(function($) {
setTimeout( () => {
HTMLFormElement.prototype.getUnchecked = function( name, type ) {
var elements = this.elements[name];
if( !elements ) {
// if the element doesn't exists, return null.
return null;
var return_array = [];
var i;
if( elements instanceof HTMLSelectElement ) {
var options = elements.options;
for( i = 0; i < options.length; ++i ) {
if( !options[i].selected ) {
if( options[i].values ) {
return_array.push( options[i].values );
} else {
return_array.push( options[i].value );
} else if( elements instanceof HTMLInputElement ) {
if( type && elements.type !== type ) {
return [];
} else if( !elements.checked ) {
return [ elements.value ];
} else {
for( i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i ) {
if( !elements[i].checked ) {
if( type && elements[i].type !== type ) {
if( elements[i].values ) {
return_array.push( elements[i].values );
} else {
return_array.push( elements[i].value );
return return_array;
Morebits.pageNameRegex = function(pageName) {
return '[' + pageName[0].toUpperCase() + pageName[0].toLowerCase() + ']' + pageName.slice(1);
*** friendlytag.js: Tag module
* Mode of invocation: Tab ("Tag")
* Active on: Existing articles and drafts; file pages with a corresponding file
* which is local (not on Commons); all redirects
* Config directives in: FriendlyConfig
Twinkle.tag = function friendlytag() {
// redirect tagging
if( Morebits.wiki.isPageRedirect() ) {
Twinkle.tag.mode = 'redirect';
Twinkle.addPortletLink( Twinkle.tag.callback, "Tag", "friendly-tag", "Tag redirect" );
// file tagging
else if( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 && !document.getElementById("mw-sharedupload") && document.getElementById("mw-imagepage-section-filehistory") ) {
Twinkle.tag.mode = 'file';
Twinkle.addPortletLink( Twinkle.tag.callback, "Tag", "friendly-tag", "Add maintenance tags to file" );
// article/draft article tagging
else if( [0, 118, 2].indexOf(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')) !== -1 && mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') ) {
Twinkle.tag.mode = 'article';
// Can't remove tags when not viewing current version
Twinkle.tag.untaggable = (mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') === mw.config.get('wgRevisionId'));
Twinkle.addPortletLink( Twinkle.tag.callback, "Tag", "friendly-tag", "Add maintenance tags to article" );
Twinkle.tag.checkedTags = [];
Twinkle.tag.callback = function friendlytagCallback() {
var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow( 630, (Twinkle.tag.mode === "article") ? 500 : 400 );
Window.setScriptName( "Twinkle" );
// anyone got a good policy/guideline/info page/instructional page link??
Window.addFooterLink( "Twinkle help", "WP:TW/DOC#tag" );
var form = new Morebits.quickForm( Twinkle.tag.callback.evaluate );
if (document.getElementsByClassName("patrollink").length) {
form.append( {
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Mark the page as patrolled',
value: 'patrolPage',
name: 'patrolPage',
checked: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('markTaggedPagesAsPatrolled')
} );
switch( Twinkle.tag.mode ) {
case 'article':
Window.setTitle( "Article maintenance tagging" );
type: 'select',
name: 'sortorder',
label: 'View this list:',
tooltip: 'You can change the default view order in your Twinkle preferences (WP:TWPREFS).',
event: Twinkle.tag.updateSortOrder,
list: [
{ type: 'option', value: 'cat', label: 'By categories', selected: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('tagArticleSortOrder') === 'cat' },
{ type: 'option', value: 'alpha', label: 'In alphabetical order', selected: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('tagArticleSortOrder') === 'alpha' }
if(! Twinkle.tag.untaggable) {
var divElement = document.createElement('div');
divElement.innerHTML = 'For removal of existing tags, please open Tag menu from the current version of article';
type: 'div',
name: 'untagnotice',
label: divElement
type: 'div',
id: 'tagWorkArea',
className: 'morebits-scrollbox',
style: 'max-height: 28em'
form.append( {
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Group inside {{multiple issues}} if possible',
value: 'group',
name: 'group',
tooltip: 'If applying two or more templates supported by {{multiple issues}} and this box is checked, all supported templates will be grouped inside a {{multiple issues}} template.',
checked: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('groupByDefault')
case 'file':
Window.setTitle( "File maintenance tagging" );
form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'License and sourcing problem tags' });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.tag.file.licenseList } );
form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Wikimedia Commons-related tags' });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.tag.file.commonsList } );
form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Cleanup tags' } );
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.tag.file.cleanupList } );
form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Image quality tags' } );
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.tag.file.qualityList } );
form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Replacement tags' });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.tag.file.replacementList } );
if (Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customFileTagList').length) {
form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Custom tags' });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customFileTagList') });
case 'redirect':
Window.setTitle( "Redirect tagging" );
form.append({ type: 'header', label:'Spelling, misspelling, tense and capitalization templates' });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'redirectTags', list: Twinkle.tag.spellingList });
form.append({ type: 'header', label:'Alternative name templates' });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'redirectTags', list: Twinkle.tag.alternativeList });
form.append({ type: 'header', label:'Miscellaneous and administrative redirect templates' });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'redirectTags', list: Twinkle.tag.administrativeList });
if (Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customRedirectTagList').length) {
form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Custom tags' });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'redirectTags', list: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customRedirectTagList') });
alert("Twinkle.tag: unknown mode " + Twinkle.tag.mode);
form.append( { type:'submit' } );
var result = form.render();
Window.setContent( result );
if (Twinkle.tag.mode === "article") {
Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags = [];
if (Twinkle.tag.untaggable) {
// Look for existing maintenance tags in the lead section and put them in array
// All tags are HTML table elements that are direct children of .mw-parser-output,
// except when they are within {{multiple issues}}
$('.mw-parser-output').children().each( function parsehtml(i,e) {
// break out on encountering the first heading, which means we are no
// longer in the lead section
if(e.tagName === 'H2')
return false;
// All tags have their first class name beginning with "box-"
if(e.className.indexOf('box-') === 0) {
if(e.classList[0] === 'box-Multiple_issues') {
$(e).find('.ambox').each(function(idx, e) {
var tag = e.classList[0].slice(4).replace(/_/g,' ');
return true; // continue
var tag = e.classList[0].slice(4).replace(/_/g,' ');
} );
// {{Uncategorized}} and {{Improve categories}} are usually placed at the end
if($(".box-Uncategorized").length) {
if($(".box-Improve_categories").length) {
Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.push('Improve categories');
// fake a change event on the sort dropdown, to initialize the tag list
var evt = document.createEvent("Event");
evt.initEvent("change", true, true);
} else {
// Redirects and files: Add a link to each template's description page
Morebits.quickForm.getElements(result, Twinkle.tag.mode + "Tags").forEach(generateLinks);
Twinkle.tag.updateSortOrder = function(e) {
var sortorder = e.target.value;
Twinkle.tag.checkedTags = e.target.form.getChecked("articleTags");
if (!Twinkle.tag.checkedTags) {
Twinkle.tag.checkedTags = [];
var container = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: "fragment" });
// function to generate a checkbox, with appropriate subgroup if needed
var makeCheckbox = function(tag, description) {
var checkbox = { value: tag, label: "{{" + tag + "}}: " + description };
if (Twinkle.tag.checkedTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {
checkbox.checked = true;
switch (tag) {
case "Cleanup":
checkbox.subgroup = {
name: 'cleanup',
type: 'input',
label: 'Specific reason why cleanup is needed: ',
tooltip: 'Required.',
size: 35
case "Close paraphrasing":
checkbox.subgroup = {
name: 'closeParaphrasing',
type: 'input',
label: 'Source: ',
tooltip: 'Source that has been closely paraphrased'
case "Copy edit":
checkbox.subgroup = {
name: 'copyEdit',
type: 'input',
label: '"This article may require copy editing for..." ',
tooltip: 'e.g. "consistent spelling". Optional.',
size: 35
case "Copypaste":
checkbox.subgroup = {
name: 'copypaste',
type: 'input',
label: 'Source URL: ',
tooltip: 'If known.',
size: 50
case "Expand language":
checkbox.subgroup = [ {
name: 'expandLanguageLangCode',
type: 'input',
label: 'Language code: ',
tooltip: 'Language code of the language from which article is to be expanded from'
}, {
name: 'expandLanguageArticle',
type: 'input',
label: 'Name of article: ',
tooltip: 'Name of article to be expanded from, without the interwiki prefix'
case "Expert needed":
checkbox.subgroup = [
name: 'expertNeeded',
type: 'input',
label: 'Name of relevant WikiProject: ',
tooltip: 'Optionally, enter the name of a WikiProject which might be able to help recruit an expert. Don\'t include the "WikiProject" prefix.'
