');
  var len = 0;

  // Create an empty option to keep selected, since "Other reason" was removed
  function add_option(grp, lbl)
    var nop = document.createElement('option');
    nop.value = lbl;
    return 1;
  len += add_option(nsel, '');

  var g1_seen = 0;
  var optgroups = reasons.getElementsByTagName('optgroup');
  for (var i = 0; i < optgroups.length; ++i)
      var og = optgroups[i];
      // Skip the talk section (we put it with the primary g8)
      if (!og.label.match(/talk pages/i))
          var nog = document.createElement('optgroup');
          nog.label = og.label;

          var options = og.getElementsByTagName('option');
          for (var j = 0; j < options.length; ++j)
              var txt = options[j].value;

              // enable G1 and G2 in all namespaces, to be used in extremis
              if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G1\|G1\]\].+/))
                g1_seen = 1;
              else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G3\|G3\]\].+/) && !g1_seen)
                  len += add_option(nog, "[[WP:CSD#G1|G1]]: [[WP:PN|Patent nonsense]], meaningless, or incomprehensible");
                  len += add_option(nog, "[[WP:CSD#G2|G2]]: Test page");
                  g1_seen = 1; // so it isn't added again on the next g3

              // add G8 talk pages right before g10 (in particular, so it isn't removed for user talk subpages)
              else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G10\|G10\]\].+/))
                len += add_option(nog, "[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Talk page of a nonexistent or deleted page");

              // essentially all G13s are drafts now, not afc-templated user subpages
              else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G13\|G13\]\].+/))
                txt = txt.replace(/ or \[\[WP:AFC\|Articles for Creation\]\] submission/, '');

              // Entirely the wrong place to try to teach admins which articles can be A7d
              else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#A7\|A7\]\].+/))
                txt = txt.replace(/ \(indiv.+/, '');

              // the text for U5 is vague and antagonistic
              else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#U5\|U5\]\].+/))
                txt = txt.replace(/Misuse of Wikipedia as a web host/, "Writings unrelated to Wikimedia's goals, by a user with few or no edits outside of userspace");

              // more specific link for R2
              else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#R2\|R2\]\].+/))
                txt = txt.replace(/Cross-\[\[WP:NS\|namespace\]\] \[\[WP:R\|redirect\]\]/, "[[WP:XNR|Cross-namespace redirect]]");

              len += add_option(nog, txt);
    } = 'nsel';
  nsel.size = len;

  var root = document.getElementById('mw-delete-table');
  var div = document.createElement('div');

  // Move the additional reason input, watch checkbox, and delete button above it, so they're always in the same place
  var reason;
  var deletebutton;
  var imgtable = document.getElementById('mw-img-deleteconfirm-table');
  if (imgtable)
      reason = imgtable.getElementsByTagName('tr')[1];  // probably not, but I'll worry about it the next time I delete an image = 'actual_reason';
      deletebutton = imgtable.getElementsByTagName('tr')[3].getElementsByClassName('mw-submit')[0].firstElementChild;
      reason = document.getElementById('wpReason').firstChild; = 'actual_reason';
      deletebutton = document.getElementById('wpConfirmB');

  var spacer = document.createElement('span'); = "margin-left:1em";

  var watch = document.getElementById('wpWatch').parentNode;
  var watchlabel = watch.nextElementSibling;

  var clearbutton = makebutton('clear',
                               'var reason = document.getElementById("actual_reason");'
                               + 'reason.value="";'
                               + '"background-color:white";'
                               + 'reason.focus()'); = "margin-left:1em";


  for (var n = root.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling)'none';


  /* Whenever clicking something in the reason dropdown, insert it into the
   * additional-reasons input, reselect "other reason", and unflag watched for
   * c1/g7/g8/g13/u1 */
  nsel.onchange = function()
      var reason = document.getElementById('actual_reason');
      var sel = this.selectedIndex;
      if (sel != 0)     // 0 is "Other reason"
          var txt = this[this.selectedIndex].firstChild.textContent;

          if (reason.value.length > 0)
            reason.value += '; ';
          reason.value += txt;

          document.getElementById('wpWatch').checked = should_watch(this[this.selectedIndex].value);

          this.selectedIndex = 0;
  /* And set initial value of wpWatch for c1/g7/g8/g13/u1.  If initially g8, and
   * deleting a talk page, then don't change watched status. */
  var reasonv = document.getElementById('actual_reason').value;
  if (reasonv.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G8\|.*[tT]alk page.*of a (deleted|non.?exist)/))
    document.getElementById('wpWatch').firstChild.checked = !!document.getElementById("ca-cb-unwatch");
    document.getElementById('wpWatch').firstChild.checked = should_watch(reasonv);

