User:NadhirNazree92/Jacques Beltrand

Jacques Anthony Louis Beltrand , born on July 22 ,1874 in Paris and died on December 2 ,1977 in Coucy-les-Eppes (Aisne), is a French engraver .



Jacques Beltrand born at 1, rue des Artistes , in the Montparnasse district in Paris . With his father, the engraver of Lyons origin Tony Beltrand , he learned to cut the wood of wire and the end grain . He composed his first prints and tried his hand at painting . He perfected his art with the friend of the Auguste Lepère family , of whom he can be considered one of the heirs, in the company of Eugène Dété , Florian and Tina Yre .

His little brothers, Camille (1877-1951), Georges (1881-1969) and Marcel (1886-1910), all practiced engraving.

From 1892, he made frequent stays with Auguste Lepère in Saint-Jean-de-Monts where he produced numerous engravings of the Vendée.

He exhibited his first woods at the Salon of the National Society of Fine Arts in 1894. He engraved with his father for the reviews L'Estampe originale , L'Image , and Le Monde Illustré .

Jacques Beltrand up his studio in 1896 and shares with his father and three brothers Camille, Georges and Marcel, at n o  3 of the impasse Camus  , in the 14 th  district . He engraves, for L'Image , Le Bois or Suzanne Lepère gathering wisteria .

In 1897, he designed and edited L'Almanach, entirely engraved on wood in text and composition colors, and printed with water. He meets Maurice Denis and works with him [ref. required] .

In 1898, he published his first book, Paysages de chez nous , with text, woodcuts in monochrome. Around this time, the Beltrans acquired a country house in Villeneuve-sur-Bellot ( Seine-et-Marne ) where the Lepères often joined them.

In 1899, with his father and Dété, Jacques Beltrand engraved two books of the Parisian Minutes illustrated by Lepère: Midi and 2 Heures .

In 1903, he began to engrave on wood in monochrome the series of portraits for The Golden Legend of the Great Men or the Human Tragedy and, in 1904, illustrated with original woodcuts Les Petits Métiers des rues de Paris by Tristan Klingsor . He exhibited at the exhibition of "Certain painters, sculptors and engravers". He engraves with his father Tony and his brother Camille Gaspard of the night according to Armand Séguin . Her father died that year.

In 1905, Jacques Brune Beltrand leaves the house for the 15 th  arrondissement of Paris , where he remained until 1930  . He obtained the travel grant from the National School of Fine Arts . He was appointed member of the National Society of Fine Arts . He stayed in Belle-Île-en-Mer with Camille, where Jean Frélaut visited them, as well as a stay in London with Georges and Marcel.

Member of the Society of French painter-engravers from 1906, he participated in all the exhibitions of this institution until 1946.

From 1907, Jacques Beltrand became friends with Maurice Denis, of whom he became, seconded by his brothers Camille and Georges, the exclusive interpreter, engraving for him, until 1944, a total of 23 books. They start with the colors of wood for Vita Nova by Dante .

In 1911, he spent holidays in Brittany with Denis at Silencio, near Perros Guirec  ; together they visit Anatole Le Braz in Port-Blanc ( Côtes-du-Nord ).

In 1914, with Lepère, Jean Émile Laboureur , Pierre Gusman and Paul-Émile Colin , Beltrand was part of the board of directors of the Nouvel Imagier published by the Société de la gravure de bois originale . Mobilized during the First World War , he was injured in October in Chappy by a shell and hospitalized in Villefranche-sur-Saône , then in Rodez, where he engraved the Notre-Dame cathedral .

In 1918, he made a precipitate trip to Dordogne , to Domme , for the death of Auguste Lepère .

In 1920, he exhibited at the "Nouvel Essor" with Laboureur, Colin, Robert Bonfils and Aristide Maillol .

In 1921, he began with his brothers to engrave The Divine Comedy after the drawings of Botticelli .

In 1922, the Parisian press ( Le Crapouillot ) reported on the exhibition of artists Constant Le Breton , Jean Lébédeff , Paul Hermann , Roger-Maurice Grillon , Jacques Beltrand, Robert Bonfils, Louis Bouquet , Paul-Émile Colin, Georges Gimel , Démétrios Galanis , Carlègle , André Deslignères and their woodcuts at the gallery Le Nouvel Essor, which precedes their common hanging, at the beginning of 1923, at the Salon of the Society of the original wood engraving, at the Pavillon de Marsan in Paris.

Member of the Tuileries Committee in 1922, Beltrand exhibited there until 1944. He was appointed workshop master professor at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts , where he taught until 1946.

In 1926, he became friends with Jean Émile Laboureur and André Dunoyer de Segonzac .

In 1930, Jacques Beltrand married Jane Arger , singer and musician. They leave the 15 th  district for 3 Max Blondat Street in Boulogne-Billancourt .

In 1933, he stayed in Quiberon and Belle-Île , and engraved Les Thoniers in Belle-Île . In August andSeptember 1935, he travels to Rome , Assisi and Florence .

In July 1941, under the Vichy regime , Beltrand was appointed member of the Professional Organization Committee for Graphic and Plastic Arts, chaired by Maurice Denis  . He is the official expert of Goering in France for works of art looted by the Nazis  ,  .