name: 'expertNeededReason',
type: 'input',
label: 'Reason: ',
tooltip: 'Short explanation describing the issue. Either Reason or Talk link is required.'
name: 'expertNeededTalk',
type: 'input',
label: 'Talk discussion: ',
tooltip: 'Name of the section of this article\'s talk page where the issue is being discussed. Do not give a link, just the name of the section. Either Reason or Talk link is required.'
case "Globalize":
checkbox.subgroup = {
name: 'globalize',
type: 'select',
list: [
{ label: "{{globalize}}: article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject", value: "globalize" },
label: "Region-specific {{globalize}} subtemplates",
list: [
{ label: "{{globalize/Australia}}: article deals primarily with the Australian viewpoint", value: "globalize/Australia" },
{ label: "{{globalize/Canada}}: article deals primarily with the Canadian viewpoint", value: "globalize/Canada" },
{ label: "{{globalize/China}}: article deals primarily with the Chinese viewpoint", value: "globalize/China" },
{ label: "{{globalize/Common law}}: article deals primarily with the viewpoint of common law countries", value: "globalize/Common law" },
{ label: "{{globalize/Eng}}: article deals primarily with the English-speaking viewpoint", value: "globalize/Eng" },
{ label: "{{globalize/Europe}}: article deals primarily with the European viewpoint", value: "globalize/Europe" },
{ label: "{{globalize/France}}: article deals primarily with the French viewpoint", value: "globalize/France" },
{ label: "{{globalize/Germany}}: article deals primarily with the German viewpoint", value: "globalize/Germany" },
{ label: "{{globalize/India}}: article deals primarily with the Indian viewpoint", value: "globalize/India" },
{ label: "{{globalize/Middle East}}: article deals primarily with the Middle Eastern viewpoint", value: "globalize/Middle East" },
{ label: "{{globalize/North America}}: article deals primarily with the North American viewpoint", value: "globalize/North America" },
{ label: "{{globalize/Northern}}: article deals primarily with the northern hemisphere viewpoint", value: "globalize/Northern" },
{ label: "{{globalize/Southern}}: article deals primarily with the southern hemisphere viewpoint", value: "globalize/Southern" },
{ label: "{{globalize/South Africa}}: article deals primarily with the South African viewpoint", value: "globalize/South Africa" },
{ label: "{{globalize/UK}}: article deals primarily with the British viewpoint", value: "globalize/UK" },
{ label: "{{globalize/UK and Canada}}: article deals primarily with the British and Canadian viewpoints", value: "globalize/UK and Canada" },
{ label: "{{globalize/US}}: article deals primarily with the USA viewpoint", value: "globalize/US" },
{ label: "{{globalize/West}}: article deals primarily with the viewpoint of Western countries", value: "globalize/West" }
case "History merge":
checkbox.subgroup = [
name: 'histmergeOriginalPage',
type: 'input',
label: 'Other article: ',
tooltip: 'Name of the page that should be merged into this one (required).'
name: 'histmergeReason',
type: 'input',
label: 'Reason: ',
tooltip: 'Short explanation describing the reason a history merge is needed. Should probably begin with "because" and end with a period.'
name: 'histmergeSysopDetails',
type: 'input',
label: 'Extra details: ',
tooltip: 'For complex cases, provide extra instructions for the reviewing administrator.'
case "Merge":
case "Merge from":
case "Merge to":
var otherTagName = "merge";
switch (tag)
case "Merge from":
otherTagName = "merge to";
case "Merge to":
otherTagName = "merge from";
checkbox.subgroup = [
name: 'mergeTarget',
type: 'input',
label: 'Other article(s): ',
tooltip: 'If specifying multiple articles, separate them with pipe characters: Article one|Article two'
name: 'mergeTagOther',
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Tag the other article with a {{' + otherTagName + '}} tag',
checked: true,
tooltip: 'Only available if a single article name is entered.'
if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0) {
name: 'mergeReason',
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Rationale for merge (will be posted on ' +
(tag === "merge to" ? 'the other article\'s' : 'this article\'s') + ' talk page):',
tooltip: 'Optional, but strongly recommended. Leave blank if not wanted. Only available if a single article name is entered.'
case "Not English":
case "Rough translation":
checkbox.subgroup = [
name: 'translationLanguage',
type: 'input',
label: 'Language of article (if known): ',
tooltip: 'Consider looking at [[WP:LRC]] for help. If listing the article at PNT, please try to avoid leaving this box blank, unless you are completely unsure.'
if (tag === "not English") {
name: 'translationNotify',
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Notify article creator',
checked: true,
tooltip: "Places {{uw-notenglish}} on the creator's talk page."
name: 'translationPostAtPNT',
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'List this article at Wikipedia:Pages needing translation into English (PNT)',
checked: true
name: 'translationComments',
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Additional comments to post at PNT',
tooltip: 'Optional, and only relevant if "List this article ..." above is checked.'
