Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
importScript( 'User:TheDJ/inlinestylechecker.js' );

// window.wma_settings = {enabled:false}

mw.loader.load( '' ); // Backlink: [[User:Equazcion/ScriptInstaller.js]]
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// function localDeprecate(obj, key, val, msg, logName) {
// 	mw.notify( $.parseHTML('Your wiki Javascript will soon stop working because it is using the outdated '
// 		+ encodeURIComponent( key )
// 		+ '. You can report at the <a href="/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Interface_administrators%27_noticeboard/helpme&action=edit&section=new&preload=Wikipedia:Interface_administrators%27_noticeboard/deprecationsTemplate' 
// 			+ '&preloadparams%5b%5d='
// 			+ encodeURIComponent( mw.config.get('wgUserName') )
// 			+ '&preloadparams%5b%5d='
// 			+ encodeURIComponent( key )
// 			+ '&preloadparams%5b%5d='
// 			+ encodeURIComponent( msg )
// 			+ '&preloadparams%5b%5d='
// 			+ encodeURIComponent( mw.config.get('skin') )
// 			+ '">noticeboard</a> to request assistence.'), {
// 		autoHide: false,
// 		type: 'warn'
// 	} );
//     mw.log.deprecate( obj, key, val, msg, logName );
// }

// mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util', function() {
// 	localDeprecate( window, 'addPortletLink2', mw.util.addPortletLink, 'Use mw.util.addPortletLink instead' );
// 	addPortletLink2();
// })

$(function (){
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/* User:קיפודנחש/cat-a-lot.js */
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TwinkleConfig = {
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popupFixRedirs = true;
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// Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation popups
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// Adds a "Random template" link to the Navigation box
function addLinksInit() {
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  	importScript( 'User:TheDJ/signaturedetector.js' );
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$.when( mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.util' ] ), $.ready ).done( addLinksInit );

// importScript( 'User:TheDJ/flowidth.js' );
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mw.hook( 'codeEditor.configure' ).add( function(session) {
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// $( function() {
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// 		if('ignore-deprecatedJS') === true ){
// 			return;
// 		}
// 		var messageDialog = new OO.ui.MessageDialog();
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// 		var windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
// 		$( 'body' ).append( windowManager.$element );
// 		// Add the dialog to the window manager
// 		windowManager.addWindows( [ messageDialog ] );
// 		// Configure the message dialog when it is opened with the window manager’s openWindow() method.
// 		windowManager.openWindow( messageDialog, {
// 		  title: 'Deprecated Javascript in use !',
// 		  size: 'large',
// 		  message: 'Sorry for disturbing you. English Wikipedia is trying to make sure that everyone is using up to date Gadgets and userscripts. We detected that you are using a Javascript which might be problematic.<br> If you choose "Help me !", then you will automatically leave a message so that one of the developers can help you out with updating your scripts. When you dismiss, we will try not to bother you again !',
// 		  verbose: true,
// 		  actions: [
// 		    {
// 		      action: 'help',
// 		      label: 'Help me !',
// 		      flags: 'primary'
// 		    },
// 		    {
// 		      action: 'dismiss',
// 		      label: 'Dismiss',
// 		    }
// 		  ]
// 		} ).closed.then( function ( data ) {
// 			if ( data && data.action && data.action === 'help' ) {
// 				// Go make edit
// 				mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api.edit').done( function(){
// 					var api = new mw.Api();
// 					api.newSection( 'User:TheDJ/DeprecationLog', mw.config.get('wgUserName'), 'test' );
// 				});
// 			} else {
// 				// 'ignore-deprecatedJS', true);
// 			}
// 		} );
// 	} );	
// }

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// [[d:User:Yair rand/WikidataInfo.js]]
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mw.loader.load(''); //Linkback: [[User:Theopolisme/Scripts/adminhighlighter.js]] Added by Script installer
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// importScript('User:Doug Weller/vector.js'); //Linkback: [[User:Doug Weller/vector.js]] Added by Script installer
// importScript('User:PerfektesChaos/js/lintHint/r.js'); //Linkback: [[User:PerfektesChaos/js/lintHint/r.js]] Added by Script installer
// importScript('User:Reinischmax/IABooks.js'); //Linkback: [[User:Reinischmax/IABooks.js]] Added by Script installer
// importScript('User:PrimeHunter/Search sort.js'); //Linkback: [[User:PrimeHunter/Search sort.js]] Added by Script installer
// importScript('User:SD0001/dark-mode-toggle.js'); //Linkback: [[User:SD0001/dark-mode-toggle.js]] Added by Script installer

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