# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Script to resolve double redirects, and to delete broken redirects. Requires
access to MediaWiki's maintenance pages or to a XML dump file. Delete
function requires adminship.
    python redirect.py action [-arguments ...]
where action can be one of these:
double         Fix redirects which point to other redirects
broken         Delete redirects where targets don\'t exist. Requires adminship.
both           Both of the above. Permitted only with -api. Implies -api.
and arguments can be:
-xml           Retrieve information from a local XML dump
               (http://download.wikimedia.org). Argument can also be given as
               "-xml:filename.xml". Cannot be used with -api or -moves.
               If neither of -xml -api -moves is given, info will be loaded from
               a special page of the live wiki.
-api           Retrieve information from the wiki via MediaWikis application
               program interface (API). Cannot be used with -xml or -moves.
               If neither of -xml -api -moves is given, info will be loaded from
               a special page of the live wiki.
-moves         Use the page move log to find double-redirect candidates. Only
               works with action "double", does not work with either -xml, or -api.
               If neither of -xml -api -moves is given, info will be loaded from
               a special page of the live wiki.
-namespace:n   Namespace to process. Works only with an XML dump, or the API
               interface. Can be given multiple times, for several namespaces.
               If omitted, with -xml all namespaces are treated, with -api
               only the main (article) namespace is treated.
-offset:n      With -xml, the number of the redirect to restart with (see
               progress). With -moves, the number of hours ago to start
               scanning moved pages. Otherwise, ignored.
-start:title   With -api, the starting page title in each namespace.
               Otherwise ignored. Page needs not exist.
-until:title   With -api, the possible last page title in each namespace.
               Otherwise ignored. Page needs not exist.
-number:n      With -api, the maximum count of redirects to work upon.
               Otherwise ignored. Use 0 for unlimited
-always        Don't prompt you for each replacement.
# (C) Daniel Herding, 2004.
#     Purodha Blissenbach, 2009.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import generators
import wikipedia, config
import xmlreader
import re, sys
__version__='$Id: redirect.py 6355 2009-02-17 14:36:30Z purodha $'
# Summary message for fixing double redirects
    'ar': u'روبوت: تصليح تحويلة مزدوجة',
    'bat-smg': u'Robots: Taisuoms dvÄ—gobs paradresavÄ—ms',
    'br': u'Kempennet adkas doubl gant robot',
    'de': u'Bot: Korrigiere doppelten Redirect',
    'en': u'Robot: Fixing double redirect',
    'es': u'Robot: Arreglando doble redirección',
    'fa': u'ربات:اصلاح تغییر مسیر دوتایی',
    'fi': u'Botti korjasi kaksinkertaisen ohjauksen',
    'fr': u'Robot : répare double redirection',
    'he': u'בוט: מתקן ×”×¤× ×™×” כפולה',
    'hr': u'Bot: Popravak dvostrukih preusmjeravanja',
    'ia': u'Robot: reparation de duple redirection',
    'is': u'Vélmenni: Lagfæri tvöfalda tilvísun',
    'it': u'Bot: Sistemo i redirect doppi',
    'ja': u'ロボットによる: 二重リダイレクト修正',
    'ka': u'რობოტი: ორმაგი გადამისამართების გასწორება',
    'ko': u'로봇: 이중 넘겨주기 ìˆ˜ì •',
    'kk': u'Бот: Шынжырлы Ð°Ð¹Ð´Ð°Ñ‚уды Ñ‚үзетті',
    'ksh':u'Bot: [[special:doubleredirects|Dubbel Ömlëijdong]] fottjemaat',
    'lb': u'Bot: Duebel Viruleedung gefléckt',
    'lt': u'robotas: Taisomas dvigubas peradresavimas',
