User:Mkmkiser/article review

Article review


I visited the DarkComet page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: its age, its lack of citations, and absence of structure/completeness.

As I viewed the page, it was evident that the article is lacking updates and contributions since November 2016. Another warning sign for me and other users include, antiquated information and out dated citation references (last update 2012).



Some of the citations on the page are missing, citation 4 to be specific. This is a waste of time for the user and a deterrent to the page and the content. A good recommendation would be to include other sources, external links, visuals, instructions and tutorials for suggested use and implementation.



The structure of the page lacks complete information. A dead link exists under the heading "Target Gamers, Military and Governments" and there is no information on how these programs/tools can be undetected (F.U.D Encryption). Instead of one sentence under the header, it would be helpful to produce a wiki link and incorporate hands on user friendly instructions for Dark Comet. Moreover,the absence of photos and or visuals of any kind limits the audience’s productivity. As the old saying goes, “A picture speaks a thousand words”.



By and large, this page provides an overarching view of how Dark Comet works. The information provided is comprehensive, but lacks reliable sources to legitimize credibility of the claims. Additionally, the page is missing key visuals. It is also outdated and lacks current information which inhibits the user from making good decisions to use this tool for best use. The page would benefit the users by implementing instructions on how to install and consummate the program for use.

(sidenote: As part of this assignment, I also posted a question on the talk page of the DarkComet page here.