case "Notability":
checkbox.subgroup = {
name: 'notability',
type: 'select',
list: [
{ label: "{{notability}}: article's subject may not meet the general notability guideline", value: "none" },
{ label: "{{notability|Academics}}: notability guideline for academics", value: "Academics" },
{ label: "{{notability|Biographies}}: notability guideline for biographies", value: "Biographies" },
{ label: "{{notability|Books}}: notability guideline for books", value: "Books" },
{ label: "{{notability|Companies}}: notability guidelines for companies and organizations", value: "Companies" },
{ label: "{{notability|Events}}: notability guideline for events", value: "Events" },
{ label: "{{notability|Films}}: notability guideline for films", value: "Films" },
{ label: "{{notability|Places}}: notability guideline for places", value: "Places" },
{ label: "{{notability|Music}}: notability guideline for music", value: "Music" },
{ label: "{{notability|Neologisms}}: notability guideline for neologisms", value: "Neologisms" },
{ label: "{{notability|Numbers}}: notability guideline for numbers", value: "Numbers" },
{ label: "{{notability|Products}}: notability guideline for products and services", value: "Products" },
{ label: "{{notability|Sport}}: notability guideline for sports and athletics", value: "Sport" },
{ label: "{{notability|Television}}: notability guideline for television shows", value: "Television" },
{ label: "{{notability|Web}}: notability guideline for web content", value: "Web" }
return checkbox;
if(Twinkle.tag.untaggable) {
var generateAlreadyPresentTagsCheckboxes = function() {
container.append({ type: "header", id: "tagHeader0", label: "Tags already present" });
var subdiv = container.append({ type: "div", id: "tagSubdiv0" });
var checkboxes = [];
Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.forEach( function(tag) {
var description = Twinkle.tag.article.tags[tag];
var checkbox =
value: tag,
label: "{{" + tag + "}}" + ( description ? (": " + description) : ""),
checked: true
//, subgroup: { type: 'input', name: 'removeReason', label: 'Reason', tooltip: 'Enter reason for removing this tag' }
// TODO: add option for providing reason for removal
} );
type: "checkbox",
name: "alreadyPresentArticleTags",
list: checkboxes
// categorical sort order
if (sortorder === "cat") {
// function to iterate through the tags and create a checkbox for each one
var doCategoryCheckboxes = function(subdiv, array) {
var checkboxes = [];
$.each(array, function(k, tag) {
var description = Twinkle.tag.article.tags[tag];
if (Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.indexOf(tag) === -1) {
checkboxes.push(makeCheckbox(tag, description));
type: "checkbox",
name: "articleTags",
list: checkboxes
if(Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.length > 0) {
var i = 1;
// go through each category and sub-category and append lists of checkboxes
$.each(Twinkle.tag.article.tagCategories, function(title, content) {
container.append({ type: "header", id: "tagHeader" + i, label: title });
var subdiv = container.append({ type: "div", id: "tagSubdiv" + i++ });
if (Array.isArray(content)) {
doCategoryCheckboxes(subdiv, content);
} else {
$.each(content, function(subtitle, subcontent) {
subdiv.append({ type: "div", label: [ Morebits.htmlNode("b", subtitle) ] });
doCategoryCheckboxes(subdiv, subcontent);
// alphabetical sort order
else {
if(Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.length > 0) {
container.append({ type: "header", id: "tagHeader1", label: "Available tags" });
var checkboxes = [];
$.each(Twinkle.tag.article.tags, function(tag, description) {
if (Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.indexOf(tag) === -1) {
checkboxes.push(makeCheckbox(tag, description));
type: "checkbox",
name: "articleTags",
list: checkboxes
// append any custom tags
if (Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customTagList').length) {
container.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Custom tags' });
container.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'articleTags', list: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customTagList') });
var $workarea = $(e.target.form).find("div#tagWorkArea");
var rendered = container.render();
// style adjustments
$workarea.find("h5").css({ 'font-size': '110%' });
$workarea.find("h5:not(:first-child)").css({ 'margin-top': '1em' });
$workarea.find("div").filter(":has(span.quickformDescription)").css({ 'margin-top': '0.4em' });
Morebits.quickForm.getElements(e.target.form, "articleTags").forEach(generateLinks);
var alreadyPresentTags = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(e.target.form, "alreadyPresentArticleTags");
if(alreadyPresentTags) {
* Adds a link to each template's description page
* @param {Morebits.quickForm.element} checkbox associated with the template
var generateLinks = function(checkbox) {
var link = Morebits.htmlNode("a", ">");
link.setAttribute("class", "tag-template-link");
var tagname = checkbox.values;
link.setAttribute("href", mw.util.getUrl(
(tagname.indexOf(":") === -1 ? "Template:" : "") +
(tagname.indexOf("|") === -1 ? tagname : tagname.slice(0,tagname.indexOf("|")))
link.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
$(checkbox).parent().append(["\u00A0", link]);
// Tags for ARTICLES start here
Twinkle.tag.article = {};
// A list of all article tags, in alphabetical order
// To ensure tags appear in the default "categorized" view, add them to the tagCategories hash below.
Twinkle.tag.article.tags = {
"Advert": "article is written like an advertisement",
"All plot": "article is almost entirely a plot summary",
"Autobiography": "article is an autobiography and may not be written neutrally",
"BLP sources": "BLP article needs additional sources for verification",
"BLP unsourced": "BLP article has no sources at all (use BLP PROD instead for new articles)",
"Citation style": "article has unclear or inconsistent inline citations",
"Cleanup": "article may require cleanup",
"Cleanup bare URLs": "article uses bare URLs for references, which are prone to link rot",
"Cleanup-PR": "article reads like a press release or news release",
"Cleanup reorganize": "article may be in need of reorganization to comply with Wikipedia's layout guidelines",
"Cleanup rewrite": "article may need to be rewritten entirely to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards",
"Cleanup tense": "article is written in an incorrect tense",
"Close paraphrasing": "article contains close paraphrasing of a non-free copyrighted source",
"COI": "article creator or major contributor may have a conflict of interest",
"Condense": "article may have too many section headers dividing up its content",
"Confusing": "article may be confusing or unclear",
"Context": "article provides insufficient context",
"Copy edit": "article needs copy editing for grammar, style, cohesion, tone, and/or spelling",
"Copypaste": "article appears to have been copied and pasted from a source",
"Current": "article documents a current event",
"Disputed": "article has questionable factual accuracy",
"Essay-like": "article is written like a personal reflection or opinion essay",
"Expand language": "article can be expanded with material from a foreign-language Wikipedia",
"Expert needed": "article needs attention from an expert on the subject",
"External links": "article's external links may not follow content policies or guidelines",
"Fanpov": "article may be written from a fan's point of view",
"Fiction": "article fails to distinguish between fact and fiction",
"Globalize": "article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject",
"GOCEinuse": "article is currently undergoing a major copy edit by the Guild of Copy Editors",
"History merge": "another page should be history merged into this one",
"Hoax": "article may be a complete hoax",
"Improve categories": "article may require additional categories",
"Incomprehensible": "article is very hard to understand or incomprehensible",
"In-universe": "article subject is fictional and needs rewriting from a non-fictional perspective",
"In use": "article is undergoing a major edit for a short while",
"Lead missing": "article has no lead section and one should be written",
"Lead rewrite": "article lead section needs to be rewritten to comply with guidelines",
"Lead too long": "article lead section is too long and should be shortened",
"Lead too short": "article lead section is too short and should be expanded",
"Like resume": "article is written like a resume",
"Long plot": "plot summary in article is too long",
"Manual": "article is written like a manual or guidebook",
"Merge": "article should be merged with another given article",
"Merge from": "another given article should be merged into this one",
"Merge to": "article should be merged into another given article",
"More citations needed": "article needs additional references or sources for verification",
"More footnotes": "article has some references, but insufficient in-text citations",
"No footnotes": "article has references, but no in-text citations",
"No plot": "article is missing a plot summary",
"Non-free": "article may contain excessive or improper use of copyrighted materials",
"Notability": "article's subject may not meet the notability guideline",
"Not English": "article is written in a language other than English and needs translation",
"One source": "article relies largely or entirely upon a single source",
"Original research": "article has original research or unverified claims",
"Orphan": "article is linked to from no other articles",
"Over-coverage": "article has an extensive bias or disproportional coverage towards one or more specific regions",
"Overlinked": "article may have too many duplicate and/or irrelevant links",
"Overly detailed": "article contains an excessive amount of intricate detail",
"Over-quotation": "article contains too many or too-lengthy quotations for an encyclopedic entry",
"Peacock": "article may contain peacock terms that promote the subject without adding information",
"POV": "article does not maintain a neutral point of view",
"Primary sources": "article relies too heavily on primary sources, and needs secondary sources",
"Prose": "article is in a list format that may be better presented using prose",
"Recentism": "article is slanted towards recent events",
"Rough translation": "article is poorly translated and needs cleanup",
"Sections": "article needs to be broken into sections",
"Self-published": "article may contain improper references to self-published sources",
"Technical": "article may be too technical for the uninitiated reader",
"Third-party": "article relies too heavily on affiliated sources, and needs third-party sources",
"Tone": "tone of article is not appropriate",
"Too few opinions": "article may not include all significant viewpoints",
"Uncategorized": "article is uncategorized",
"Under construction": "article is currently in the middle of an expansion or major revamping",
"Underlinked": "article may require additional wikilinks",
"Undue weight": "article lends undue weight to certain ideas, incidents, or controversies",
"Unfocused": "article lacks focus or is about more than one topic",
"Unreferenced": "article has no references at all",
"Unreliable sources": "article's references may not be reliable sources",
"Undisclosed paid": "article may have been created or edited in return for undisclosed payments",
"Update": "article needs additional up-to-date information added",
"Very long": "article is too long",
"Weasel": "article neutrality is compromised by the use of weasel words"
// A list of tags in order of category
// Tags should be in alphabetical order within the categories
// Add new categories with discretion - the list is long enough as is!