    'nds':u'Bot: Dubbelte Wiederleiden rutmakt',
    'nl': u'Bot: dubbele doorverwijzing gecorrigeerd',
    'nn': u'robot: retta dobbel omdirigering',
    'no': u'bot: Retter dobbel omdirigering',
    'pl': u'Robot naprawia podwójne przekierowanie',
    'pt': u'Bot: Corrigido duplo redirecionamento',
    'ru': u'Робот: исправление двойного перенаправления',
    'sr': u'Бот: Поправка дуплих преусмерења',
    'sv': u'Robot: Rättar dubbel omdirigering',
    'th': u'โรบอต: แก้หน้าเปลี่ยนทางซ้ำซ้อน',
    'tr': u'Bot değişikliği: Yönlendirmeye olan yönlendirme',
    'uk': u'Робот: виправлення подвійного перенаправлення',
    'yi': u'באט: פארראכטן פארטאפלטע ×•×•×™×™×˜×¢×¨×¤×™×¨×•× ×’',
    'zh': u'機器人:修正雙重重定向',
    'zh-yue': u'機械人:拉直連串跳轉 ',
    'zh-classical': u'僕:復修渡口',
# Reason for deleting broken redirects
    'ar': u'روبوت: هدف التحويلة غير موجود',
    'de': u'Bot: Weiterleitungsziel existiert nicht',
    'en': u'Robot: Deleting broken [[Wikipedia:Redirect|redirect]]',
    'es': u'Robot: La página a la que redirige no existe',
    'fa': u'ربات:تغییرمسیر مقصد ندارد',
    'fi': u'Botti: Ohjauksen kohdesivua ei ole olemassa',
    'fr': u'Robot : Cible du redirect inexistante',
    'he': u'בוט: יעד ×”×”×¤× ×™×” ××™× ×• קיים',
    'it': u'Bot: Il redirect indirizza ad una pagina inesistente',
    'ja': u'ロボットによる:リダイレクトの目標は存在しませんでした',
    'ka': u'რობოტი: გადამისამართებული გვერდი არ არსებობს',
    'ko': u'로봇: 끊긴 넘겨주기',
    'kk': u'Бот: Айдату нысанасы Ð¶Ð¾Ò› болды',
    'ksh':u'Bot: Dė [[Special:BrokenRedirects|Ömlëijdong jingk ennet Liiere]]',
    'lt': u'robotas: Peradresavimas į niekur',
    'nds':u'Bot: Kaputte Wiederleiden rutmakt',
    'nl': u'Bot: doelpagina doorverwijzing bestaat niet',
    'nn': u'robot: målet for omdirigeringa eksisterer ikkje',
    'no': u'robot: målet for omdirigeringen eksisterer ikke',
    'pl': u'Robot: cel przekierowania nie istnieje',
    'pt': u'Bot: Redirecionamento não existe',
    'ru': u'Робот: перенаправление в никуда',
    'sr': u'Бот: Преусмерење не постоји',
    'th': u'โรบอต: หน้าเปลี่ยนทางเสีย',
    'tr': u'Bot değişikliği: Var olmayan sayfaya olan yönlendirme',
    'zh': u'機器人:該重定向的目標不存在',
    'zh-yue': u'機械人:跳轉目標唔存在',
# Summary message for putting broken redirect to speedy delete
sd_tagging_sum = {
    'ar': u'روبوت: وسم للحذف السريع',
    'en': u'Robot: Tagging for speedy deletion per [[Wikipedia:CSD#G8|CSD G8]]',
    'ja': u'ロボットによる:迷子のリダイレクトを即時削除へ',
    'ksh':u'Bot: Di Ömlëijdong jeiht noh nörjendwoh.',
    'nds':u'Bot: Kaputte Wiederleiden ward nich brukt',
    'nl': u'Bot: gemarkeerd voor snelle verwijdering',
    'zh':u'機器人: å°‡æå£žçš„é‡å®šå‘æå ±å¿«é€Ÿåˆªé™¤',
# Insert deletion template into page with a broken redirect
sd_template = {
    'ar':u'{{شطب|تحويلة مكسورة}}',
    'ksh':u'{{Schmieß fott}}Di Ömlëijdong jeiht noh nörjendwoh hen.<br />--~~~~~',
    'nds':u'{{delete}}Kaputte Wiederleiden, wat nich brukt ward.<br />--~~~~',
class RedirectGenerator:
    def __init__(self, xmlFilename=None, namespaces=[], offset=-1,
                 use_api=False, start=None, until=None, number=None):
        self.xmlFilename = xmlFilename
        self.namespaces = namespaces
        self.offset = offset
        self.use_move_log = use_move_log
        self.use_api = use_api
        self.api_start = start
        self.api_until = until
        self.api_number = number
    def get_redirects_from_dump(self, alsoGetPageTitles = False):
        Load a local XML dump file, look at all pages which have the
        redirect flag set, and find out where they're pointing at. Return
        a dictionary where the redirect names are the keys and the redirect
        targets are the values.
