User:Wfstechnology/Subsea Internet of Things

Subsea Internet of Things (SIoT): is a network of smart, wireless sensors and devices configured to provide actionable operational intelligence such as performance, condition and diagnostic information. [Cloud computing] technologies are also part of the SIoT paradigm and can be seen from two perspectives. Internet centric and 'Thing' centric[1]. Internet services are heavily involved in the internet centric architecture whilst at the same time [smart devices] will contribute data.

SIoT is coined from the term [The Internet of Things] (IoT). The fundamental differences between SIoT and IoT is the use of smart devices and wireless sensor networks in the subsea environment and also focuses on data harvesting and transfer through the water-air boundary. The monitoring of underwater scenarios is one of the most challenging activities in the field of sensing in harsh environments[2] The primary application for SIoT

Smart connectivity with networks and context aware compulation using network resources is and indispensable part of (Iot)[1] and equally import when looking at SioT.


  1. ^ a b Gubbi, Jayavardhana; Buyya, Rajkumar; Palaniswami, Marimuthu. "Internet of Things (IoT): A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Decisions". Department of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne, Vic - 3010: 1–19.
  2. ^ Magagni, L; Sergio, M; Nicolini, M; Gennaretti, D; Canegallo, R; Guerrieri, R (2005). "A smart node architecture for underwater monitoring of sensor networks". Elsevier: 290–296.