Theme: "major leaguers" on important NABBP teams, with report of their coverage in "members by team" categories of player pages at wikipedia ("player Categories" for short).
Scope. As of 2010-07-10 this page has 22 sections for 22 NABBP clubs. They include all 17 clubs with professional teams in 1869 (twelve) or 1870 (fifteen), the two seasons that the Association permitted professional members. Five others are here because of their fame in some combination with their number of players covered at wikipedia, in turn because several of their players were subsequent "major leaguers". Those four are Enterprise, Excelsior, and Star of Brooklyn, Buckeye of Cincinnati, and Geary of Philadelphia.
These 22 clubs nearly match the 22 subcategories in Category:National Association of Base Ball Players members by team. The differences are that this report covers the two weakest professional clubs from 1870, Tri-Mountain of Boston MA and Riverside of Portsmouth OH, and the two eldest clubs with player categories are not covered here, Gotham and Knickerbocker of New York (Manhattan).
Three more amateur NABBP clubs later joined the professional NA. They are not covered here yet, and they have player categories either.
- Middletown, Mansfield 1869-70 (Wright 262 311)
- Elizabeth, Resolute 1869-70 (Wright 269 313)
- Fort Wayne, Kekionga 1870 (Wright gives no roster data)
Some other leading clubs after the Civil War:
- Active, Eureka, Harvard, Lowell, Quaker City, West Philadelphia
Gradually the material in User:P64/Baseball/roster (no 's') may be moved under this ../rosters page.
See some alternative presentations of roster data:
Marshall Wright is the source of so much data that I try to identify every essential use of other sources.
Baltimore, Maryland
edit(That is, the Maryland baseball club of Baltimore.)
NABBP member 1867-70, professional 1869-70.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1868 to 1870 (pp 199 250 304).
(Armstrong is a plausible identification but no better than that, in my opinion. Marshall Wright calls the 1868-70 Maryland player "Sam Armstrong".)
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Baltimore Marylands (NABBP) players now includes ten pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers". Before 1871 they played for Maryland in the listed seasons:
- Armstrong 68-70, Bierman 70, Carey 70, Goldsmith 68-70, Hooper 68-70, Kernan 70, Lennon 69-70, Mathews 69-70, Mincher 68-70, Selman 69
AFAIK no other major leaguers played for Maryland in the NABBP --that is, before 1871.
- 1867 - no data
- 1868 -
- 1869 (pro) -
- 1870 (pro) -
Most of the Maryland major leaguers played on the Fort Wayne Kekiongas of 1871 or the Baltimore Marylands of 1873 (this club in its final season). This report incorporates no roster data for 1871-72, between membership in the NABBP and the pro NA. Probably the club remained in operation.
Boston, Tri-Mountain
editNABBP member 1867-70, professional 1870.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1867 to 1870 (pp 148 199 266 305).
coverage 2010-07-05 There is no players Category for this club.
At least two major leaguers played for Tri-Mountain.
- 1867 - Frank Barrows
- 1868 - Barrows, Tom Pratt
- 1869 - Barrows
- 1870 (pro) - Barrows
Brooklyn, Atlantic
editNABBP member 1857-70, professional 1869-70.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1857 to 1870 (pp 9 19 31 45 58 70 77 85 98 115 148 191 245 297).
(This report incorporates no roster data for 1871, between membership in the NABBP and the pro NA.)
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Brooklyn Atlantics (NABBP) players now includes 14 pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Brown 69, Chapman 62-66 and 68-70, Crane 62-69, Ferguson 66-70, Galvin 63-67, Hall 70, Kenney 67-69, C.Mills 66-68, Pearce 57-70, Pike 65 and 69-70, Pratt 61-63 and 66 and 70, Smith 58-70, Start 62-70, Zettlein 66-70.
AFAIK, no other major leaguers played for Atlantic in the NABBP --before 1871.
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 (pro) -
- 1870 (pro) -
Brooklyn, Eckford
editNABBP member 1857-70, professional 1869-70.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1857 to 1870 (pp 12 20 32 44 57 67 76 92 101 120 167 195 243 303).
(This report incorporates no roster data for 1871, between membership in the NABBP and the pro NA. For this team several sources are available.)
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Brooklyn Eckfords (NABBP) players now includes 20 pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Andy Allison 67-70, Bill Allison 70, Duffy 63 and 70, Eggler 68, Hodes 68-69, Hunt 70, Jewett 69-70, M.Malone 67-68 and 70, A.Martin 68-69, McDermott 70, C.Mills 65, Nelson 67-69, Pinkham 65 and 69, Reach 61-64, Jim Snyder 70, Josh Snyder 60-70 in part, Swandell 63-67, Treacey 69, Wood 60-64 and 66-69, Zettlein 65-66
One other major leaguers may have played for Eckford in the NABBP --before 1871. The question is whether so-called (by Wright) Dan and Tom Patterson were one person or two.
