User:Novem Linguae/Scripts/UnblockReview.js

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// <nowiki>

// === Compiled with Novem Linguae's publish.php script ======================

$(async function() {

// === main.js ======================================================

Forked from [[User:Enterprisey/unblock-review.js]] on Oct 31, 2024.
Many additional bugs fixed.

/* global importStylesheet */
( function () {
	const UNBLOCK_REQ_COLOR = 'rgb(235, 244, 255)';
	const DEFAULT_DECLINE_REASON = '{{subst:Decline reason here}}';
	const ADVERT = ' ([[User:Novem Linguae/Scripts/UnblockReview.js|unblock-review]])';

	function execute() {
		const userTalkNamespace = 3;
		if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) !== userTalkNamespace ) {

		$.when( $.ready, mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.util' ] ) ).then( () => {
			// add styles
				'.unblock-review td { padding: 0 }' +
				'td.reason-container { padding-right: 1em; width: 30em }' +
				'.unblock-review-reason { height: 5em }' );
			importStylesheet( 'User:Enterprisey/mw-ui-button.css' );
			importStylesheet( 'User:Enterprisey/mw-ui-input.css' );

			// look for user-block HTML class, which will correspond to {{Unblock}} requests
			const userBlockBoxes = document.querySelectorAll( 'div.user-block' );
			for ( let i = 0, n = userBlockBoxes.length; i < n; i++ ) {
				if ( userBlockBoxes[ i ].style[ 'background-color' ] !== UNBLOCK_REQ_COLOR ) {

				// We now have a pending unblock request - add UI
				const unblockDiv = userBlockBoxes[ i ];
				const [ container, hrEl ] = addTextBoxAndButtons( unblockDiv );
				listenForAcceptAndDecline( container, hrEl );
		} );

	function addTextBoxAndButtons( unblockDiv ) {
		const container = document.createElement( 'table' );
		container.className = 'unblock-review';
		// Note: The innerHtml of the button is sensitive. Is used to figure out which accept/decline wikitext to use. Don't add whitespace to it.
		container.innerHTML = `
				<td class='reason-container' rowspan='2'>
					<textarea class='unblock-review-reason mw-ui-input' placeholder='Reason for accepting/declining here'>${ DEFAULT_DECLINE_REASON }</textarea>
					<button class='unblock-review-accept mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive'>Accept</button>
					<button class='unblock-review-decline mw-ui-button mw-ui-destructive'>Decline</button>
		const hrEl = unblockDiv.querySelector( 'hr' );
		unblockDiv.insertBefore( container, hrEl.previousElementSibling );
		return [ container, hrEl ];

	function listenForAcceptAndDecline( container, hrEl ) {
		const reasonArea = container.querySelector( 'textarea' );
		$( container ).find( 'button' ).on( 'click', function () {
			// look at the innerHtml of the button to see if it says "Accept" or "Decline"
			const acceptOrDecline = $( this ).text().toLowerCase();
			const appealReason = hrEl.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.childNodes[ 0 ].textContent;
			// FIXME: should handle this case (|reason=\nText, instead of throwing an error
			if ( appealReason === '\n' ) {
				mw.notify( 'UnblockReview error 1: unable to find decline reason by scanning HTML', { type: 'error' } );
				mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
					format: 'json',
					action: 'query',
					prop: 'revisions',
					rvprop: 'content',
					rvlimit: 1,
					titles: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' )
			).done( ( data ) => {
				// Extract wikitext from API response
				const pageId = Object.keys( data.query.pages )[ 0 ];
				const wikitext = data.query.pages[ pageId ].revisions[ 0 ][ '*' ];

				// change wikitext
				// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
				const unblockReview = new UnblockReview();
				const acceptDeclineReason = reasonArea.value;
				const wikitext2 = unblockReview.processAcceptOrDecline( wikitext, appealReason, acceptDeclineReason, DEFAULT_DECLINE_REASON, acceptOrDecline );
				if ( wikitext === wikitext2 ) {
					mw.notify( 'UnblockReview error 2: unable to determine write location.', { type: 'error' } );

				// build edit summary
				const acceptingOrDeclining = ( acceptOrDecline === 'accept' ? 'Accepting' : 'Declining' );
				const summary = acceptingOrDeclining + ' unblock request' + ADVERT;

				// make edit
				( new mw.Api() ).postWithToken( 'csrf', {
					action: 'edit',
					title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
					summary: summary,
					text: wikitext2
				} ).done( ( data ) => {
					if ( data && data.edit && data.edit.result && data.edit.result === 'Success' ) {
						window.location.reload( true );
					} else {
						console.log( data );
				} );
			} );
		} );

}() );

// === modules/UnblockReview.js ======================================================

class UnblockReview {
	constructor() {
		this.SIGNATURE = '~~~~';

	processAcceptOrDecline( wikitext, appealReason, acceptDeclineReason, DEFAULT_DECLINE_REASON, acceptOrDecline ) {
		// HTML does one line break and wikitext does 2ish. Cut off all text after the first line break to avoid breaking our search algorithm.
		appealReason = appealReason.split( '\n' )[ 0 ];

		let initialText = '';
		// Special case: If the user didn't provide a reason, the template will display "Please provide a reason as to why you should be unblocked", and this will be detected as the appealReason.
		const reasonProvided = !appealReason.startsWith( 'Please provide a reason as to why you should be unblocked' );
		if ( !reasonProvided ) {
			initialText = wikitext.match( /(\{\{Unblock)\}\}/i )[ 1 ];
			appealReason = '';
		} else {
			initialText = this.getLeftHalfOfUnblockTemplate( wikitext, appealReason );

		if ( !acceptDeclineReason.trim() ) {
			acceptDeclineReason = DEFAULT_DECLINE_REASON + ' ' + this.SIGNATURE;
		} else if ( !this.hasSignature( acceptDeclineReason ) ) {
			acceptDeclineReason = acceptDeclineReason + ' ' + this.SIGNATURE;

		// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-concat
		const negativeLookbehinds = '(?<!<' + 'nowiki>)';
		const regEx = new RegExp( negativeLookbehinds + this.escapeRegExp( initialText + appealReason ), 'g' );
		let wikitext2 = wikitext.replace(
			'{{unblock reviewed|' + acceptOrDecline + '=' + acceptDeclineReason + '|1=' + appealReason

		if ( wikitext === wikitext2 ) {
			throw new Error( 'Replacing text with unblock message failed!' );

		// get rid of any [#*:] in front of {{unblock X}} templates. indentation messes up the background color and border of the unblock template.
		wikitext2 = wikitext2.replace( /^[#*: ]{1,}(\{\{\s*unblock)/mi, '$1' );

		return wikitext2;

	 * Given the wikitext of an entire page, and the |reason= parameter of one of the many unblock templates (e.g. {{Unblock}}, {{Unblock-un}}, {{Unblock-auto}}, {{Unblock-bot}}, etc.), return the wikitext of just the beginning of the template.
	 * For example, "Test {{unblock|reason=Your reason here [[User:Filipe46]]}} Test" as the wikitext and "Your reason here" as the appealReason will return "{{unblock|reason=".
	 * This can also handle 1=, and no parameter at all (just a pipe)
	getLeftHalfOfUnblockTemplate( wikitext, appealReason ) {
		// Isolate the reason, stripping out all template syntax. So `{{Unblock|reason=ABC}}` becomes matches = [ 'ABC ']
		// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-concat
		const negativeLookbehinds = '(?<!<' + 'nowiki>{{unblock\\|reason=)(?<!reviewed ?\\|1=)';
		const regEx = new RegExp( negativeLookbehinds + this.escapeRegExp( appealReason ), 'g' );
		let matches = wikitext.matchAll( regEx );
		matches = [ ...matches ];

		if ( matches.length === 0 ) {
			throw new Error( 'Searching for target text failed!' );

		// Loop through all the potential matches, and peek at the characters in front of the match. Eliminate false positives ({{tlx|unblock}}, the same text not anywhere near an {{unblock}} template, etc.). If a true positive, return the beginning of the template.
		for ( const match of matches ) {
			// The position of the match within the wikicode.
			const MatchPos = match.index;
			// The position of the unblock template of that match within the wikicode. Set them equal initially. Will be adjusted below.
			let UnblockTemplateStartPos = MatchPos;

			// check for {{tlx|unblock. if found, this isn't what we want, skip.
			const startOfSplice = UnblockTemplateStartPos - 50 < 0 ? 0 : UnblockTemplateStartPos - 50;
			const chunkFiftyCharactersWide = wikitext.slice( startOfSplice, UnblockTemplateStartPos );
			if ( /\{\{\s*tlx\s*\|\s*unblock/i.test( chunkFiftyCharactersWide ) ) {

			// Scan backwards from the match until we find {{
			let i = 0;
			while ( wikitext[ UnblockTemplateStartPos ] !== '{' && i < 50 ) {

			// If the above scan couldn't find the beginning of the template within 50 characters of the match, then that wasn't it. Check the next match.
			if ( i === 50 ) {

			// The above scan stopped at {Unblock. Subtract one so it's {{Unblock

			const initialText = wikitext.slice( UnblockTemplateStartPos, MatchPos );
			return initialText;

		throw new Error( 'Searching backwards failed!' );

	 * @copyright coolaj86, CC BY-SA 4.0,
	escapeRegExp( string ) {
		// $& means the whole matched string
		return string.replace( /[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&' );

	 * Is there a signature (four tildes) present in the given text, outside of a nowiki element?
	hasSignature( text ) {
		// no literal signature?
		if ( text.indexOf( this.SIGNATURE ) < 0 ) {
			return false;

		// if there's a literal signature and no nowiki elements,
		// there must be a real signature
		if ( text.indexOf( '' ) < 0 ) {
			return true;

		// Save all nowiki spans
		const nowikiSpanStarts = []; // list of ignored span beginnings
		const nowikiSpanLengths = []; // list of ignored span lengths
		const NOWIKI_RE = /.*?<\/nowiki>/g;
		let spanMatch;
		do {
			spanMatch = NOWIKI_RE.exec( text );
			if ( spanMatch ) {
				nowikiSpanStarts.push( spanMatch.index );
				nowikiSpanLengths.push( spanMatch[ 0 ].length );
		} while ( spanMatch );

		// So that we don't check every ignore span every time
		let nowikiSpanStartIdx = 0;

		const SIG_RE = new RegExp( this.SIGNATURE, 'g' );
		let sigMatch;

		do {
			sigMatch = SIG_RE.exec( text );
			if ( sigMatch ) {
				// Check that we're not inside a nowiki
				for ( let nwIdx = nowikiSpanStartIdx; nwIdx <
					nowikiSpanStarts.length; nwIdx++ ) {
					if ( sigMatch.index > nowikiSpanStarts[ nwIdx ] ) {
						if ( sigMatch.index + sigMatch[ 0 ].length <=
							nowikiSpanStarts[ nwIdx ] + nowikiSpanLengths[ nwIdx ] ) {

							// Invalid sig
							continue matchLoop;
						} else {
							// We'll never encounter this span again, since
							// headers only get later and later in the wikitext
							nowikiSpanStartIdx = nwIdx;

				// We aren't inside a nowiki
				return true;
		} while ( sigMatch );
		return false;


// </nowiki>