        xmlFilename = self.xmlFilename
        redict = {}
        # open xml dump and read page titles out of it
        dump = xmlreader.XmlDump(xmlFilename)
        site = wikipedia.getSite()
        redirR = site.redirectRegex()
        readPagesCount = 0
        if alsoGetPageTitles:
            pageTitles = set()
        for entry in dump.parse():
            readPagesCount += 1
            # always print status message after 10000 pages
            if readPagesCount % 10000 == 0:
                wikipedia.output(u'%i pages read...' % readPagesCount)
            if len(self.namespaces) > 0:
                if wikipedia.Page(site, entry.title).namespace() \
                        not in self.namespaces:
            if alsoGetPageTitles:
                pageTitles.add(entry.title.replace(' ', '_'))
            m = redirR.match(entry.text)
            if m:
                target = m.group(1)
                # There might be redirects to another wiki. Ignore these.
                for code in site.family.langs.keys():
                    if target.startswith('%s:' % code) \
                            or target.startswith(':%s:' % code):
                        if code == site.language():
                        # link to our wiki, but with the lang prefix
                            target = target[(len(code)+1):]
                            if target.startswith(':'):
                                target = target[1:]
                                u'NOTE: Ignoring %s which is a redirect to %s:'
                                % (entry.title, code))
                            target = None
                # if the redirect does not link to another wiki
                if target:
                    source = entry.title.replace(' ', '_')
                    target = target.replace(' ', '_')
                    # remove leading and trailing whitespace
                    target = target.strip('_')
                    # capitalize the first letter
                    if not wikipedia.getSite().nocapitalize:
                        source = source[:1].upper() + source[1:]
                        target = target[:1].upper() + target[1:]
                    if '#' in target:
                        target = target[:target.index('#')].rstrip("_")
                    if '|' in target:
                            u'HINT: %s is a redirect with a pipelink.'
                            % entry.title)
                        target = target[:target.index('|')].rstrip("_")
                    if target: # in case preceding steps left nothing
                        redict[source] = target
        if alsoGetPageTitles:
            return redict, pageTitles
            return redict
    def get_redirect_pageids_via_api(self, number = u'max', namespaces = [], site = None,
                             start = None, until = None ):
        Generator which will yield page IDs of Pages that are redirects.
        Get number of page ids in one go.
        Iterates over namespaces, Main if an empty list.
        In each namespace, start alphabetically from a pagetitle start, wich need not exist.
        # wikipedia.output(u'====> get_redirect_pageids_via_api(number=%s, #ns=%d, start=%s, until=%s)' % (number, len(namespaces), start, until))
        import urllib
        if site is None:
            site = wikipedia.getSite()
        if namespaces == []:
            namespaces = [ 0 ]
        apiQ0 = site.api_address() 
        apiQ0 += 'action=query'
        apiQ0 += '&list=allpages'
        apiQ0 += '&apfilterredir=redirects'
        apiQ0 += '&aplimit=%s' % number
        apiQ0 += '&format=xml'
        apPageTitleRe = re.compile(' pageid="(.*?)" .*? title="(.*?)"')
        apPageIdRe = re.compile(' pageid="(.*?)"')
        apfromRe = re.compile(' apfrom="(.*?)"')