- 1867 -
- 1868 - Tom Patterson (baseball)
- 1869 (pro) - Patterson
- 1870 (pro) -
Brooklyn, Enterprise
editNABBP member at least 1860-62 and 1864-67, amateur.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1860-61 and 1864-66 (pp 50 58; 92 107 119).
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Brooklyn Enterprise players now includes six pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Chapman 60-61, Crane 61, Ferguson 65, Hall 66, Pinkham 66, Start 60-61
Hall moved from Enterprise to the Excelsiors of Brooklyn. Exceptionally, Pinkham had previously played for the Eckfords, in 1865. The other four all moved from Enterprise to the Atlantics, three of them for the 1862 season and Ferguson for 1866. Those four all played many seasons with Atlantic, always one of the strongest teams. That and their major league experience in the 1870s suggests that they were among the best of all Enterprise players and supports calling Enterprise a "feeder" club or a feeder to Atlantic.
AFAIK, no other major leaguer played for Enterprise.
- from 1860 -
- 1866 -
- 1867 -
The club may have disbanded after 1867; Wright does not report it.
Brooklyn, Excelsior
editNABBP member 1857-70, amateur.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for all seasons except 1861 when Excelsior played no games (pp 13 19 31 44; 69 78 86 103 116 155 217 270 321).
- (check for Hodes detail# --Wright does not list him in any Excelsior roster so he is not in the category.)
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Brooklyn Excelsiors players now includes seven pages, for six subsequent "major leaguers" and Jim Creighton.
- Brainard 60-66, Crane 66, Creighton 60-62, Cummings 66-67, Hall 67, Pearce 66, Treacey 67.
Creighton, Brainard, and Cummings were the regular pitchers in succession. Crane and Pearce played part of the 1866 season in the middle of their long tenures with Atlantic. Hall and Treacey played in 1867, early in their careers.
Perhaps no other major leaguer played for Excelsior.
- from 1857 - ?
Beside the three pitchers (above), the most famous Excelsior player was William Leggett, the catcher for Jim Creighton and the team captain then, when the team was probably the strongest and may claim one co-championship with Atlantic. Leggett played for Excelsior 1857 to 1866 although never more than a few games during and after the war.
Brooklyn, Star
editNABBP member 1859-70, amateur.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for all twelve seasons (pp 32 51 59 69 78 90 104 121 167 206 256 311).
- The 1871 season needs coverage. Star was champion of the short-lived National Association of Amateur BBP.
coverage 2010-07-10
Category:Brooklyn Stars players now includes eight pages, for seven subsequent "major leaguers" and Jim Creighton.
- Beavens 70, Creighton 1859, Cummings 68-70, Hall 68-69, Hicks 70, Hunt 69, Rogers 66-70, Worth 66-70.
Perhaps no other major leaguer played for Star.
- from 1859 - ?
Chicago White Stockings
edit("White Stockings" was a nickname for the Chicago baseball club. Chicago was the only NABBP member established as a professional baseball club, late in 1869 for the 1870 season. The other professional clubs were past members who elected to "go pro".)
NABBP member 1870, professional 1870.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1870 (page 292).
- Ryczek (1998, page#) is the source for listing Bill Craver.
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Chicago White Stockings (NABBP) players covers both 1870 and 1871 because wikipedia recognizes Chicago Cubs history beginning afte the 1871 fire. There are 14 pages in the category, all for "major leaguers", including eleven members of the 1870 team. Star(*) marks those who played for both teams, 1870 and 1871.
- Craver, Cuthbert, Duffy *, Flynn, Hodes *, M.King *, McAtee *, Meyerle, Pinkham *, Treacey *, Wood *
Also in the category Brannock, Simmons, and Zettlein joined the team for 1871.
Perhaps no other major leaguers played for Chicago in the NABBP --before 1871.
- 1870 (pro) -
Cincinnati, Buckeye
editNABBP member 1867–1869, amateur
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1867 to 1869 (pp 165 195 268)
coverage 2010-07-10 Category:Cincinnati Buckeyes players now includes six pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Fisher 68, Gould 67, Hurley 68, Leonard 68, McMullin 68, Sweasy 68
Perhaps no other major leaguer played for Buckeye.
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 -
Cincinnati, Red Stocking
edit("Red Stockings" was a nickname for the Cincinnati baseball club of Cincinnati.)
NABBP member 1867-70, professional 1869-70.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1867 to 1870 (pp 150 193 243 291).