Twinkle.tag.article.tagCategories = {
"Cleanup and maintenance tags": {
"General cleanup": [
"Cleanup", // has a subgroup with text input
"Cleanup rewrite",
"Copy edit" // has a subgroup with text input
"Potentially unwanted content": [
"Close paraphrasing",
"Copypaste", // has a subgroup with text input
"External links",
"Structure, formatting, and lead section": [
"Cleanup reorganize",
"Lead missing",
"Lead rewrite",
"Lead too long",
"Lead too short",
"Very long"
"Fiction-related cleanup": [
"All plot",
"Long plot",
"No plot"
"General content issues": {
"Importance and notability": [
"Notability" // has a subgroup with subcategories
"Style of writing": [
"Cleanup tense",
"Like resume",
"Sense (or lack thereof)": [
"Information and detail": [
"Expert needed",
"Overly detailed",
"Undue weight"
"Timeliness": [
"Neutrality, bias, and factual accuracy": [
"Globalize", // has a subgroup with subcategories
"Too few opinions",
"Undisclosed paid",
"Verifiability and sources": [
"BLP sources",
"BLP unsourced",
"More citations needed",
"One source",
"Original research",
"Primary sources",
"Unreliable sources"
"Specific content issues": {
"Language": [
"Not English", // has a subgroup with several options
"Rough translation", // has a subgroup with several options
"Expand language"
"Links": [
"Referencing technique": [
"Citation style",
"Cleanup bare URLs",
"More footnotes",
"No footnotes"
"Categories": [
"Improve categories",
"Merging": [
"History merge",
"Merge", // these three have a subgroup with several options
"Merge from",
"Merge to"
"Informational": [
"In use",
"Under construction"
// Tags for REDIRECTS start here
Twinkle.tag.spellingList = [
label: '{{R from acronym}}: redirect from an acronym (e.g. POTUS) to its expanded form',
value: 'R from acronym'
label: '{{R from alternative spelling}}: redirect from a title with a different spelling',
value: 'R from alternative spelling'
label: '{{R from initialism}}: redirect from an initialism (e.g. AGF) to its expanded form',
value: 'R from initialism'
label: '{{R from member}}: redirect from a member of a group to a related topic such as the group, organization, or team of membership',
value: 'R from member'
label: '{{R from misspelling}}: redirect from a misspelling or typographical error',
value: 'R from misspelling'
label: '{{R from other capitalisation}}: redirect from a title with another method of capitalisation',
value: 'R from other capitalisation'
label: '{{R from plural}}: redirect from a plural word to the singular equivalent',
value: 'R from plural'
label: '{{R from related word}}: redirect from a related word',
value: 'R from related word'
label: '{{R to list entry}}: redirect to a "list of minor entities"-type article which contains brief descriptions of subjects not notable enough to have separate articles',
value: 'R to list entry'
label: '{{R to section}}: similar to {{R to list entry}}, but when list is organized in sections, such as list of characters in a fictional universe.',
value: 'R to section'
label: '{{R with possibilities}}: redirect from a more specific title to a more general, less detailed article, hence something which can and should be expanded',
value: 'R with possibilities'
Twinkle.tag.alternativeList = [
label: '{{R from alternative language}}: redirect from an English name to a name in another language, or vice-versa',
value: 'R from alternative language',
subgroup : [
name: 'altLangFrom',
type: 'input',
label: 'From language (two-letter code): ',
tooltip: 'Enter the two-letter code of the language the redirect name is in; such as en for English, de for German'
name: 'altLangTo',
type: 'input',
label: 'To language (two-letter code): ',
tooltip: 'Enter the two-letter code of the language the target name is in; such as en for English, de for German'
name: 'altLangInfo',
type: 'div',
label: $.parseHTML('<p>For a list of language codes, see <a href="/wiki/Wp:Template_messages/Redirect_language_codes">Wikipedia:Template messages/Redirect language codes</a></p>')
label: '{{R from alternative name}}: redirect from a title that is another name, a pseudonym, a nickname, or a synonym',
value: 'R from alternative name'
label: '{{R from ASCII}}: redirect from a title in basic ASCII to the formal article title, with differences that are not diacritical marks (accents, umlauts, etc.)',
value: 'R from ASCII'
label: '{{R from historic name}}: redirect from another name with a significant historic past as a region, state, city or such, but which is no longer known by that title or name',
value: 'R from historic name'
label: '{{R from incorrect name}}: redirect from an erroneus name that is unsuitable as a title',
value: 'R from incorrect name'
label: '{{R from long name}}: redirect from a title that is a complete or more complete name',
value: 'R from long name'
label: '{{R from name and country}}: redirect from the specific name to the briefer name',
value: 'R from name and country'
label: '{{R from phrase}}: redirect from a phrase to a more general relevant article covering the topic',
value: 'R from phrase'
label: '{{R from scientific name}}: redirect from the scientific name to the common name',
value: 'R from scientific name'
label: '{{R from surname}}: redirect from a title that is a surname',
value: 'R from surname'
label: '{{R to diacritics}}: redirect to the article title with diacritical marks (accents, umlauts, etc.)',
value: 'R to diacritics'
label: '{{R to scientific name}}: redirect from the common name to the scientific name',
value: 'R to scientific name'
Twinkle.tag.administrativeList = [
label: '{{R from CamelCase}}: redirect from a CamelCase title',
value: 'R from CamelCase'
label: '{{R from duplicated article}}: redirect to a similar article in order to preserve its edit history',
value: 'R from duplicated article'
label: '{{R from EXIF}}: redirect of a wikilink created from JPEG EXIF information (i.e. the "metadata" section on some image description pages)',
value: 'R from EXIF'
label: '{{R from merge}}: redirect from a merged page in order to preserve its edit history',
value: 'R from merge'
label: '{{R from school}}: redirect from a school article that had very little information',
value: 'R from school'
label: '{{R from shortcut}}: redirect from a Wikipedia shortcut',
value: 'R from shortcut'
label: '{{R to decade}}: redirect from a year to the decade article',
value: 'R to decade'
label: '{{R to disambiguation page}}: redirect to a disambiguation page',
value: 'R to disambiguation page'
// maintenance tags for FILES start here
Twinkle.tag.file = {};
Twinkle.tag.file.licenseList = [
{ label: '{{Bsr}}: source info consists of bare image URL/generic base URL only', value: 'Bsr' },
{ label: '{{Non-free reduce}}: non-low-resolution fair use image (or too-long audio clip, etc)', value: 'Non-free reduce' },
{ label: '{{Orphaned non-free revisions}}: fair use media with old revisions that need to be deleted', value: 'subst:orfurrev' }
Twinkle.tag.file.commonsList = [
{ label: '{{Copy to Commons}}: free media that should be copied to Commons', value: 'Copy to Commons' },
{ label: '{{Do not move to Commons}} (PD issue): file is PD in the US but not in country of origin', value: 'Do not move to Commons' },
{ label: '{{Do not move to Commons}} (other reason)',
value: 'Do not move to Commons_reason',
subgroup: {
type: 'input',
name: 'DoNotMoveToCommons',
label: 'Reason: ',
tooltip: 'Enter the reason why this image should not be moved to Commons (required)'
{ label: '{{Keep local}}: request to keep local copy of a Commons file',
value: 'Keep local',
subgroup: {
type: 'input',
name: 'keeplocalName',
label: 'Commons image name if different: ',
tooltip: 'Name of the image on Commons (if different from local name), excluding the File: prefix:'
{ label: '{{Now Commons}}: file has been copied to Commons',
value: 'subst:ncd',
subgroup: {
type: 'input',
name: 'ncdName',
label: 'Commons image name if different: ',
tooltip: 'Name of the image on Commons (if different from local name), excluding the File: prefix:'