In 1943, he was very affected by the death of his friend Maurice Denis .

In 1946, he made a trip to Florence.

His wife died in 1960.

In 1963, Jacques Beltrand left Boulogne-Billancourt to retire with his family, in Aisne where he died onDecember 2, 1977.




  • 1907: Plowman , colored wood for Vita Nova de Dante illustrated by Maurice Denis (with his brothers Camille and Georges Beltrand).
  • 1911: Wood of the Twisted Tree , Le Saule , Le Faune .
  • 1912: The Landscape with rabbits and The Seeker of Mushrooms , two woods in monochrome.
  • 1913: Ceres , wood in shades.
  • 1918: Old Tree , wood.
  • 1919: Les Petites Fleurs de Saint François d'Assise  , 73 colored woods after Maurice Denis (with Camille and Georges Beltrand).
  • 1920: Small Landscape at Belle De or Le Coup de vent , wood.
  • 1921: The Divine Comedy , after the drawings of Botticelli . Three volumes: L'Enfer , Le Purgatoire et Le Paradis , 1923.
  • 1925: Travel diary in Italy after Maurice Denis , wood (with Camille and Georges Beltrand).
  • 1926: Marine , facsimile of wash.
  • 1927: Masters and friends of Paul Valéry , wood in monochrome.
  • 1930:
    • Death in Venice , colored wood after Maurice Denis;
    • La Douce Enfance by Thierry Seneuse , original woods;
    • Wild sea at Belle-Île and Gros Temps at Belle-Île , wood.
  • 1932: several shades of the Fontainebleau forest, including Le Paysage aux fougères .
  • 1933:
    • Les Thoniers in Belle-Île  ;
    • Twilight over the sea by André Suarès , wood after Maurice Denis.
  • 1935: Port of the palace at Belle-Île , facsimile of pen drawing.
  • 1938: Rochers de Belle-Île , wood.
  • 1949: Rosalinde sur l'eau by André Suarès , woodcuts engraved after his original watercolors.
  • 1950: L'Isola Bella or Belle De en Mer by Anatole Le Braz , original woods.
  • 1950: The little girl from Jerusalem by Myriam Harry , twelve woodcuts from the compositions of Roger Bezombes .
  • 1954: The Tomb of the poets after André Dunoyer de Segonzac .
  • 1956: Forced Holidays after Raoul Dufy , colored wood.
  • 1958: first volume of the Roman de Renart by Maurice Genevoix , wood after Paul Jouve .
  • 1959: second volume of the Roman de Renart , colored wood.
  • 1962: Le Sport by Jean Giraudoux , wood from the drawings of André Dunoyer de Segonzac .




  • 1911: Turin .
  • 1929: Chicago , with the Original Woodcut Society.
  • 1932: Sweden , Art book exhibition .
  • 1935: Milan , international fair.
  • 1938: Cairo .
  • 1940: Liège , Zagreb .
  • 1941: Paris , Galliera museum .

Awards and distinctions

  • 1890 1 st  prize of engraving and 2 e  prize drawing engraving company I st degree.
  • 1914: Knight of the Legion of Honor .
  • 1926: officer of the Legion of Honor.
  • 1929: medalist in the Galliera museum competition (religious art).
  • 1939: five-year honorary engraving prize.
  • 1957: officer of the Order of Arts and Letters .


  • 1906: member of the Society of French painter-engravers .
  • 1913: vice-president of the Society of Friends of Cathedrals.
  • 1922:
    • president of the Beethoven Society;
    • assessor at the Original Woodcut Society  ;
    • member of the Tuileries Committee.
  • 1926: member of the Salon d'Automne Society .
  • 1927: President of the Society of Friends of Cathedrals.
  • 1930: vice-president of the Society of French painter-engravers.
  • 1931: vice-president of the Association of Salon Awards and Travel Fellows.
  • 1933: president of the Society of French painter-engravers (until 1946).
  • 1937:
  • 1938: President of the Association of Salon Awards and Travel Fellows.
  • 1940: vice-president of the National Committee of French engraving .

Notes and references

  1. Notoriety notice person of the general catalog of the BNF .
  2. ↑ In 1900 the dead end Camus takes the name of villa Brune which will bring together many artists' workshops.
  3. ↑ Home at 69, boulevard Pasteur and workshop at 20, rue Dutot .
  4. ↑ Committee whose other members are Paul Landowski , Pierre-Victor Dautel and Maurice Dufrène (cf. "À l'Officiel  ", Le Figaro , July 30, 1941, p. 2 ( online on Gallica  [ archive ] )).
  5. ↑ H. Feliciano, The Missing Museum , History Folio, 2012.
  6. ↑ "The medal of eclecticism, interview with Laurence Bertrand Dorléac"  [ archive ] , interviewed in September 2016 by Philippe Bettinelli on .
  7. Fioretti di S. Francesco , translation from Italian by André Pératé , Paris, To Catholic art, 1919.
  8. Published under the auspices of the class of engraving and printmaking at the international exhibition 1937 .
  9. Bibliographic notice  [ archive ] of the general catalog of the BNF .