Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// This is a very stupid script.
// Allows you to open every page listed at [[Special:NewPagesFeed]].
// Also, if you click "accept", it automatically completes the accept dialogue and closes the page.
// This only makes sense to use if you're patrolling a very large number of redirects.
// - JPxG, 2021 08 31
$( function() {
	function gtfo() {
		//sidebar = document.getElementsByClassName("mwe-pt-tool-pokey")[0];
		//sidebar = document.getElementsByClassName("element-that-clearly-does-not-exist")[0];
	function clickThing() {
		spinner = document.getElementById("mw-spinner-mark-spinner");
		if(typeof(spinner) != 'undefined' && spinner != null) {
			//alert("REFUSING to click, as spinner is displaying...");
		} // If there's a spinner, you already clicked the darn thing.

		sidebar = document.getElementsByClassName("mwe-pt-tool-pokey")[0];
		if (!sidebar) return;
		sidebar =;
		if(typeof(sidebar) != 'undefined' && sidebar == "none") {
			//alert("REFUSING to click, as sidebar is hidden...");
			var nothing = "nothing";
		} // If the sidebar's hidden, you already clicked the darn thing.
		buttonToClick = document.getElementById("mwe-pt-mark-as-reviewed-button");
		if(typeof(buttonToClick) != 'undefined' && buttonToClick != null) {
			setTimeout(gtfo, 900);
		} // If it exists, click it and GTFO.
	} // Cheeky clicker.
	function autoClick() {
		ptMark = document.getElementById("mwe-pt-mark");
	} // Automatically open thing.
	//<div class="mwe-pt-tool-pokey mwe-pt-tool-pokey-not-flipped" style="display:none;"></div>
	function hover() {
		// This actually works, somehow.
		var hoverEvent = new MouseEvent('mouseover', {
			'view': window,
			'bubbles': true,
			'cancelable': true
		}); // defines hoverEvent
		// Doesn't work.
	} // End of "hover".
	if( window.location.href.indexOf("User:" ) >= 0 ) {
		rcatMove = document.getElementsByClassName("rcat-R_from_move")[0];
		if(typeof(rcatMove) != 'undefined' && rcatMove != null) {
			setInterval(autoClick, 500);
		} // If rcat from move
	} // If it's a userspace redirect.
	if( window.location.href.indexOf("redirect=no" ) >= 0 ) {
		setInterval(clickThing, 300);
		setTimeout(hover, 500);
	} // If it's a redirect.
    if( window.location.href.indexOf("NewPagesFeed" ) >= 0 ) {
    	z = "​"

		$('#firstHeading').append('&nbsp;&nbsp;<button id="openAll">open&nbsp;all&nbsp;links</button>');
		document.getElementById("openAll").style = "font-family: monospace; font-size: 50%; padding: 1px; border: 1px; background:#B58900; color:#002b36";
		$('#openAll').click(function(e) {
			ts = document.getElementsByClassName('mwe-pt-page-title');
			var goAhead = confirm("Hey buddy, are you sure you want to open " + ts.length + " tabs?");
			if (ts.length > 100) { goAhead = confirm("Bruh... like for real?"); }
			if (goAhead != false) {
				for (var each in ts) {[each].querySelectorAll('a')[0].href);
				} // For all in ts
			} // If you agreed to open that many tabs.
		}); // End of button listener.
    } // End of function for if it's the NPF page.
} ); // End of the line. That's all folks!