  /* Whenever anything forces the length of the additional-reasons input above
   * its max, change its background color */
  reason.oninput = function(){ check_reason_length(this); };

  // And initially, e.g. from presets


  /* More oo-ui detritus - it keeps multiplying, and this one even unhides
   * itself *AND* reinserts itself if removed!!  Unbefuckinglievable.  So hide
   * it globally. */
  add_global_style('.oo-ui-dropdownWidget { display:none !important; }');

// Open up to 20 history pages from watchlist, starting here and going up
function openahah(kk)
  var as = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
  var j = 0, k = 0;
  for (var n = 0; n < as.length; ++n)
    if (as[n].innerHTML == 'hist' && kk - k++ <= 20)
        if (k <= kk)
            as[n].setAttribute('class', as[n].getAttribute('class') + ' modified');
  [n].href, '_blank');

// Add "ahah" links to watchlist - "all histories above here".
// Also makes the "diff" links on watchlist match those on the history page, so marking the one visited changes the color of the other.
function addahah()
  var as = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
  var k = 0;
  for (var n = 0; n < as.length; ++n)
      if (as[n].innerHTML == 'diff')
        as[n].href = as[n].href.replace(/&curid=[0-9]+&diff=([0-9]+)&oldid=[0-9]+/, '&diff=prev&oldid=$1');
      else if (as[n].innerHTML == 'hist')
          addexplicitlink('javascript:openahah(' + (k++) + ')', 'ahah', as[n].parentNode, as[n].nextSibling);
          pipe(as[n].parentNode, ') (', as[n].nextSibling);

// Shows only the most recent change to each article listed in Special:RecentChangesLinked/articlename, like on Special:Watchlist, instead of all changes
function fix_relatedchanges()
  var uls = document.getElementsByTagName('ul');
  var entries = new Object;
  for (var i = 0; i < uls.length; ++i)
    if (uls[i].className && uls[i].className.indexOf('special') >= 0)
        var ul = uls[i];
        var li = ul.getElementsByTagName('li');
        for (var j = 0; j < li.length; ++j)
            var a = li[j].getElementsByTagName('a');
            if (a[0] == 'diff')
              if (entries[a[2].href] == 'y')
                li[j].style.display = 'none';
                  a[0].href = a[0].href.replace(/&curid=[0-9]+/, '');
                  entries[a[2].href] = 'y';

// For each redirect link on Special:WhatLinksHere, add a "delete G8" link next to it to delete it with deletion summary prefilled
function add_g8redir_links()
  var tgt = null;
  var wlh = document.getElementById('mw-whatlinkshere-list');
  if (wlh)
    for (var li = wlh.firstChild; li; li = li.nextSibling)
      if (li.firstChild
          && li.firstChild.firstChild
          && li.firstChild.firstChild.href
          && li.firstChild.firstChild.href.indexOf('&redirect=no') != -1
          && (li.firstChild.nextSibling.nodeValue.indexOf('(redirect page)') != -1
              || li.firstChild.nextSibling.nodeValue.indexOf('(redirect to section ') != -1))
          if (!tgt)
            tgt = "&action=delete&wpReason="
                  + encodeURIComponent("[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Redirect to a deleted or nonexistent page: [[" + mw.config.get('wgRelevantPageName') + "]]").replace('_', '+', 'g').replace('%20', '+', 'g')
                  + "&action=delete";

          var newnode = addexplicitlink(li.firstChild.href + tgt, 'delete G8');
          // Place on the same line, whether there are incoming links to this redirect or not
          var x;
          for (x = li.firstElementChild; x; x = x.nextElementSibling)
            if (x.tagName && x.tagName == 'UL')
                li.insertBefore(newnode, x);
          if (!x)