        for ns in namespaces:
            # print (ns)
            apiQns = apiQ0 + '&apnamespace=%s' % ns
            # print (apiQns)
            while apiQns:
                apiQ = apiQns
                if start:
                    apiQ += '&apfrom=%s' % urllib.quote(start.encode(site.encoding()))
                # print (apiQ)
                result = site.getUrl(apiQ)
                # wikipedia.output(u'===RESULT===\n%s\n' % result)
                if until:
                    for (pageid, pagetitle) in apPageTitleRe.findall(result):
                        # wikipedia.output(u'===PAGEID=%s: %s' % (pageid, pagetitle)) ## TODO: make this a -verbose mode output, independant of -until
                        if pagetitle > until:
                           apiQns = None
                        yield pageid
                    for pageid in apPageIdRe.findall(result):
                        # wikipedia.output(u'===PAGEID=%s' % pageid)
                        yield pageid
                m = apfromRe.search(result)
                if m:
                    start = m.group(1)
    def _next_redirects_via_api_commandline(self, apiQi, number = 'max', namespaces = [],
                             site = None, start = None, until = None ):
        yields commands to the api for checking a set op page ids.
        # wikipedia.output(u'====> _next_redirects_via_api_commandline(apiQi=%s, number=%s, #ns=%d, start=%s, until=%s)' % (apiQi, number, len(namespaces), start, until))
        if site is None:
            site = wikipedia.getSite()
        if namespaces == []:
            namespaces = [ 0 ]
        maxurllen = 1018    # accomodate "GET " + apiQ + CR + LF in 1024 bytes.
        apiQ = ''
        for pageid in self.get_redirect_pageids_via_api(number = number, namespaces = namespaces,
                             site = site, start = start, until = until ):
            if apiQ:
                tmp = '%s|%s' % ( apiQ, pageid )
                tmp = '%s%s' % ( apiQi, pageid )
            if len(tmp) > maxurllen and apiQ:
                yield apiQ
                tmp = ''
            apiQ = tmp
        if apiQ:
            yield apiQ
    def get_redirects_via_api(self, number = u'max', namespaces = [], site = None, start = None,
                             until = None, maxlen = 8 ):
        Generator which will yield a tuple of data about Pages that are redirects:
            0 - page title of a redirect page
            1 - type of redirect:
                         0 - broken redirect, target page title missing
                         1 - normal redirect, target page exists and is not a redirect
                 2..maxlen - start of a redirect chain of that many redirects
                             (currently, the API seems not to return sufficient data
                             to make these return values possible, but that may change)
                  maxlen+1 - start of an even longer chain, or a loop 
                             (currently, the API seems not to return sufficient data
                             to allow this return vaules, but that may change)
                      None - start of a redirect chain of unknown length, or loop
            2 - target page title of the redirect, or chain (may not exist)
            3 - target page of the redirect, or end of chain, or page title where
                chain or loop detecton was halted, or None if unknown
        Get number of page ids in one go.
        Iterates over namespaces, Main if an empty list.
        In each namespace, start alphabetically from a pagetitle start, wich need not exist.
        # wikipedia.output(u'====> get_redirects_via_api(number=%s, #ns=%d, start=%s, until=%s, maxlen=%s)' % (number, len(namespaces), start, until, maxlen))
        import urllib
        if site is None:
            site = wikipedia.getSite()
        if namespaces == []:
            namespaces = [ 0 ]
        apiQ1 = site.api_address() 
        apiQ1 += 'action=query'
        apiQ1 += '&redirects'
        apiQ1 += '&format=xml'
        apiQ1 += '&pageids='
        redirectRe = re.compile('<r from="(.*?)" to="(.*?)"')
        missingpageRe = re.compile('<page .*? title="(.*?)" missing=""')
        existingpageRe = re.compile('<page pageid=".*?" .*? title="(.*?)"')
