
Tigerbros (comic) is a comic series developed by two University of Texas students working under the pseudonyms "Jay Ramsey" and "Britt Ware". The independently published series, since fall of 2009 has drawn a loyal fan-base of college students in the Austin area.

'Plot' Tigerbros follows two brothers, Jay and Britt (who are based the comic's actual authors) who live in 1967 Washington D.C.. The story follows Jay and Britt as they trek across the world, through time, and even through alternate dimensions, in a journey to protect the world and defeat Camerazy, an evil queen living on the moon. The brothers begin in the series as secret service agents with mysterious tiger-stripe tattoos across their bodies assigned to protect John F. Kennedy in Dallas, TX. When Britt finds Lee Harvey Oswald taking aim at JFK, he dives and hits the rifle just as the shot is fired. The bullet kills Jacqueline Kennedy instead. Britt gets wrongfully imprisoned for the crime, while Jay receives commendation and eventually becomes one of JFK's most loyal agents. After a few years, in 1967, with JFK still president, the threat of Camerazy's mysterious moon base grows. JFK asks Jay to defeat Camerazy, but he tells the president that he can only succeed with the help of his imprisoned bro, Britt. Kennedy consents and the brothers reunite to begin a quest to overthrow the evil moon queen Camerazy and her cohorts of villains. Eventually, the bros meet a Tiger humanoid named Antonio Tigre, who reveals to them that they are the remnants of a lost powerful race of tiger-people called Tigerians, who were mostly exterminated by an invasion of Space Dragons. Antonio bestows each of the bros with one of the Tigerian Cuffs of Justice, sacred Tigerian artifacts which give incredible tiger powers to whoever wears them. Once the tigerbros inherit the Cuffs, their power becomes a true threat to Camerazy, and a series of complex, action/comedy events unfold.

