#include <stdio.h> main() { char input[3000]; int n = 0; FILE *f; fgets(input, 2999, stdin); f = fopen("cs492a6.out", "a"); fprintf(f,"\n%s\n", input); fclose(f); f = fopen("token", "r"); fscanf(f, "%d", &n); fclose(f); f = fopen("token", "w"); fprintf(f, "%d", n+1); fclose(f); printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n"); printf("<html>\n<body>\n"); printf("<h1>Thank you!</h1>\n", input); printf("<p>You have the honor of being the <strong>%d</strong>th person to respond to my survey using the dropbox!</p>\n", n); printf("<p>Thank you for your participation. Your responses to the survey are much appreciated!</p>\n"); printf("<p>The final essay should be posted on my user page no later than March 27. Stay tuned!!!</p>"); printf("</body>\n</html>\n"); }