Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
	url: '',
	dataType: 'script',
	cache: true
}).done(function () {
	// Underline
		id: "mw-customeditbutton-myspecialbutton",
		icon: "",
		label: 'Underline text',
		insertBefore: '<u>',
		insertAfter: '</u>',
		sampleText: 'Replace this with your text' 

	// Left align
		id: "mw-customeditbutton-myspecialbutton",
		icon: "",
		label: 'Left align',
		insertBefore: '<div style="text-align: left;">',
		insertAfter: '</div>',
		sampleText: 'Replace this with your text' // This only appers if you don't select text to be left aligned!

	// Center align
		id: 'mw-customeditbutton-anotherspecialbutton',
		icon: '',
		label: 'Center align',
		insertBefore: '<div style="text-align: center;">',
		insertAfter: '</div>',
		sampleText: 'Replace this with your text' // This only appers if you don't select text to be center aligned!
	// Justified
		id: 'mw-customeditbutton-anotherspecialbutton',
		icon: '',
		label: 'Justify',
		insertBefore: '<div style="text-align: justify;">',  
		insertAfter: '</div>',
		sampleText: 'Replace this with your text'

	// Right align
		id: 'mw-customeditbutton-anotherspecialbutton',
		icon: '',
		label: 'Right align',
		insertBefore: '<div style="text-align: right;">',  
		insertAfter: '</div>',
		sampleText: 'Replace this with your text' // This only appers if you don't select text to be right aligned!

	// Change color
		id: 'mw-customeditbutton-anotherspecialbutton',
		icon: '',
		label: 'Change color',
		insertBefore: '<span style="color:Red">',  
		insertAfter: '</span>',
		sampleText: 'Your colored text! Change color name with yours Defaults to red!'