Twinkle.tag.file.cleanupList = [
{ label: '{{Artifacts}}: PNG contains residual compression artifacts', value: 'Artifacts' },
{ label: '{{Bad font}}: SVG uses fonts not available on the thumbnail server', value: 'Bad font' },
{ label: '{{Bad format}}: PDF/DOC/... file should be converted to a more useful format', value: 'Bad format' },
{ label: '{{Bad GIF}}: GIF that should be PNG, JPEG, or SVG', value: 'Bad GIF' },
{ label: '{{Bad JPEG}}: JPEG that should be PNG or SVG', value: 'Bad JPEG' },
{ label: '{{Bad trace}}: auto-traced SVG requiring cleanup', value: 'Bad trace' },
{ label: '{{Cleanup image}}: general cleanup', value: 'Cleanup image',
subgroup: {
type: 'input',
name: 'cleanupimageReason',
label: 'Reason: ',
tooltip: 'Enter the reason for cleanup (required)'
{ label: '{{Cleanup SVG}}: SVG needing code and/or appearance cleanup', value: 'Cleanup SVG',
subgroup: {
type: 'input',
name: 'cleanupsvgReason',
label: 'Reason: ',
tooltip: 'Enter the reason for cleanup (required)'
{ label: '{{ClearType}}: image (not screenshot) with ClearType anti-aliasing', value: 'ClearType' },
{ label: '{{Imagewatermark}}: image contains visible or invisible watermarking', value: 'Imagewatermark' },
{ label: '{{NoCoins}}: image using coins to indicate scale', value: 'NoCoins' },
{ label: '{{Overcompressed JPEG}}: JPEG with high levels of artifacts', value: 'Overcompressed JPEG' },
{ label: '{{Opaque}}: opaque background should be transparent', value: 'Opaque' },
{ label: '{{Remove border}}: unneeded border, white space, etc.', value: 'Remove border' },
{ label: '{{Rename media}}: file should be renamed according to the criteria at [[WP:FMV]]',
value: 'Rename media',
subgroup: [
type: 'input',
name: 'renamemediaNewname',
label: 'New name: ',
tooltip: 'Enter the new name for the image (optional)'
type: 'input',
name: 'renamemediaReason',
label: 'Reason: ',
tooltip: 'Enter the reason for the rename (optional)'
{ label: '{{Should be PNG}}: GIF or JPEG should be lossless', value: 'Should be PNG' },
label: '{{Should be SVG}}: PNG, GIF or JPEG should be vector graphics', value: 'Should be SVG',
subgroup: {
name: 'svgCategory',
type: 'select',
list: [
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|other}}', value: 'other' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|alphabet}}: character images, font examples, etc.', value: 'alphabet' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|chemical}}: chemical diagrams, etc.', value: 'chemical' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|circuit}}: electronic circuit diagrams, etc.', value: 'circuit' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|coat of arms}}: coats of arms', value: 'coat of arms' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|diagram}}: diagrams that do not fit any other subcategory', value: 'diagram' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|emblem}}: emblems, free/libre logos, insignias, etc.', value: 'emblem' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|fair use}}: fair-use images, fair-use logos', value: 'fair use' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|flag}}: flags', value: 'flag' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|graph}}: visual plots of data', value: 'graph' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|logo}}: logos', value: 'logo' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|map}}: maps', value: 'map' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|music}}: musical scales, notes, etc.', value: 'music' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|physical}}: "realistic" images of physical objects, people, etc.', value: 'physical' },
{ label: '{{Should be SVG|symbol}}: miscellaneous symbols, icons, etc.', value: 'symbol' }
{ label: '{{Should be text}}: image should be represented as text, tables, or math markup', value: 'Should be text' }
Twinkle.tag.file.qualityList = [
{ label: '{{Image-blownout}}', value: 'Image-blownout' },
{ label: '{{Image-out-of-focus}}', value: 'Image-out-of-focus' },
{ label: '{{Image-Poor-Quality}}', value: 'Image-Poor-Quality',
subgroup: {
type: 'input',
name: 'ImagePoorQualityReason',
label: 'Reason: ',
tooltip: 'Enter the reason why this image is so bad (required)'
{ label: '{{Image-underexposure}}', value: 'Image-underexposure' },
{ label: '{{Low quality chem}}: disputed chemical structures', value: 'Low quality chem',
subgroup: {
type: 'input',
name: 'lowQualityChemReason',
label: 'Reason: ',
tooltip: 'Enter the reason why the diagram is disputed (required)'
Twinkle.tag.file.replacementList = [
{ label: '{{Duplicate}}: exact duplicate of another file, but not yet orphaned', value: 'Duplicate' },
{ label: '{{Obsolete}}: improved version available', value: 'Obsolete' },
{ label: '{{PNG version available}}', value: 'PNG version available' },
{ label: '{{Vector version available}}', value: 'Vector version available' }
Twinkle.tag.file.replacementList.forEach(function (el) {
el.subgroup = {
type: 'input',
label: 'Replacement file: ',
tooltip: 'Enter the name of the file which replaces this one (required)',
name: el.value.replace(/ /g,'_') + 'File'
// Contains those article tags that *do not* work inside {{multiple issues}}.
Twinkle.tag.multipleIssuesExceptions = [
'Expand language',
'History merge',
'Improve categories',
'In use',
'Merge from',
'Merge to',
'Not English',
'Rough translation',
'Under construction'
Twinkle.tag.callbacks = {
article: function articleCallback(pageobj) {
// Remove tags that become superfluous with this action
var pageText = pageobj.getPageText().replace(/\{\{\s*([Uu]serspace draft)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/g, "");
var summaryText;
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
* Saves the page following the removal of tags if any. The last step
var postRemoval = function() {
if(Twinkle.tag.untaggable && params.toRemove.length) {
// Finish summary text
summaryText += ' tag' + ( params.toRemove.length > 1 ? 's' : '') + ' from article';
// Remove empty {{multiple issues}} if found
pageText = pageText.replace(/\{\{(multiple ?issues|article ?issues|mi)\s*\|\s*\}\}\n?/im, '');
// Remove single-element {{multiple issues}} if found
pageText = pageText.replace(/\{\{(?:multiple ?issues|article ?issues|mi)\s*\|\s*(\{\{[^}]+\}\})\s*\}\}/im, '$1');
// avoid truncated summaries
if (summaryText.length > (254 - Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd').length)) {
summaryText = summaryText.replace(/\[\[[^|]+\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g, "$1");
pageobj.setEditSummary(summaryText + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
pageobj.save(function() {
// special functions for merge tags
if (params.mergeReason) {
// post the rationale on the talk page (only operates in main namespace)
var talkpageText = "\n\n== Proposed merge with [[" + params.nonDiscussArticle + "]] ==\n\n";
talkpageText += params.mergeReason.trim() + " ~~~~";
var talkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page("Talk:" + params.discussArticle, "Posting rationale on talk page");
talkpage.setEditSummary('Proposing to merge [[:' + params.nonDiscussArticle + ']] ' +
(params.mergeTag === 'Merge' ? 'with' : 'into') + ' [[:' + params.discussArticle + ']]' +
if (params.mergeTagOther) {
// tag the target page if requested
var otherTagName = "Merge";
if (params.mergeTag === 'Merge from') {
otherTagName = "Merge to";
} else if (params.mergeTag === 'Merge to') {
otherTagName = "Merge from";
var newParams = {
tags: [otherTagName],
mergeTarget: Morebits.pageNameNorm,
discussArticle: params.discussArticle,
talkDiscussionTitle: params.talkDiscussionTitle
var otherpage = new Morebits.wiki.page(params.mergeTarget, "Tagging other page (" +
params.mergeTarget + ")");
// post at WP:PNT for {{not English}} and {{rough translation}} tag
if (params.translationPostAtPNT) {
var pntPage = new Morebits.wiki.page('Wikipedia:Pages needing translation into English',