        for apiQ in self._next_redirects_via_api_commandline(apiQ1, number = number,
                                 namespaces = namespaces, site = site, start = start, until = until ):
            # wikipedia.output (u'===apiQ=%s' % apiQ)
            result = site.getUrl(apiQ)
            # wikipedia.output(u'===RESULT===\n%s\n' % )
            redirects = {}
            pages = {}
            for redirect in redirectRe.findall(result):
                # wikipedia.output (u'R: %s => %s' % redirect)
                redirects[redirect[0]] = redirect[1]
            for pagetitle in missingpageRe.findall(result):
                # wikipedia.output (u'M: %s' % pagetitle)
                pages[pagetitle] = False
            for pagetitle in existingpageRe.findall(result):
                # wikipedia.output (u'P: %s' % pagetitle)
                pages[pagetitle] = True
            for redirect in redirects:
                target = redirects[redirect]
                result = 0
                final = None
                    if pages[target]:
                        final = target
                            while result <= maxlen:
                               result += 1
                               final = redirects[final]
                            # result = None
                        except KeyError:
                except KeyError:
                    result = None
                yield (redirect, result, target, final)
                # wikipedia.output (u'X%d: %s => %s ----> %s' % (result, redirect, target, final))
    def retrieve_broken_redirects(self):
        if self.use_api:
            mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
            count = 0
            for (pagetitle, type, target, final) in self.get_redirects_via_api(
                                         namespaces = self.namespaces,
                                         site = mysite, start = self.api_start,
                                         until = self.api_until, maxlen = 2):
                if type == 0:
                    yield pagetitle
                    if self.api_number:
                        count += 1
                        if count >= self.api_number:
        elif self.xmlFilename == None:
            # retrieve information from the live wiki's maintenance page
            mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
            # broken redirect maintenance page's URL
            path = mysite.broken_redirects_address(default_limit = False)
            wikipedia.output(u'Retrieving special page...')
            maintenance_txt = mysite.getUrl(path)
            # regular expression which finds redirects which point to a
            # non-existing page inside the HTML
            Rredir = re.compile('\<li\>\<a href=".+?" title="(.*?)"')
            redir_names = Rredir.findall(maintenance_txt)
            wikipedia.output(u'Retrieved %d redirects from special page.\n'
                             % len(redir_names))
            for redir_name in redir_names:
                yield redir_name
            # retrieve information from XML dump
                u'Getting a list of all redirects and of all page titles...')
            redirs, pageTitles = self.get_redirects_from_dump(
            for key, value in redirs.iteritems():
                if value not in pageTitles:
                    yield key
    def retrieve_double_redirects(self):
        if self.use_api:
            mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
            count = 0
            for (pagetitle, type, target, final) in self.get_redirects_via_api(
                                         namespaces = self.namespaces,
                                         site = mysite, start = self.api_start,
                                         until = self.api_until, maxlen = 2):
                if type != 0 and type != 1:
                    yield pagetitle
                    if self.api_number:
                        count += 1
                        if count >= self.api_number:
        elif self.xmlFilename == None:
            if self.use_move_log:
                for redir_page in self.get_moved_pages_redirects():
                    yield redir_page.title()
            mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
            # retrieve information from the live wiki's maintenance page
            # double redirect maintenance page's URL
#            wikipedia.config.special_page_limit = 1000
            path = mysite.double_redirects_address(default_limit = False)
            wikipedia.output(u'Retrieving special page...')
            maintenance_txt = mysite.getUrl(path)
            # regular expression which finds redirects which point to
            # another redirect inside the HTML
            Rredir = re.compile('\<li\>\<a href=".+?" title="(.*?)"')
            redir_names = Rredir.findall(maintenance_txt)
            wikipedia.output(u'Retrieved %i redirects from special page.\n'
                             % len(redir_names))
            for redir_name in redir_names:
                yield redir_name
            redict = self.get_redirects_from_dump()
            num = 0
            for key, value in redict.iteritems():
                num += 1
                # check if the value - that is, the redirect target - is a
                # redirect as well
                if num > self.offset and value in redict:
                    yield key
                    wikipedia.output(u'\nChecking redirect %i of %i...'