- (check# source for Harry Wright 1866)
coverage 2010-06-24
Category:Cincinnati Red Stockings players now includes twelve pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Allison 68-70, Brainard 68-70, Deane 70, Gould 68-70, Hatfield 68, , Hurley 69, Leonard 69-70, McVey 69-70, Sweasy 69-70, Waterman 68-70, G.Wright 69-70, H.Wright 66-70
No other major leaguers played for Cincinnati.
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 (pro) -
- 1870 (pro) -
Cleveland, Forest City
editNABBP member 1868-70, professional 1869-70.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1868 to 1870 (pp 203 249 301).
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Cleveland Forest Citys (NABBP) players now includes nine pages, all of them both members of the 1870 team and subsequent "major leaguers".
- Allison 69-70, Carleton 70, Fulmer 70, Heubel 70, Kimball 70, Pratt 69-70, Sutton 70, Deacon White 68-70, Elmer White 70
Pehaps no other major leaguers played for Forest City.
- 1868 -
- 1869 (pro) -
- 1870 (pro) -
Irvington, Irvington
edit(That is, the Irvington baseball club of Irvington, New Jersey.)
NABBP member 1866-69, professional 1869.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1866 to 1869 (pp 121 151 227 253).
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:New Jersey Irvingtons players now includes seven pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Hugh Campbell 66-69, Mike Campbell 66-69, Leonard 66-67, E.Mills 68, Pike 67, Sweasy 66-67, Wolters 66-67
One other major leaguer may have played for Irvington.
- 1866-68 -
- 1869 (pro) - perhaps John Farrow (baseball)
(There is a listing for "Farrar" and some other elements fit.)
Morrisania, Union
edit(That is, the Union baseball club of Morrisania, Bronx.)
NABBP member 1857-70, professional 1870.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1857 to 1870 except 1861 (pp 11 24 36 49; 69 79 89 99 114 147 192 272 302).
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Morrisania Unions players now includes 13 pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Austin 65-70, Bass 70, Beals 67, Bellan 68, Bierman 70, Birdsall 63-68 70, Gedney 70, Higham 70, Holdsworth 70, Kenney 70, A.Martin 66-68, Pabor 65-68 70, Wright 66 68
There were several major leaguers on both the 1868 and 1870 teams but the club did not "go pro" in 1869, when that was first permitted, so most of its best players departed.
Perhaps no other major leaguers played for Union.
- 1857-66 -
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 -
- 1870 (pro) -
New York, Mutual
editNABBP member 1858-70, professional 1869-70.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1858 to 1870 (pp 18 35 51 57 67 76 85 99 116 145 194 246 289).
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:New York Mutuals (NABBP) players now includes 17 pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Bierman 67-68, Carleton 69, Duffy 64-65, Eggler 69-70, Galvin 68, Hatfield 66-67 69-70, Higham 70, Hunt 66-69, Jewett 66-68, P.Martin 66-67 70, C.Mills 69-70, E.Mills 68-70, Nelson 70, Pike 67-68, Swandell 68-70, Waterman 66-67, Wolters 68-70
Two other major leaguers played for Mutual in the NABBP --before 1871.
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 (pro) -
- 1870 (pro) - Al Martin (second baseman), Tom Patterson (baseball)
Martin is unlikely, probably a confusion with Alphonse Martin. Regarding Patterson, are Dan and Tom Patterson one person or two?
Philadelphia, Athletic
editNABBP member 1861 and 1863-70, professional 1869-70.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1863 to 1870 (pp 77 86 98 114 143 190 244 294).
- (need source for 61-62 non-member team)
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Philadelphia Athletics (NABBP) players now includes 17 pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Bechtel 70, Berkenstock 63-70, Berry 67-70, Cuthbert 67-69, Fisler 66-70, Foran 68-69, Heubel 69, Malone 64 and 70, McBride (61)-70, McMullin 69, Meyerle 69, Pike 66, Pratt 61-63 66 70, Radcliffe 68-70, Reach 65-70, Schafer 68-70, Sensenderfer 68-70.
Perhaps no other major leaguers played for Athletic in the NABBP --before 1871.
- 1861-66 - ?
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 (pro) -
- 1870 (pro) -
Philadelphia, Geary
editNABBP member 1867-69, amateur.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1867 and 1868 only (pp 149 209).
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Philadelphia Geary players now includes five pages, all of them both members of the 1868 team and subsequent "major leaguers".
- A.Allison 68, D.Allison 68, Bechtel 67-68, Heubel 68, Meyerle 67-68
Perhaps no other major leaguer played for Geary.
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 -
Philadelphia, Keystone
editNABBP member 1863-70, professional 1869.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1865 to 1869 (pp 104 125 146 216 252).