"Listing article at Wikipedia:Pages needing translation into English");
template: params.tags.indexOf('Rough translation') !== -1 ? "duflu" : "needtrans",
lang: params.translationLanguage,
reason: params.translationComments
if (params.translationNotify) {
pageobj.lookupCreator(function(innerPageobj) {
var initialContrib = innerPageobj.getCreator();
// Disallow warning yourself
if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
innerPageobj.getStatusElement().warn("You (" + initialContrib + ") created this page; skipping user notification");
var userTalkPage = new Morebits.wiki.page('User talk:' + initialContrib,
'Notifying initial contributor (' + initialContrib + ')');
var notifytext = "\n\n== Your article [[" + Morebits.pageNameNorm + "]]==\n" +
"{{subst:uw-notenglish|1=" + Morebits.pageNameNorm +
(params.translationPostAtPNT ? "" : "|nopnt=yes") + "}} ~~~~";
userTalkPage.setEditSummary("Notice: Please use English when contributing to the English Wikipedia." +
if( params.patrol ) {
* Removes the existing tags that were deselected (if any)
* Calls postRemoval() when done
var removeFromParamsToRemove = function mainRemoveTags() {
if(params.toRemove.length) {
Morebits.status.info( 'Info', 'Removing deselected tags that were already present' );
var pendingAsyncProcesses = 0;
* Removes a tag from the page text
* @param {string} tag
* @param {number} tagIndex - index `params.toRemove` array
var removeTag = function removeTag(tag, tagIndex) {
// Producing summary text for current tag removal
if ( tagIndex > 0 ) {
if( tagIndex === (params.toRemove.length - 1) ) {
summaryText += ' and';
} else if ( tagIndex < (params.toRemove.length - 1) ) {
summaryText += ',';
summaryText += ' {{[[Template:' + tag + '|' + tag + ']]}}';
var tag_re;
if (tag === 'Globalize') {
// special case to catch occurrences like {{Globalize/UK}}, etc
tag_re = new RegExp('\\{\\{[gG]lobalize/?[^}]*\\}\\}\\n?');
} else {
tag_re = new RegExp('\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]+)?\\}\\}\\n?');
if(tag_re.test(pageText)) {
pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re,'');
// if processing the last tag, and no API calls were ever made
if(tagIndex === params.toRemove.length - 1 &&
pendingAsyncProcesses === 0) {
} else {
// main template not found, so get list of redirects to template
pendingAsyncProcesses++; // increment count of pending async processes
var api = new Morebits.wiki.api("Getting template redirects", {
"action": "query",
"prop": "linkshere",
"titles": "Template:" + tag,
"lhnamespace": "10",
"lhshow": "redirect",
"lhlimit": "500"
}, function removeRedirectTag(apiobj) {
var redirs_xml = $(apiobj.responseXML).find('lh');
var removed = false;
$.each(redirs_xml, function (idx,el) {
tag = $(el).attr('title').slice(9);
tag_re = new RegExp('\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]*)?\\}\\}\\n?');
if(tag_re.test(pageText)) {
pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
removed = true;
return false; // break out of $.each
if (!removed) {
Morebits.status.warn('Info', 'Failed to find {{' +
tag + '}} on the page... excluding');
// this async process has finished, decrement count
// all tags have been removed if there are no pending async processes; proceed
if (pendingAsyncProcesses === 0) {
if(params.tags.length > 0) {
summaryText += ( tags.length ? (' tag' + ( tags.length > 1 ? 's' : '' )) : '' ) + ', and removed';
} else {
summaryText = 'Removed';
} else {
// finish summary text from adding of tags, in this case where there are
// no tags to be removed
summaryText += ' tag' + ( tags.length > 1 ? 's' : '' ) + ' to article';
// Executes first: addition of selected tags
if (params.tags.length) {
summaryText = 'Added';
var tagRe, tagText = '', tags = [], groupableTags = [], groupableExistingTags = [], totalTags;
* Updates `tagText` with the syntax of `tagName` template with its parameters
* @param {number} tagIndex
* @param {string} tagName
var addTag = function articleAddTag( tagIndex, tagName ) {
var currentTag = "";
if( tagName === 'Uncategorized' || tagName === 'Improve categories' ) {
pageText += '\n\n{{' + tagName + '|date={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}';
} else {
if( tagName === 'Globalize' ) {
currentTag += '{{' + params.globalize;
} else {
currentTag += ( Twinkle.tag.mode === 'redirect' ? '\n' : '' ) + '{{' + tagName;
if( tagName === 'Notability' && params.notability !== 'none' ) {
currentTag += '|' + params.notability;
// prompt for other parameters, based on the tag
switch( tagName ) {
case 'Cleanup':
currentTag += '|reason=' + params.cleanup;
case 'Close paraphrasing':
currentTag += '|source=' + params.closeParaphrasing;
case 'Copy edit':
if (params.copyEdit) {
currentTag += '|for=' + params.copyEdit;
case 'Copypaste':
if (params.copypaste) {
currentTag += '|url=' + params.copypaste;
case 'Expand language':
currentTag += '|topic=';
currentTag += '|langcode=' + params.expandLanguageLangCode;
if (params.expandLanguageArticle !== null) {
currentTag += '|otherarticle=' + params.expandLanguageArticle;
case 'Expert needed':
if (params.expertNeeded) {
currentTag += '|1=' + params.expertNeeded;
if (params.expertNeededTalk) {
currentTag += '|talk=' + params.expertNeededTalk;
if (params.expertNeededReason) {
currentTag += '|reason=' + params.expertNeededReason;
case 'News release':
currentTag += '|1=article';
case 'Not English':
case 'Rough translation':
if (params.translationLanguage) {
currentTag += '|1=' + params.translationLanguage;
if (params.translationPostAtPNT) {
currentTag += '|listed=yes';
case 'History merge':
currentTag += '|originalpage=' + params.histmergeOriginalPage;
if (params.histmergeReason) {
currentTag += '|reason=' + params.histmergeReason;
if (params.histmergeSysopDetails) {
currentTag += '|details=' + params.histmergeSysopDetails;
case 'Merge':
case 'Merge to':
case 'Merge from':
if (params.mergeTarget) {
// normalize the merge target for now and later
params.mergeTarget = Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(params.mergeTarget.replace(/_/g, ' '));
currentTag += '|' + params.mergeTarget;
// link to the correct section on the talk page, for article space only
if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0 && (params.mergeReason || params.discussArticle)) {
if (!params.discussArticle) {
// discussArticle is the article whose talk page will contain the discussion
params.discussArticle = (tagName === "merge to" ? params.mergeTarget : mw.config.get('wgTitle'));
// nonDiscussArticle is the article which won't have the discussion
params.nonDiscussArticle = (tagName === "merge to" ? mw.config.get('wgTitle') : params.mergeTarget);
params.talkDiscussionTitle = 'Proposed merge with ' + params.nonDiscussArticle;
currentTag += '|discuss=Talk:' + params.discussArticle + '#' + params.talkDiscussionTitle;
currentTag += '|date={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n';
tagText += currentTag;
if ( tagIndex > 0 ) {
if( tagIndex === (totalTags - 1) ) {
summaryText += ' and';
} else if ( tagIndex < (totalTags - 1) ) {
summaryText += ',';
summaryText += ' {{[[';
if( tagName === 'Globalize' ) {
summaryText += "Template:" + params.globalize + '|' + params.globalize;
} else {
// if it is a custom tag with a parameter
if( tagName.indexOf("|") !== -1 ) {
tagName = tagName.slice(0,tagName.indexOf("|"));
summaryText += (tagName.indexOf(":") !== -1 ? tagName : ("Template:" + tagName + "|" + tagName));
summaryText += ']]}}';
* Adds the tags which go outside {{multiple issues}}, either because
* these tags aren't supported in {{multiple issues}} or because
* {{multiple issues}} is not being added to the page at all
var addUngroupedTags = function() {
totalTags = tags.length;
$.each(tags, addTag);
// Smartly insert the new tags after any csd or prod templates
// or hatnotes; afd not yet supported since it places a comment
// not a template first. Regex is more complicated than it needs to be,
// which allows templates as parameters and to handle whitespace properly.