// Move the notifications indicator from the sidebar (which I've hidden in css) to the bottom
function move_notif(notif)
  var a = notif.firstChild;
  notif = a.firstChild;
  if (a.className.indexOf('mw-echo-notifications-badge-all-read') < 0 && a.className.indexOf('mw-echo-unseen-notifications') >= 0)
      var search = document.getElementById("searchform-footer");
      if (search)
          var newnode = document.createElement("a");
          newnode.setAttribute("class", "mw-echo-unread-notifications");
          newnode.setAttribute("href", "/wiki/Special:Notifications");
          search.parentNode.insertBefore(newnode, search);
function move_notifications_to_bottom()
  var notif1 = document.getElementById("pt-notifications-alert");
  if (notif1)
  var notif2 = document.getElementById("pt-notifications-notice");
  if (notif2)

// Replace the useless link to [[Wikipedia:About]] in the footer with the current time in UTC.  Click to update rather than automatic, since it's occasionally useful to know when I loaded the page.
function current_time_in_footer()
  var footer = document.getElementById("footer-navigation");
  if (footer)
    for (var n = footer.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling)
        if (n.tagName == 'BR')
 = 'none';
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                span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(new Date().toUTCString()));
                span.setAttribute('onClick', 'this.firstChild.textContent = new Date().toUTCString();');
                var olda = nn.firstChild;
                nn.insertBefore(span, olda);
} = new Object;

function modifyWatchlist(title, action)
  if (title == null)
    title = mw.config.get('wgPageName');

  var reqData = {
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    'title': title,
    'token': mw.user.tokens.get('watchToken'),
    'uselang': mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')

  if (action === 'unwatch')
    reqData.unwatch = '';

      url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
      dataType: 'json',
      type: 'POST',
      data: reqData,
      success: function(data, textStatus, xhr)
          if (action == 'unwatch')
} = modifyWatchlist;
function fix_watch_links()
      var watched = false;
      var bot = document.getElementById("ca-cb-watch");
      if (!bot)
          bot = document.getElementById("ca-cb-unwatch");
          if (!bot)
          watched = true;
        } = "none";

      var a = document.createElement("a");
      a.setAttribute("href", "'title'), 'watch');");
      bot.appendChild(a); = a;
      if (watched) = "none";

      a = document.createElement("a");
      a.setAttribute("href", "'title'), 'unwatch');");
      bot.appendChild(a); = a;
      if (!watched) = "none";
  catch (e)

function add_open10()
  // >> on image categories
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      || mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('Category:Wikipedia_files') == 0)
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                  if (!node)

  // open10 on non-image categories
  if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') == 'Category:Non-free_files_with_orphaned_versions_more_than_7_days_old'
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      if (div)
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          if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('Category:Candidates_for_speedy_deletion_as_empty_categories') == 0)
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function do_onload()

  var pagename = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
  var action = mw.config.get('wgAction');

  if (pagename == 'Special:Watchlist')
  else if (pagename.indexOf('Special:RecentChangesLinked/') == 0)
  else if (pagename.indexOf('Special:WhatLinksHere/') == 0)
  else if (action == 'delete')

  var sum = document.getElementById("wpSummary");
  if (sum) = "18px";

// From [[User:Equazcion/SkipFileWizard.js]]
$('[href*="wpDestFile"]').attr('href', function(index, value)
    var fileTitle = mw.util.getParamValue('wpDestFile', value);
    var fileName = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[6] + ':' + fileTitle;
    var params =
        action: 'edit',
        redlink: 1
    return mw.util.getUrl(fileName, params);

// Run styling changes both immediately (in an attempt to prevent [[FOUC]]) and when dom is complete (to be sure it affects all entities)
function manipulate_styling()
  // Make ffd notices more noticeable so I stop overlooking them when deleting orphaned images
  $('table.imbox-delete:has(a[href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Files_for_discussion"])').each(function(){$(this).css("background-color", "red");});

  // remove ugly styles from buttons:
  // and dropdowns
  // and checkboxes:
  // and input fields:
  // remove inflated field margins:
function manipulate_styling2()
  setTimeout(manipulate_styling, 250);