- (check# source for Fulmer 1870)
coverage 2010-06-21
Category:Philadelphia Keystones (NABBP) players now includes eight pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers", namely:
- Bechtel 68-69, Cuthbert 65-66, Flowers 68-69, Fulmer 69-70, Malone 65, McMullin 67, Radcliffe 69, Reach 68
AFAIK no other major leaguers played for Keystone.
- 1865 -
- 1866 -
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 (pro) -
- 1870 - no data, maybe out of business
Evidently this club did not retain its best players. It cannot be considered a feeder to the Athletics, who were always the strongest team in Philadelphia, because many Keystones moved to outside teams too.
Portsmouth, Riverside
edit(That is, the Riverside baseball club of Portsmouth, Ohio.)
NABBP member 1868-70, professional 1870.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1868 and 1870 (pp 226 307).
coverage 2010-07-05 There is no players Category for this club.
At least one major leaguer played for Riverside.
- 1868 - Al Pratt (baseball)
- 1869 -
- 1870 (pro) -
Rockford, Forest City
editNABBP member 1868-70, professional 1870.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1868 to 1870 (pp 201 255 296).
Note, SABR biographies place Addy, Barnes, and Spalding on the club's first team by late 1866 but this listing otherwise begins 1868.
- See alternative presentations, major leaguers who played for Forest City before 1871
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Rockford Forest Citys (NABBP) players now includes nine pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Addy (66)-70, Barker 68-70, Barnes (66)-70, Cone 68-70, Foley 69-70, Hastings 69-70, Simmons 70, Spalding (66)-70, Stires 68-70
Perhaps no other major leaguers played for Forest City in the NABBP --before 1871.
- 1868 -
- 1869 -
- 1870 (pro) -
Troy Haymakers
edit("Troy Haymakers" was a nickname for the Union baseball club of Lansingburgh, New York, neighboring Troy.)
NABBP member 1867-70, professional 1869-70.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1867 to 1870 (pp 152 196 248 299).
- (Bill Ryczek (1998) is the only source for 1866 when the club was not a member of the NABBP.)
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Troy Haymakers (NABBP) players now includes 13 pages, all for subsequent "major leaguers".
- Bellan 69-70, Bierman 68-69, Craver (66)-70, Fisher 69-70, Flowers 70, Foran 70, Flynn 67-69, M.King 67-69, S.King (66)-70, McAtee (66)-69, McGeary 70, McMullin 70, York 70
At least five other major leaguers played for the Troy Haymakers in the NABBP --that is, before 1871.
- 1866 (nonmember) -
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 (pro) -
- 1870 (pro) -
Washington, National
editNABBP member 1861 and 1864-70, professional 1869-70.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1865 to 1870 (pp 106 117 144 208 251 306).
- (check# source for Gorman 65)
- (Fletcher is uncertain.)
- (This report incorporates no roster data for 1871, between membership in the NABBP and the pro NA.)
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Washington Nationals (NABBP) players now includes 12 pages, for eleven subsequent "major leaguers" and Senator Gorman.
- Berthrong 65-68, Birdsall 69, Brainard 67, Coughlin 68-70, Fletcher 67, Glenn 70, Gorman 65, Hicks 70, Hollingshead 69-70, Norton 67-69, Studley 68-70, Wright 67
Perhaps no other major leaguers played for National in the NABBP --before 1871.
- 1864-66 -
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 (pro) -
- 1870 (pro) -
Washington, Olympic
editNABBP member 1867-70, professional 1869-70.
Marshall Wright provides some roster data for 1867 to 1870 (pp 158 200 248 300).
- (try to check Reach)
coverage 2010-07-05
Category:Washington Olympics (NABBP) players now includes eleven pages, for ten subsequent "major leaguers" and Nick Young.
- Berthrong 70, Burroughs 70, Force 67-70, Glenn 70, Hollingshead 70, Hurley 69-70, Malone 68-69, Norton 70, Reach 69-70, Robinson 68-70, Young 67-70
Perhaps no other major leaguers played for Olympic in the NABBP --before 1871.
- 1867 -
- 1868 -
- 1869 (pro) -
- 1870 (pro) -
edit- Ryczek, William J. (1998). When Johnny Came Sliding Home: The Post-Civil War Baseball Boom, 1865-1870. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-7864-0514-7.
- Ryczek, William J. (1992). Blackguards and Red Stockings: A History of Baseball's National Association, 1875-1875. William J. Ryczek. Reprinted 1999 by Colebrook Press (Wallingford, CT). ISBN 0-9673718-0-5.
- Wright, Marshall (2000). The National Association of Base Ball Players, 1857-1870. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-7864-0779-4.