pageText = pageText.replace(/^\s*(?:((?:\s*\{\{\s*(?:db|delete|db-.*?|speedy deletion-.*?|(?:proposed deletion|prod blp)\/dated|about|correct title|dablink|distinguish|for|other\s?(?:hurricaneuses|people|persons|places|uses(?:of)?)|redirect(?:-acronym)?|see\s?(?:also|wiktionary)|selfref|the)\d*\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\})+(?:\s*\n)?)\s*)?/i,
"$1" + tagText);
// Separate tags into groupable ones (`groupableTags`) and non-groupable ones (`tags`)
params.tags.forEach(function(tag) {
tagRe = new RegExp( '\\{\\{' + tag + '(\\||\\}\\})', 'im' );
// regex check for preexistence of tag can be skipped if in untaggable mode
if( Twinkle.tag.untaggable || !tagRe.exec( pageText ) ) {
// condition Twinkle.tag.article.tags[tag] to ensure that its not a custom tag
// Custom tags are assumed non-groupable, since we don't know whether MI template supports them
if( Twinkle.tag.article.tags[tag] && Twinkle.tag.multipleIssuesExceptions.indexOf(tag) === -1 ) {
groupableTags.push( tag );
} else {
tags.push( tag );
} else {
if (tag === 'Merge from' || tag === 'History merge') {
tags.push( tag );
} else {
Morebits.status.warn( 'Info', 'Found {{' + tag +
'}} on the article already...excluding' );
// don't do anything else with merge tags
if ( ['Merge', 'Merge to'].indexOf(tag) !== -1 ) {
params.mergeTarget = params.mergeReason = params.mergeTagOther = null;
// To-be-retained existing tags that are groupable
if(params.toRemain) {
params.toRemain.forEach( function(tag) {
if(Twinkle.tag.multipleIssuesExceptions.indexOf(tag) === -1) {
var miTest = /\{\{(multiple ?issues|article ?issues|mi)(?!\s*\|\s*section\s*=)[^}]+\{/im.exec(pageText);
if( miTest && groupableTags.length > 0 ) {
Morebits.status.info( 'Info', 'Adding supported tags inside existing {{multiple issues}} tag' );
tagText = "";
totalTags = groupableTags.length;
$.each(groupableTags, addTag);
summaryText += ' tag' + ( groupableTags.length > 1 ? 's' : '' ) + ' (within {{[[Template:multiple issues|multiple issues]]}})';
if( tags.length > 0 ) {
summaryText += ', and';
var miRegex = new RegExp("(\\{\\{\\s*" + miTest[1] + "\\s*(?:\\|(?:\\{\\{[^{}]*\\}\\}|[^{}])*)?)\\}\\}\\s*", "im");
pageText = pageText.replace(miRegex, "$1" + tagText + "}}\n");
tagText = "";
} else if( params.group && !miTest && (groupableExistingTags.length + groupableTags.length) >= 2 ) {
Morebits.status.info( 'Info', 'Grouping supported tags inside {{multiple issues}}' );
tagText += '{{Multiple issues|\n';
* Adds newly added tags to MI
var addNewTagsToMI = function() {
totalTags = groupableTags.length;
$.each(groupableTags, addTag);
if (groupableTags.length) {
summaryText += ' tags (within {{[[Template:multiple issues|multiple issues]]}})';
} else {
summaryText += ' {{[[Template:multiple issues|multiple issues]]}}'
if( tags.length > 0 ) {
summaryText += ', and';
tagText += '}}\n';
if(params.toRemain && params.toRemain.length) {
* Given the index of the tag in the `groupableExistingTags` array,
* it repositions the tag on the page into {{multiple issues}}
* @param {number} tagIndex
var repositionTagIntoMI = function repositionTagIntoMI(tagIndex) {
var tag = groupableExistingTags[tagIndex];
if (tag === undefined) {
// all tags have been processed
var tag_re = new RegExp('(\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]+)?\\}\\}\\n?)');
if(tag_re.test(pageText)) {
tagText += tag_re.exec(pageText)[1];
pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
repositionTagIntoMI(tagIndex + 1);
} else {
var api = new Morebits.wiki.api("Getting template redirects", {
"action": "query",
"prop": "linkshere",
"titles": "Template:" + tag,
"lhnamespace": "10",
"lhshow": "redirect",
"lhlimit": "500"
}, function replaceRedirectTag(apiobj) {
var redirs_xml = $(apiobj.responseXML).find('lh');
$.each(redirs_xml, function (idx,el) {
tag = $(el).attr('title').slice(9);
tag_re = new RegExp('(\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]*)?\\}\\}\\n?)');
if(tag_re.test(pageText)) {
tagText += tag_re.exec(pageText)[1];
pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
repositionTagIntoMI(tagIndex + 1);
return false; // break out of $.each
// reposition first tag into MI, later tags are dealt with through
// recursive calls from within this
// When all are done, addNewTagsToMI() gets called
repositionTagIntoMI( 0 );
} else {
} else {
tags = tags.concat( groupableTags );
} else {
redirect: function redirect(pageobj) {
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters(),
pageText = pageobj.getPageText(),
tagRe, tagText = '', summaryText = 'Added',
tags = [], i;
for( i = 0; i < params.tags.length; i++ ) {
tagRe = new RegExp( '(\\{\\{' + params.tags[i] + '(\\||\\}\\}))', 'im' );
if( !tagRe.exec( pageText ) ) {
tags.push( params.tags[i] );
} else {
Morebits.status.warn( 'Info', 'Found {{' + params.tags[i] +
'}} on the redirect already...excluding' );
var addTag = function redirectAddTag( tagIndex, tagName ) {
tagText += "\n{{" + tagName;
if (tagName === 'R from alternative language') {
if(params.altLangFrom) {
tagText += '|from=' + params.altLangFrom;
if(params.altLangTo) {
tagText += '|to=' + params.altLangTo;
tagText += '}}';
if ( tagIndex > 0 ) {
if( tagIndex === (tags.length - 1) ) {
summaryText += ' and';
} else if ( tagIndex < (tags.length - 1) ) {
summaryText += ',';
summaryText += ' {{[[:' + (tagName.indexOf(":") !== -1 ? tagName : ("Template:" + tagName + "|" + tagName)) + ']]}}';
$.each(tags, addTag);
// Check for all Rcat shell redirects (from #433)
if (pageText.match(/{{(?:redr|this is a redirect|r(?:edirect)?(?:.?cat.*)?[ _]?sh)/i)) {
// Regex courtesy [[User:Kephir/gadgets/sagittarius.js]] at [[Special:PermaLink/831402893]]
var oldTags = pageText.match(/(\s*{{[A-Za-z ]+\|)((?:[^|{}]*|{{[^|}]*}})+)(}})\s*/i);
pageText = pageText.replace(oldTags[0], oldTags[1] + tagText + oldTags[2] + oldTags[3]);
} else {
// Fold any pre-existing Rcats into taglist and under Rcatshell
var pageTags = pageText.match(/\n{{R(?:edirect)? .*?}}/img);
var oldPageTags ='';
if (pageTags) {
pageTags.forEach(function(pageTag) {
var pageRe = new RegExp(pageTag, 'img');
pageText = pageText.replace(pageRe,'');
pageText += '\n{{Redirect category shell|' + tagText + oldPageTags + '\n}}';
summaryText += ( tags.length > 0 ? ' tag' + ( tags.length > 1 ? 's' : '' ) : '' ) + ' to redirect';
// avoid truncated summaries
if (summaryText.length > (254 - Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd').length)) {
summaryText = summaryText.replace(/\[\[[^|]+\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g, "$1");
pageobj.setEditSummary(summaryText + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
if( params.patrol ) {
translationListPage: function friendlytagCallbacksTranslationListPage(pageobj) {
var old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
var templateText = "{{subst:" + params.template + "|pg=" + Morebits.pageNameNorm + "|Language=" +
(params.lang || "uncertain") + "|Comments=" + params.reason.trim() + "}} ~~~~";
var text, summary;
if (params.template === "duflu") {
text = old_text + "\n\n" + templateText;
summary = "Translation cleanup requested on ";
} else {
text = old_text.replace(/\n+(==\s?Translated pages that could still use some cleanup\s?==)/,
"\n\n" + templateText + "\n\n$1");
summary = "Translation" + (params.lang ? (" from " + params.lang) : "") + " requested on ";
if (text === old_text) {
statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');
pageobj.setEditSummary(summary + " [[:" + Morebits.pageNameNorm + "]]" + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