                                     % (num + 1, len(redict)))
    # /wiki/
    wiki = re.escape(wikipedia.getSite().nice_get_address(''))
    # /w/index.php
    index = re.escape(wikipedia.getSite().path())
    move_regex = re.compile(
        r'moved <a href.*?>(.*?)</a> to <a href=.*?>.*?</a>.*?</li>'
    def get_moved_pages_redirects(self):
        '''generate redirects to recently-moved pages'''
        # this will run forever, until user interrupts it
        import datetime
        if self.offset <= 0:
            self.offset = 1
        offsetpattern = re.compile(
r"""\(<a href="/w/index\.php\?title=Special:Log&amp;offset=(\d+)&amp;limit=500&amp;type=move" title="Special:Log" rel="next">older 500</a>\)""")
        start = datetime.datetime.utcnow() \
                - datetime.timedelta(0, self.offset*3600)
        # self.offset hours ago
        offset_time = start.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        site = wikipedia.getSite()
        while True:
            move_url = \
                site.path() + "?title=Special:Log&limit=500&offset=%s&type=move"\
                       % offset_time
                move_list = site.getUrl(move_url)
                if wikipedia.verbose:
                    wikipedia.output(u"[%s]" % offset_time)
                import traceback
            g = self.move_regex.findall(move_list)
            if wikipedia.verbose:
                wikipedia.output(u"%s moved pages" % len(g))
            for moved_title in g:
                moved_page = wikipedia.Page(site, moved_title)
                if not moved_page.isRedirectPage():
                # moved_page is now a redirect, so any redirects pointing
                # to it need to be changed
                    for page in moved_page.getReferences(follow_redirects=True,
                        yield page
                except wikipedia.NoPage:
                    # original title must have been deleted after move
            m = offsetpattern.search(move_list)
            if not m:
            offset_time = m.group(1)
class RedirectRobot:
    def __init__(self, action, generator, always=False, number=None):
        self.action = action
        self.generator = generator
        self.always = always
        self.number = number
        self.exiting = False
    def prompt(self, question):
        if not self.always:
            choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(question, ['Yes', 'No', 'All', 'Quit'],
                                           ['y', 'N', 'a', 'q'], 'N')
            if choice == 'n':
                return False
            elif choice == 'q':
                self.exiting = True
                return False
            elif choice == 'a':
                self.always = True
        return True
    def delete_broken_redirects(self):
        mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
        # get reason for deletion text
        reason = wikipedia.translate(mysite, reason_broken)
        for redir_name in self.generator.retrieve_broken_redirects():
            self.delete_1_broken_redirect(mysite, redir_name, reason)
            if self.exiting:
    def delete_1_broken_redirect(self, mysite, redir_name, reason):
            redir_page = wikipedia.Page(mysite, redir_name)
            # Show the title of the page we're working on.
            # Highlight the title in purple.
            wikipedia.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
                             % redir_page.title())
                targetPage = redir_page.getRedirectTarget()
            except wikipedia.IsNotRedirectPage:
                wikipedia.output(u'%s is not a redirect.' % redir_page.title())
            except wikipedia.NoPage:
                wikipedia.output(u'%s doesn\'t exist.' % redir_page.title())
                except wikipedia.NoPage:
                    if self.prompt(u'Redirect target %s does not exist. Do you want to delete %s?'
                                   % (targetPage.aslink(), redir_page.aslink())):
                            if len(redir_page.getVersionHistory())==1:
                                redir_page.delete(reason+' to [[%s]] per [[Wikipedia:CSD#G8|CSD G8]]' % targetPage.title(), prompt = False)
                                wikipedia.output("Page has more than one revision, tagging for CSD...")
                                content = redir_page.get(get_redirect=True)
                                content = wikipedia.translate(targetPage.site().lang,sd_template)+"\n"+content
                                summary = wikipedia.translate(targetPage.site().lang,sd_tagging_sum)
                                redir_page.put(content, summary)
                        except wikipedia.NoUsername:
                            if targetPage.site().lang in sd_template and targetPage.site().lang in sd_tagging_sum:
                                wikipedia.output("No sysop in user-config.py, put page to speedy deletion.")
