// <nowiki>
// twinkleoptions.js: personal Twinkle preferences file
// NOTE: The easiest way to change your Twinkle preferences is by using the
// Twinkle preferences panel, at [[Wikipedia:Twinkle/Preferences]].
// This file is AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. Any changes you make (aside from
// changing the configuration parameters in a valid-JavaScript way) will be
// overwritten the next time you click "save" in the Twinkle preferences
// panel. If modifying this file, make sure to use correct JavaScript.
window.Twinkle.prefs = {
"twinkle": {
"userTalkPageMode": "tab",
"dialogLargeFont": true,
"watchProdPages": false,
"logProdPages": true,
"prodLogPageName": "Logs/PROD",
"openTalkPage": [
"markRevertedPagesAsMinor": [
"confirmOnFluff": true,
"watchSpeedyPages": [
"notifyUserOnSpeedyDeletionNomination": [
"welcomeUserOnSpeedyDeletionNotification": [
"speedyWindowHeight": 560,
"logSpeedyNominations": true,
"speedyLogPageName": "Logs/CSD",
"noLogOnSpeedyNomination": [],
"unlinkNamespaces": [],
"customWarningList": [
"value": "db-afc-notice",
"label": "Warn of impending G13 deletion."
"xfdWatchPage": "yes",
"xfdWatchDiscussion": "yes",
"xfdWatchList": "yes",
"xfdWatchUser": "yes",
"speedyPromptOnG7": true
"friendly": {
"talkbackHeading": "Talkback from {{U|Technical 13}}",
"adminNoticeHeading": "Notice from {{U|Technical 13}}",
"mailHeading": "You've got mail from {{U|Technical 13}}!",
"topWelcomes": true,
"quickWelcomeTemplate": "Welcome-screen",
"customWelcomeList": [
"value": "W-screen",
"label": "{{W-screen}}: bouncy ball welcome"
//</nowiki> End of twinkleoptions.js