file: function friendlytagCallbacksFile(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var summary = "Adding ";
// Add maintenance tags
if (params.tags.length) {
var tagtext = "", currentTag;
$.each(params.tags, function(k, tag) {
// when other commons-related tags are placed, remove "move to Commons" tag
if (["Keep local", "subst:ncd", "Do not move to Commons_reason", "Do not move to Commons",
"Now Commons"].indexOf(tag) !== -1) {
text = text.replace(/\{\{(mtc|(copy |move )?to ?commons|move to wikimedia commons|copy to wikimedia commons)[^}]*\}\}/gi, "");
currentTag = "{{" + (tag === "Do not move to Commons_reason" ? "Do not move to Commons" : tag);
switch (tag) {
case "subst:ncd":
if (params.ncdName !== "") currentTag += '|1=' + params.ncdName;
case "Keep local":
if (params.keeplocalName !== "") currentTag += '|1=' + params.keeplocalName;
case "Rename media":
if (params.renamemediaNewname !== "") currentTag += '|1=' + params.renamemediaNewname;
if (params.renamemediaReason !== "") currentTag += '|2=' + params.renamemediaReason;
case "Cleanup image":
currentTag += '|1=' + params.cleanupimageReason;
case "Cleanup SVG":
currentTag += '|1=' + params.cleanupsvgReason;
case "Image-Poor-Quality":
currentTag += '|1=' + params.ImagePoorQualityReason;
case "Low quality chem":
currentTag += '|1=' + params.lowQualityChemReason;
case "Vector version available":
text = text.replace(/\{\{((convert to |convertto|should be |shouldbe|to)?svg|badpng|vectorize)[^}]*\}\}/gi, "");
/* falls through */
case "PNG version available":
/* falls through */
case "Obsolete":
/* falls through */
case "Duplicate":
currentTag += "|1=" + params[tag.replace(/ /g,'_') + 'File'];
case "Do not move to Commons_reason":
currentTag += '|reason=' + params.DoNotMoveToCommons
case "subst:orfurrev":
//remove {{non-free reduce}} and redirects
text = text.replace(/\{\{\s*(Template\s*:\s*)?(Non-free reduce|FairUseReduce|Fairusereduce|Fair Use Reduce|Fair use reduce|Reduce size|Reduce|Fair-use reduce|Image-toobig|Comic-ovrsize-img|Non-free-reduce|Nfr|Smaller image|Nonfree reduce)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/ig, "");
currentTag += "|date={{subst:date}}";
case "Copy to Commons":
currentTag += "|human=" + mw.config.get("wgUserName");
case "Should be SVG":
currentTag += "|" + params.svgCategory;
break; // don't care
currentTag += "}}\n";
tagtext += currentTag;
summary += "{{" + tag + "}}, ";
if (!tagtext) {
pageobj.getStatusElement().warn("User canceled operation; nothing to do");
text = tagtext + text;
pageobj.setEditSummary(summary.substring(0, summary.length - 2) + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
if( params.patrol ) {
Twinkle.tag.callback.evaluate = function friendlytagCallbackEvaluate(e) {
var form = e.target;
var params = {};
if (form.patrolPage) {
params.patrol = form.patrolPage.checked;
params.tags = form.getChecked( Twinkle.tag.mode + 'Tags' );
// Save values of input fields into params object. This works as quickform input
// fields within subgroups of elements with name 'articleTags' (say) have their
// name attribute as 'articleTags.' + name of the subgroup element
var name_prefix = Twinkle.tag.mode + 'Tags.';
$(form).find("[name^='" + name_prefix + "']").each(function(idx,el) {
// el are the HTMLInputElements, el.name gives the name attribute
params[el.name.slice(name_prefix.length)] =
(el.type === 'checkbox' ? form[el.name].checked : form[el.name].value);
switch (Twinkle.tag.mode) {
case 'article':
params.toRemove = form.getUnchecked('alreadyPresentArticleTags') || []; // already present tags to remove
params.toRemain = form.getChecked('alreadyPresentArticleTags') || []; // already present tags to remain
params.group = form.group.checked;
// Validation
if ( (params.tags.indexOf("Merge") !== -1) || (params.tags.indexOf("Merge from") !== -1) ||
(params.tags.indexOf("Merge to") !== -1) ) {
if( ((params.tags.indexOf("Merge") !== -1) + (params.tags.indexOf("Merge from") !== -1) +
(params.tags.indexOf("Merge to") !== -1)) > 1 ) {
alert( 'Please select only one of {{merge}}, {{merge from}}, and {{merge to}}. If several merges are required, use {{merge}} and separate the article names with pipes (although in this case Twinkle cannot tag the other articles automatically).' );
if ( !params.mergeTarget ) {
alert( 'Please specify the title of the other article for use in the merge template.' );
if( (params.mergeTagOther || params.mergeReason) && params.mergeTarget.indexOf('|') !== -1 ) {
alert( 'Tagging multiple articles in a merge, and starting a discussion for multiple articles, is not supported at the moment. Please turn off "tag other article", and/or clear out the "reason" box, and try again.' );
if( (params.tags.indexOf("Not English") !== -1) && (params.tags.indexOf("Rough translation") !== -1) ) {
alert( 'Please select only one of {{not English}} and {{rough translation}}.' );
if( params.tags.indexOf('History merge') !== -1 && params.histmergeOriginalPage.trim() === '') {
alert( 'You must specify a page to be merged for the {{history merge}} tag.' );
if( params.tags.indexOf('Cleanup') !== -1 && params.cleanup.trim() === '') {
alert( 'You must specify a reason for the {{cleanup}} tag.' );
if( params.tags.indexOf('Expand language') !== -1 && params.expandLanguageLangCode.trim() === '') {
alert('You must specify language code for the {{expand language}} tag.');
case 'file':
if( (params.tags.indexOf('Cleanup image') !== -1 && params.cleanupimageReason === '') ||
(params.tags.indexOf('Cleanup svg') !== -1 && params.cleanupsvgReason === '') ) {
alert( 'You must specify a reason for the cleanup tag.' );
if( params.tags.indexOf('Image-Poor-Quality') !== -1 && params.ImagePoorQualityReason === '' ) {
alert('You must specify a reason for the {{Image-Poor-Quality}} tag');
if( params.tags.indexOf('Low Quality Chem') !== -1 && params.lowQualityChemReason === '' ) {
alert('You must specify a reason for the {{Low Quality Chem}} tag');
if( (params.tags.indexOf('Duplicate') !== -1 && params.DuplicateFile === '') ||
(params.tags.indexOf('Obsolete') !== -1 && params.ObsoleteFile === '') ||
(params.tags.indexOf('PNG version available') !== -1 && params.PNG_version_availableFile === '') ||
(params.tags.indexOf('Vector version available') !== -1 && params.Vector_version_availableFile === '')
) {
alert('You must specify the replacement file name for a tag in the Replacement tags list');
if( params.tags.indexOf('Do not move to Commons_reason') !== -1 && params.DoNotMoveToCommons === '' ) {
alert('You must specify a reason for the {{Do not move to Commons}} tag');
case 'redirect':
alert("Twinkle.tag: unknown mode " + Twinkle.tag.mode);
// File/redirect: return if no tags selected
// Article: return if no tag is selected and no already present tag is deselected
if( params.tags.length === 0 && (Twinkle.tag.mode !== 'article' || params.toRemove.length === 0)) {
alert( 'You must select at least one tag!' );
Morebits.simpleWindow.setButtonsEnabled( false );
Morebits.status.init( form );
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = Morebits.pageNameNorm;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "Tagging complete, reloading article in a few seconds";
if (Twinkle.tag.mode === 'redirect') {
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.followRedirect = false;
var wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(Morebits.pageNameNorm, "Tagging " + Twinkle.tag.mode);
switch (Twinkle.tag.mode) {
case 'article':
case 'redirect':
case 'file':
alert("Twinkle.tag: unknown mode " + Twinkle.tag.mode);
}, 1000);