Hey Spooky Two, here is what I would like posted on the Aus Nation recruitmemt thread please, and thanks in advance!:

Why are you interested in joining Aus Nation?: I am interested because I have been part of Aus Nation for a while and decided now was the time I went for general. Please remember this is Spooky Two posting for anterior2

Please list your accounts original name and display name: I am f2p so my display name is the same as my username, It is Anterior2

How long have you been apart of Aus Nation, or is this your first experience?: I have been part of Aus Nation for a year (maybe a bit less)

What type of personality do you believe you possess?: A good one, helpful, never hateful

Are you willing to help other players in-game?: Yes, definately.

What are you most proud of in-game?: Completing all f2p quests and being able to kill a cockroach soldier, and lvl 50 defence and of course being part of Aus Nation

What do you believe your greatest achievement is in-game?: I just listed some above, possibly completing all f2p quests.

Have you obtained any level 99 skills or the Quest Points cape?: No, but I am ranked on highscores for two stats.

How did you find out about Aus Nation?: My old clan was dead so I asked in Mod mmg's clan chat "does any1 know a good Australian clan" and someone pm-ed back saying "Aus_Nation"

There’s something strange, in the neighbourhood! Who you gonna call?: Definately not ghostbusters lol!

What are your ‘end-game’ goals and items you wish to achieve?: P-hat, and being part of an epic clan war where we pwn Aus Freedom!

Will you do your best to follow the Aus Nation and Jagex rules?: Yes

Anything extra you would like to add, feel free!: I think I have shown how dedicated I am so far, also, how-about more f2p clan wars against other Aussie clans?

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