Problematic editing


Please don't submit unsourced content as you've done here. Content must be supported by reliable published sources with established reputations for fact-checking and accuracy. Please see WP:ICTF#Guidelines on sources for a general list of sources that are considered reliable and unreliable. Additionally, I've noticed other editing issues. Please don't write IN ALL CAPS or in oTHERWiSE InCORRECT TypOGRAPHY. We have a basic editing standard that content must be written in a professional style and tone. Please don't add your personal observations as you've done here and here, and we're not interested in subjective declarations of success like here where you declare a film a "hit" at the box office. We're not here to sell tickets or to otherwise gush over films. We deal in objective data, like properly sourced financial figures. Lastly, please don't mark edits as minor unless they are cosmetic changes, like typo fixes, grammar fixes, changing case, adding punctuation, etc. Please see WP:MINOR for more details. Thank you. Cyphoidbomb (talk) 14:26, 16 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

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