                                content = redir_page.get(get_redirect=True)
                                content = wikipedia.translate(targetPage.site().lang,sd_template)+"\n"+content
                                summary = wikipedia.translate(targetPage.site().lang,sd_tagging_sum)
                                redir_page.put(content, summary)
                except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
            u'Redirect target %s is also a redirect! Won\'t delete anything.' % targetPage.aslink())
                    #we successfully get the target page, meaning that
                    #it exists and is not a redirect: no reason to touch it.
            u'Redirect target %s does exist! Won\'t delete anything.' % targetPage.aslink())
    def fix_double_redirects(self):
        mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
        summary = wikipedia.translate(mysite, msg_double)
        for redir_name in self.generator.retrieve_double_redirects():
            self.fix_1_double_redirect(mysite, redir_name, summary)
            if self.exiting:
    def fix_1_double_redirect(self, mysite, redir_name, summary):
            redir = wikipedia.Page(mysite, redir_name)
            # Show the title of the page we're working on.
            # Highlight the title in purple.
            wikipedia.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
                             % redir.title())
            newRedir = redir
            redirList = []  # bookkeeping to detect loops
            while True:
                redirList.append(u'%s:%s' % (newRedir.site().lang,
                    targetPage = newRedir.getRedirectTarget()
                except wikipedia.IsNotRedirectPage:
                    if len(redirList) == 1:
                        wikipedia.output(u'Skipping: Page %s is not a redirect.'
                                         % redir.aslink())
                        break  #do nothing
                    elif len(redirList) == 2:
                            u'Skipping: Redirect target %s is not a redirect.'
                            % newRedir.aslink())
                        break  # do nothing
                except wikipedia.SectionError:
                        u'Warning: Redirect target section %s doesn\'t exist.'
                          % newRedir.aslink())
                except wikipedia.BadTitle, e:
                    # str(e) is in the format 'BadTitle: [[Foo]]'
                        u'Warning: Redirect target %s is not a valid page title.'
                          % str(e)[10:])
                except wikipedia.NoPage:
                    if len(redirList) == 1:
                        wikipedia.output(u'Skipping: Page %s does not exist.'
                                            % redir.aslink())
                            u"Warning: Redirect target %s doesn't exist."
                            % newRedir.aslink())
                        u'   Links to: %s.'
                          % targetPage.aslink())
                    if targetPage.site() != mysite:
                        u'Warning: redirect target (%s) is on a different site.'
                             % (targetPage.aslink()))
                        if self.always:
                            break  # skip if automatic
                    # watch out for redirect loops
                    if redirList.count(u'%s:%s'
                                       % (targetPage.site().lang,
                                      ) > 0:
                           u'Warning: Redirect target %s forms a redirect loop.'
                              % targetPage.aslink())
                            content = targetPage.get(get_redirect=True)
                        except wikipedia.SectionError:
                            content = wikipedia.Page(
                        if targetPage.site().lang in sd_template \
                                and targetPage.site().lang in sd_tagging_sum:
                            wikipedia.output(u"Tagging redirect for deletion")
                            # Delete the two redirects
                            content = wikipedia.translate(targetPage.site().lang,
                            summary = wikipedia.translate(targetPage.site().lang,
                            targetPage.put(content, summary)
                            redir.put(content, summary)
                            break # TODO Better implement loop redirect
                        newRedir = targetPage
                        continue #
                oldText = redir.get(get_redirect=True)
                text = mysite.redirectRegex().sub(
                        '#%s %s' %
                            (mysite.redirect( True ),
                if text == oldText:
                wikipedia.showDiff(oldText, text)
                if self.prompt(u'Do you want to accept the changes?'):
                    except wikipedia.LockedPage:
                        wikipedia.output(u'%s is locked.' % redir.title())
                    except wikipedia.SpamfilterError, error:
u"Saving page [[%s]] prevented by spam filter: %s"
                                % (redir.title(), error.url))
                    except wikipedia.PageNotSaved, error:
                        wikipedia.output(u"Saving page [[%s]] failed: %s"
                            % (redir.title(), error))
                    except wikipedia.NoUsername:
u"Page [[%s]] not saved; sysop privileges required."
