User:Linas/Arbatsky's principle unmasked

Arbatsky's principle unmasked


Arbatsky's principle sheds geometrical light on the nature of the exp map in mathematics. The exp map occurs in many contexts: it is the map that takes elements of a Lie algebra to the Lie group, it is the map that defines the flow of geodesics on Riemannian manifolds, and, in quantum mechanics, it is the map that takes a Hermitian operator to a unitary operator. Arbatsky's principle works in all of these contexts. It relates the motion of a vector under the exp map to the root-mean-square expectation value of the generator of that motion. Specifically, it states that the angular speed of the motion is exactly equal to the RMS or standard deviation of the generator. The idea of "angular speed" is a direct physical/geometrical notion. The idea of the standard deviation of a generator is somewhat algebraically abstract; standard deviations occur in many places (including the uncertainty principle), but can sometimes be intuitively opaque (especially in quantum mechanics).

The original statement is here. Below follows the restatement of the principle and its proof.

Arbatsky's principle


Let   be a unit-length tangent vector on a (finite dimensional) manifold, or a vector in finite or infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, if you wish. Let   be an element of an algebra, such as a Lie algebra. Alternately, let   be a Hermitian operator on the Hilbert space, if you wish. Let   be the one-parameter group of motions generated by   and the real parameter "time"  . In the case of Hilbert space, one writes   so that   is unitary.

Define   to be the motion of the vector   under the influence of the generator  . Let   be the velocity of the vector. Note that the velocity is just another vector. The component of the velocity that is perpendicular to   is


where   is the dot product of   and   (the inner product for Hilbert spaces; the inner product on the tangent space induced by the metric for manifolds). The length of   is given by


Arbatsky's principle states that the scalar   is equal to the angular speed of  , and is equal to the standard deviation of the generator  . To see the latter, we write


so that the velocity is


This leads trivially to




so that


Switching to quantum mechanical bra-ket notation, one writes   so that


which is clearly the standard deviation of  . That this deserves to be called an angular speed follows from the properties of the dot product. For two unit-length vectors a and b, their dot product is just the cosine of the angle between them:


This angle in fact defines a metric on projective Hilbert space and is known as the Fubini-Study metric. Let   and  . The angular speed is then


and its not hard to show that


(Caution: state vectors in quantum mechanics are usually normalized to unit length; a normalization factor may be missing in this last formula.)

Thus we have the desired relationship: the angular speed of a vector being transported by a one-parameter group generated by G is the standard deviation of G (with respect to the vector).

To gain the physical intuition of this statement, pick your favorite exp map, be it on a Lie group or a Hilbert space, and plug in some examples. Arbatsky made a particularly interesting choice for G: he picked the Hamiltonian H, which is the time-evolution operator in quantum mechanics. The result is that the angular speed of any given state vector is given by the uncertainty in energy of that state.

