User:Topbanana/Reports/This may have a problem with a comma
editThe list below shows articles which contain a comma which is not followed by a space.It was generated on 13th December 2004 from the 26th November 2004 database dump.
editIn English, commas are always followed by spaces. Unless the articles below are using commas in some special way, they break this rule. Edit such articles and add spaces after the commas.
Regenerating this report
editThis report is generated from a Link Analysis Database using the SQL:
SELECT concat( '*[[', art.art_title, ']] - <nowiki>"', replace(mid( art_text, Locate( ' ,', art_text )-15, 30 ), '\n', ' '), '"</nowiki>' ) FROM art LEFT OUTER JOIN special_text ON Locate( ' ,', art_text ) BETWEEN start AND end AND special_text.art_id = art.art_id WHERE special_id IS NULL AND Locate( ' ,', art_text ) > 0
A number of variations on this are useful - replacing ' ,' with ',a' for example. The results may need split into subsections by hand. Excerpts from articles containing special characters may need edited by hand.
Suggested improvements
edit- Need to ignore commas in urls to external links.
editThis list only covers articles starting with a numeric character or alphabetics A through G to keep its size manageable while it's under development.
List removed, hideously out of date. - TB 17:58, 31 December 2005 (UTC)