                                % redir.title())
                    except wikipedia.Error, error:
u"Unexpected error occurred trying to save [[%s]]: %s"
                                % (redir.title(), error))
    def fix_double_or_delete_broken_redirects(self):
        # TODO: part of this should be moved to generator, the rest merged into self.run()
        mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
        # get reason for deletion text
        delete_reason = wikipedia.translate(mysite, reason_broken)
        double_summary = wikipedia.translate(mysite, msg_double)
        count = 0
        for (redir_name, code, target, final) in self.generator.get_redirects_via_api(
                                         namespaces = self.generator.namespaces,
                                         site = mysite, start = self.generator.api_start,
                                         until = self.generator.api_until, maxlen = 2):
            if code == 1:
            elif code == 0:
                self.delete_1_broken_redirect(mysite, redir_name, delete_reason)
                count += 1
                self.fix_1_double_redirect(mysite, redir_name, double_summary)
                count += 1
            # print ('%s .. %s' % (count, self.number))
            if self.exiting or ( self.number and count >= self.number ):
    def run(self):
        # TODO: make all generators return a redicet type indicator,
        #        thus make them usabile with 'both'
        if self.action == 'double':
            # get summary text
                wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg_double))
        elif self.action == 'broken':
        elif self.action == 'both':
def main(*args):
    # read command line parameters
    # what the bot should do (either resolve double redirs, or delete broken
    # redirs)
    action = None
    # where the bot should get his infos from (either None to load the
    # maintenance special page from the live wiki, or the filename of a
    # local XML dump file)
    xmlFilename = None
    # Which namespace should be processed when using a XML dump
    # default to -1 which means all namespaces will be processed
    namespaces = []
    # at which redirect shall we start searching double redirects again
    # (only with dump); default to -1 which means all redirects are checked
    offset = -1
    moved_pages = False
    api = False
    start = ''
    until = ''
    number = None
    always = False
    for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs(*args):
        if arg == 'double':
            action = 'double'
        elif arg == 'broken':
            action = 'broken'
        elif arg == 'both':
            action = 'both'
        elif arg == '-api':
            api = True
        elif arg.startswith('-xml'):
            if len(arg) == 4:
                xmlFilename = wikipedia.input(
                                u'Please enter the XML dump\'s filename: ')
                xmlFilename = arg[5:]
        elif arg.startswith('-moves'):
            moved_pages = True
        elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
            ns = arg[11:]
            if ns == '':
        ## "-namespace:" does NOT yield -namespace:0 further down the road!
                ns = wikipedia.input(
                                u'Please enter a namespace by its number: ')
#                                u'Please enter a namespace by its name or number: ')  TODO! at least for some generators.
            if ns == '':
               ns = '0'
                ns = int(ns)
            except ValueError:
#-namespace:all Process all namespaces. Works only with the API read interface.
#-namespace:all Process all namespaces. Works only with the API read interface.
            if not ns in namespaces:
        elif arg.startswith('-offset:'):
            offset = int(arg[8:])
        elif arg.startswith('-start:'):
            start = arg[7:]
        elif arg.startswith('-until:'):
            until = arg[7:]
        elif arg.startswith('-number:'):
            number = int(arg[8:])
        elif arg == '-always':
            always = True
            wikipedia.output(u'Unknown argument: %s' % arg)
    if not action or (api and moved_pages) or (xmlFilename and moved_pages) or (api and xmlFilename):
        gen = RedirectGenerator(xmlFilename, namespaces, offset, moved_pages, api, start, until, number)
        bot = RedirectRobot(action, gen, always, number)
if __name__ == '__main__':